Zee, drive straight at him!

"Why would they need a mechanic to kidnap… even if it is not the whole crew, why did they need these particular people?" Shreya wondered out loud.

"Maybe they were not part of Naren's crew. Maybe they are doing something else…" Zeenath pitched in.

"No… This is Naren. I can feel it in my gut. I just don't know what he is planning!! A mechanic??" Shreya mumbled under her breath.

One mechanic? 5 Thieves? NO matter how much she thought about it, it did not make sense until she heard a pop sound from the hood of her car followed by smoke.

Zeenath slammed on the brakes shocked. But the car never stopped. It did not even screech as it rushed forward as if Zeenath never ever pressed on the brakes.

"Shreya, they must have planted something in the car. The brakes are not working anymore… they should have blown up the brake cylinder! We are trapped!" Zeenath exclaimed panicked as she maneuvered the car from toppling over.