Are you sure you want to do this, Shreya?

"Of all the freaking days in the year, why do you have to do this today?" Shreya asked frustrated to no one in particular as she stood there in an abandoned construction site just outside the city.

They had been waiting for Delaney to make a move for a few weeks now but then she had to try to escape today of all the days. Shreya really wished she could really punch her in the face right about now.

They had lured her to one of their sites. Anyways, with Shreya's resources in the city, it was not like Delaney had much choice. If Shreya itself did not want her to escape, she probably wouldn't have ever gotten out of the captivity they were keeping her in.

Shreya just needed to confirm and say something to Delaney before she goes… she wanted her to understand she might not get another chance like this.

Anyways, Shreya started expanding in T country.