I won’t ‘get in the way

Shreya's people got to work pretty quickly and their efficiency was top notch. While Shreya was bickering with Charan on a daily basis, the outside world was going bonkers.

Yash never even got the chance to breathe. That very morning she went to meet Abishek, Shreya made her first attack. She did not really bother hiding herself this time around. Nor did she trust the legal system.

She straight up took control of the media and released everything to the public.

When the economic crisis was happening, she took advantage of some higher management people falling and took control of a couple of media houses in the country. They were not huge… but then she took over a couple at a time… All of them were local news outlets that have a far reach in each of their own states. She did not touch the national outlets. Taking over something like that took a lot of effort and also would give her a lot of publicity… and Shreya wanted to establish this under the radar.