And whose fault is that?

Charan, at last, finished saying in detail what had happened in the past two days…

It was pretty late at night… they were at Shreya's apartment. Given the circumstances, none of them wanted to be away. And anyway, he still had two weeks of his leave pending…

It took everything in Charan to just pull Shreya out of Akira's room as she slept. Shreya had barely trailed her eyes away from Akira all day long. He coaxed Shreya like coaxing a baby to get his toy car away from him… and he also felt it probably would have been easier to do that than to bring Shreya away from Akira at some point in time today.

And as soon as they came back to her room and her mind started working, the first thing she asked was what happened. After all, Shreya was attached to them like glue all day long without really getting any opportunity to inspect and keep herself informed of what had happened on the island in the last few days.