Ram is mine to deal with.

Zack stayed back in the hospital as everyone else disbursed to do as Anand said. Zack just had a hunch that Anand had something to ask him in private.

Just as everyone cleared, Anand stood up from his place and faced Zack looking extremely grave as he asked, "You tell me exactly how the car accident happened?"

Zack explained as detailed as he could. Given the sensitivity of the accident, he did not let the police examine the car directly. He let his own team examine them first and give the report to the police. And because of all the pressure from above, the lead detective of the case couldn't help grumble but accepted it. The bottom line was someone tampered with the brakes of the car and they knew exactly what they were doing.

But given those people had worked in a garage, Zack was not surprised. More than that, he was more concerned about who was behind it rather than how it had happened.

"We have a mole!" Anand answered looking graver than before.