Did you guess it already?

"What did you guys find?" Shreya asked seriously, no longer fooling around.

Zack connected his phone to the system and sat back on the chair facing Shreya.

Shreya obviously had her headphones on as she conversed. But her voice remained very small since she did not want to wake Akira up.

"Did you see the news?" Zack asked a question of his own settling down, instead of answering hers.

"Yes… just. This is not done yet… We are still in the middle of the mess. It is not just Naren… he does not have the power to influence the police anymore!" Shreya analyzed.

"I know… Your uncle asked us to investigate the whereabouts of Ram Srivastav in the past few months…" Zack answered as Pritham sent Shreya some emails over.

Shreya tapped away and opened her emails.

But her face was ice-cold as soon as Zack mentioned Ram Srivastav…