how is it fair??

Shreya carefully got out of her bed and walked out after making sure Akira was fast asleep. But just as she walked out of her room, she was met with Charan sitting there on the couch… he looked like he was waiting for her.

She couldn't help stop on her track looking guilty. But then she put up a smile and asked, "You… you did not sleep yet?" Shreya's voice slightly stammered because of embarrassment.

"You are going out somewhere?" Charan asked with a straight voice. His voice did not seem angry or anything… but more resigned.

Shreya blushed but still nodded her head.

Right then Srinivas called her. Shreya stared at her phone and then at Charan for a minute.

It was not like she can take Charan to jail… so, she was torn. She had promised him to let him be with her all the time until this was all over but she was breaking it by sneaking out in the middle of the night the very first day which was not nice.