What did you do to Shreya?

Shreya went to Charan's parents' place for dinner that day. When Charan picked her up from her office, they went straight to his house. As soon as she came in the whole house light up and getting lively.

Mostly, Shreya and Bharath kept bickering for the whole night.

That was of course until Adam and Preethi came back… As soon as Preethi came in, Shreya became a very obedient person. Even when Charan found it odd, he did not question it at that time. And with Akil, Bharath and Akira around, none of the others noticed her apparent change. Or that was what Charan thought.

"What did you do to Shreya? Why does she look, for lack of a better word, scared of you in the reception?" Adam asked suddenly remembering what happened at the dinner just now.