Chapter 33 - Negi Past 2

Not long, Asuna also transfered from Evangeline underground room, and appeared in a very tall tower with a bridge made of stone without a handle that connects to a tubular building much larger than the tower where she currently is.

"Finally Asuna has came too," Yue said. "I've waited quite long for you."

"Yuechii," Asuna said. "Where are we?"

"Evangeline magical villa," Yue said. "This is the place where Negi-sensei was trained by Evangeline and Shirou-kun."

"So this is the place they were practice," Asuna said.

"Correct," Yue said. "And the most interesting thing about this magical villa is, the time here is flowing faster than the outside."

"What do you mean, Yue?" Asuna asked, somewhat confused by Yue's words.

"What I mean is," Yue answered. "One day inside this villa, is equivalent to one hour outside the villa."

"I still don't really understand by what you explained to me," Asuna said. "But maybe Yue mean is the time in here goes faster than the outside?"

"Something like that," Yue said.

"Then where are the others now?" Asuna asked.

"They are all in the spacious courtyard not far from here," Yue replied. "Watching Negi-Sensei sparring with Shirou-kun."


"Chi-Chizu-nee!" Natsumi shouted.

"Natsumi," Chizuru said. "Why are you screaming like that? Have you finished wipe down the body of that little dog? "

"I wipe down that little dog body," Natsumi said, trembling slightly. "But."

"What's wrong with the dog?" Chizuru asked.

"That little dog suddenly turned into a little kid who have the same age as Negi-sensei, and he had a dog's ears and tail." Natsumi answered.

Hearing Natsumi's words, Chizuru who was cooking in the kitchen became curious and then went to the living room, where Natsumi was wipe down the dog body.

and when she saw was a child with a dog's ear and tail lying in front of Natsumi. Chizuru can only say.

"Ara ara, apparently Natsumi's words are really true."


Asuna saw Negi fighting with her crush, when she arrived at the large courtyard, the place where both of them are fighting. Negi fights using martial arts that he learned from Gu Fei and Shirou with his close combat skill. while Shirou who usually used wooden swords or Kanshou and Bakuya to fight, this time he did not use any weapons.

Shirou easily dodged and held back every blow and magic that Negi directed at him, even he do that like he was not trying at all. While Negi looked very exhausted because he had been attacking Shirou with all his might, but all his efforts were in vain because Shirou's ability was far above Negi.

"We will end this training session," Shirou said. "Your progress is quite good, Negi."

"Hah, hah, thank you Shirou-nii," Negi said. "But I still can't hit Shirou-nii though!"

"That's because you lacks of experience," Shirou said. "If your experience and abilities are enough, maybe you can defeat me."


"Haaaaaah," Evangeline said. "Why did you all come to my villa!"

Evangeline who is not too fond of crowd is annoyed because there are 10 additional people who enter her villa.

"Because we curious about what Shirou-kun is doing," Konoka said. "That's why we followed Shirou-kun, Negi-kun and Rin-san. Although Shirou-kun didn't look surprised at all."

"That's because Shirou already knows that the ten of you following us," Rin said. "Shirou perception ability is extraodinary, because of it he can feel all of your aura."

"Shirou-kun perception ability is like a veteran warrior aru ," Gu Fei said.

"I'm a little ashamed to admit it," Saber said. "But Gu Fei-san's words are true."

Hearing the girls' words about him, Shirou cannot speak at all. His sense of smell and perception ability is really not normal.


While Shirou and Negi were resting and the other girls asked many questions, to Rin and Evangeline. Kazumi approached Shirou and Negi with something that had haunted him for some time.

Seeing Kazumi walking towards the two of them, Shirou was somewhat confused why Kazumi did not join in chatting with the other girls and instead approached the two of them.

"Asakura-san," Shirou said. "You're not chatting with the others?"

"No Shirou-kun," Kazumi said. "Because I have something I want to discuss with Negi-Sensei. That's why I choose to be here."

"Asakura-san," Negi said. "Is there something you want to discuss with me?"

"Yeah, Negi-sensei," Asakura said. "At that time Negi-sensei once said that sensei had met with Thousand Master, your father. Can you tell me when and how you met your father? I was really curious about it!"

"Eh, Asakura-san wants to know when I met my father?" Negi said in surprise.

"Actually, I'm also curious about that Negi," Shirou said. "About your meeting with our father."

"We also want to know!" Said the other girls who suddenly appeared behind Kazumi.

"Uwaaa!" said Kazumi. "You all surprised me!"


"All right," Negi said. "I'll tell you everything about my meeting with my father Thousand Master 6 years ago."

"Wait a minute, boy," Evangeline said. "Use this tool so you can describe your meeting with Thousand Masters more clearly!"

Evangeline takes out something from her shirt pocket and throws it at Negi.

Negi catches an object thrown by Evangeline and Negi sees a greenish marble in his hand.

"The object in your hand is a super-rare magic tool that can project one's memories," Evangeline said. "With that magic tool everyone in here can more clearly listen to your story."

Negi felt happy about Evangeline's concern for him.

"Thank you Evangeline-san," Negi said.

"Don't talk too much kid!" Said Evangeline. "Just start your story."

Negi nodded and then channeled his magic energy into the magic tool in his right hand. And the surrounding area began to shine brightly, the projection of the memories of Negi's past finally began.


In a small village in Wales, Great Britain.

"Nekane Onee-san is true that I can never met my father?" Negi asked.

"That's right Negi," said Nekane. "Your father is already dead and you will never be able to see him again."

(Nekane Springfield is Negi older cousin)

"Then Nekane Onee-chan, if you or I in danger will father come to help me?" Negi asked.

"Uum," said Nekane. "Maybe,"

"You stupid!" Anya said.

(Anya Kokorova is Negi's childhood friend.)

"We won't be able to meet someone who is dead!"

"Ah, Anya, good evening," Said Nekane.

"Yes you can!" Negi said.

"You are really stupid!" Anya said. "If you can't, then you can't, why you must be so stubborn!"


Negi who does not have parents, grew up well with the help of his father's family. Especially Nekane Springfield, his cousin, who spoiled Negi a lot. But even though he does not feel lonely or lack of love from those around him. Negi still longs for the love of a parents.

Therefore Negi came to think, if he was in danger, then maybe his father would come to help him.

Because of that thought, Negi began to do many things, which were quite dangerous.

"Father!" said Nekane who ran hurriedly into Negi's room. "You said that Negi was drowned is that true?"

"Ah, Nekane," said his father. "Negi is okay, he just has a fever."

"He was really naughty like his father when he was a little."

"Jumping from a tree, disturbing a dogs, this kid is too active. "

"Negi, why did you do that!" Nekane said to Negi who was lying on the bed.

"But Nekane-Onee-san," Negi said. "You said that if I was in danger Dad would come to help me."

"You fool, Negi!" Nekane said with tears flowing. "Don't do that again! Please."

"Onee-chan," Negi said. "I won't do things like that again, so please don't cry anymore."


"Apparently you've been a fool from childhood, boy." said Evangeline after seeing Negi's determination to do dangerous things.

"I cannot defend you in this case Negi." Shirou said.

Negi bows his head because of comments from Shirou and Evangeline. He really felt depressed because of their words.

"You two stop commenting!" said Asuna. "And let Negi continue the story!"


"Today Nekane Onee-chan will come," Negi said. "I have to hurry home!"

Negi ran to the village where he lived, after he finished fishing in the lake. But from a distance Negi could see that the village where he lived was currently engulfed in flames.

"Why the village is burning?" Negi said. "Nekane Onee-chan!"

Negi ran faster because he was worried about his cousin, and when he got to the village, he saw his uncle and the entire village had turned into a stone.

Negi then cried because he did not know what to do, the village where he lived was on fire and there were even so many monsters and demons roaming in the village. Negi starts to think that everything that happens in the village today is his fault, because he has the thought that if he is in danger then his father will come to help him.

When Negi had stopped crying, a lot of demon appeared in front of him and one large demon steered his large fist towards Negi. And when Negi about to gets a hit by that demon. Thousand masters appeared before Negi defend the blow from the demon.

"D-Dad?" Negi said.

Author Note: Cliffhanger Support me on