Show me your IDs…

The adrenaline had been keeping Shreya going so far. With imminent danger, she was forced to keeping her head straight and focus on keeping herself calm. That was the only way to be safe and alive until help came.

But when she no longer has to hold herself up, she did not know where the tears came from… they just stumbled down her eyes and streaked down her cheeks.

"It's okay… it's okay. She is going to be alright! She is going to be alright!" She kept mumbling to herself. As she said at least a dozen guys rope down from the helicopter.

About five people made their way towards Shreya while the others spread around to form a perimeter around them making sure they would not have any unexpected surprises.

Just as the guys came within a few feet of Sherya, she got out of her trance and stood up. You can see her vigilance was back on as she pointed the gun towards them while wiping away her tears forcefully on one hand.