Is Shreya okay? She is acting weird!!

The sun was still not up… it was just that time of the day when no living soul would be awake. And car zoomed through such road and came to a stop only when they reached the parking lot of Shreya's apartment.

Srinivas still diligently escorted Shreya back to her apartment doors before going out.

Shreya made sure that Srinivas was out of sight before going back down and took out her bike. It came alive as she pressed her thumbprint and vroomed loudly in that silent night.

She did not even bother to put on her helmet as she zoomed out of the parking lot and wandered around aimlessly on the deserted streets.

Her emotions were not stable at the moment. In fact, they were as erratic as they had ever been in all these years after she had lost her parents.

She was holding on to a very thin thread of control she was afraid she was going to lose.