Shreya started lamenting utter nonsense after a while.

Shreya blinked her eyes open when she heard soft sobs. She got up leaning on her uninjured hand and looked around confused for a second. It took her a minute to realize that she was in a hospital. Her head hurt like hell.

But before she could really do anything at all, a soft bundle of fresh landed over her body crushing her in a hug… a hug that was painful for Shreya. She had bumps and bruises all over her body.

"Hiss…" Shreya couldn't help but let out a groan. More than being painful, the pain just came when she was not prepared for it. Or else, Shreya actually had a pretty good resilience to pain.

"Akira, Shreya is hurt… you are hurting her!" Bharath told her from behind having an anxious face.

Akira instantly pulled away with watery eyes and looked at Shreya terrified as she said, "Sorry… sorry. I did not mean it…"

"It's okay. I am alright…" Shreya said smiling at Akira.