But I don’t know how to ride a bike!

Adam waited outside a huge gate. He looked slightly impatient as he stood there. A few minutes passed before a long bell rang and the whole street was filled with kids of different sizes in no time.

Adam looked around eagerly before his eyes landed on a little guy stumbling with his huge bag.

Adam went ahead and took the bag from his hands in one easy tug while the little guy looked up confused for a second before his lips spread all the way to his ears.

"Adam," Akil exclaimed opening his arms wide open excitedly.

Adam just chuckled and lifted the little guy off the floor and into his embrace, "Hey, bud. How have you been? How was school?"

Akil did not really answer but instead wrapped his little hands around Adam's neck tightly and said, "I missed you…" His voice was low and shy as they whispered but then you can't really miss the joy in them.