Okay, then I am going to go with you…

Even though Charan was able to relate to it, he never fully understand… the way Shreya had reacted when they came back from the island. He had been patient with her because he could not see her suffer.

But today… he truly understood what she went through…

The nerve clenching dread, the despair, and the utter helplessness of the situation… the fact that you can do absolutely nothing but to just wait until you hear from them.

Even when every passing minute feels like torture, all you can do is summon the patience and wait until you can actually see them in front of your eyes.

And the knee-jerking relief you feel when you can, at last, hold them… But then the very next second, the absolute terror that eats your heart making you question yourself if they were really in your arms or maybe they were deluding themselves because you have had countless such hallucinations when you were waiting.