You are ‘my idiot’

"You know… if you- the Shreya Srivastav, had failed your dad… nobody in this country can ever say they had lived up to their parents' expectations!!" Charan said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice…

Shreya stared at him bewildered for a second. She was so deep in her thoughts that it took her a minute to even realize that Charan was teasing her.

"I am being serious here…" Shreya said frowning.

"I am too… I meant every word of it!" Charan reverted back.

Shreya could help but give a sardonic look as she stared at him.

"You should be in my shoes to actually know how idiotic you sound! Do you even hear yourself… how much crap you are talking about!?" Charan said rolling his eyes. The mockery in his eyes was pretty evident.