She said ‘yes’- The end.

Shreya recounted everything she had done with her parents here… she told Akira about all the fun they had with them playing around since young to big… Her voice was gentle but also animated as she told Akira with great detail.

Akira listened to her eagerly and giggled away at some of the antics.

Once Shreya was done, both of them stayed silent. Shreya had a long thinking face…

"Is something wrong?" Akira asked. She looked slightly nervous when she asked that. Because the last time they both met alone like this, Shreya stopped coming around for a long time.

"Nothing is the wrong baby. I am just thinking about my parents…" Shreya said honestly.

"They will be fine as long as you are happy…" Akira said with great wisdom.

"I know, baby. I am extremely happy whenever I am with you and your dad…" Shreya answered smiling at Akira.

Akira couldn't resist beaming at her.