I am not an idiot!

Even though Shreya extended the file towards Charan, she did not let it go…

She stood there hesitating for a long while. She looked entangled.

"What is it?" Charan asked confused. Between the two of them, Shreya had always been straightforward and bold. So, he was surprised to see this kind of expression on her face. She almost looked guilty.

"I don't know if this counts as a promise… I don't know if this was what you meant. But this was something I did a while back… and I did not mean any disrespect when I did this… I just… This just gave me peace of mind. I did not do this for anybody's sake but for myself… selfishly. So, I will apologize if you feel offended by it."

Charan gave her a peculiar look before giving his attention to the file in front of him. He carefully went through the papers and his eyes widened inexplicably.

It was the papers to the creation of a trust fund whose sole beneficiary was Akira.