Chapter 38 - Mahora Festival Arc 1

Nekane Springfield was feel do happy when she woke up this morning, because today a letter from Negi, her younger cousin will be come. So she woke up very early and left her house to check the mailbox in case the letter from Negi had arrived earlier.

"Fufufufu," said Nekane. "The letter from Negi-kun has really arrived!"

When Nekane opened her mailbox, exacltly like she want, a letter from Negi had arrived and Nekane was really eager to read the contents of the letter.

When Nekane opened the letter Negi's projection appeared and Negi began to speak.

"Nekane-Onee-chan how are you? I have lived in Japan for several months now and I still cannot carry out my duties properly as a teacher, but all my students and other teachers always helping and support me so I am getting better at my work!"

"Well, thank God Negi is fine!" Said Nekane, who was happy seeing Negi.

"I currently live in the Emiya Residence, the Emiya family are kind enough to accommodate me in their home."

"Emiya?" Said Nekane. "Isn't that the name of Mikoto-san family, Uncle Nagi's partner, when Uncle Nagi worked at AAA? Mikoto-san's family is really good they accommodating Negi at Japan."

"I'm going back to Wales for the summer holidays, I really can't wait to meet Onee-chan again!"

"Aiih Negi," said Nekane with a red face, "I really didn't expect Negi to miss me like that!"

"Please say hello to Anya, I really miss her! Because she is the most important person to me in this world, I hope that this summer's vacation, I can express my feelings to her. I also have a new friend and a brother who is always ready to help me! See you later Onee-chan I will tell you more in my next letter! "

The projections from Negi stopped and the letter held by Nekane actually became damaged and almost torn because it was held so hard by her.

"Aaaaaaarrrgh!" Nekane said while gritting her teeth. "How dare Anya try to seduce my Negi! if she comes back home from London I will 'talk nicely' to Anya! "

Nekane Springfield, a girl in her 20s, was an older sister who really liked her younger brother, Negi. In other words Nekane is a true Brocon! And she was determined in her heart not to allow any girl to approach her lovely younger brother Negi. Because for Nekane, only she who deserves to love Negi.


Shirou, Negi and Rin, Sakura, Luvia, Saber accompanied by Asuna and Konoka as well as Setsuna walked casually towards school. Because they all left early. But even though they left early in the morning the main road to Mahora Gakuen was already filled with a large number of people.

"Shirou-Nii-chan! Negi!" Kotaro said calling Shirou and Negi from the front.

"Oh, Kotaro," Negi said. "Why are you wearing that uniform?"

"I already transferred to schools here!" Kotaro said.

"Eeeh!" Negi said. "I don't know about that!"

"Yesterday, Headmaster informed us via e-mail," Shirou said. "Are you didn't read the e-mail on your cellphone?"

"Ah," Negi said, his face flushed with embarrassment. "I forgot!"

"So Kotaro, where do you currently live?" Shirou asked.

"Last night I slept in Ayaka-Nee-san apartment!" Kotaro answered. "And this afternoon I intend to find a place to live alone!"

"Live alone!" Negi said. "You are truly independent, huh!"

"Ara ara ara," Chizuru said. "I didn't allow that!Kotaro-chan can only live with me. "

Chizuru Naba suddenly appeared from behind Kotaro along with Natsumi and Chizuru immediately grabbed Kotaro's head very hard making Kotaro feel pain.

"Chi-Chizu-Nee!" Kotaro said. "Don't hold my head so hard!"

"Shirou-kun and Negi-Sensei know Kotaro-chan, huh?" Chizuru asked.

"Yeah," Shirou and Negi said.

"Kotaro-chan is an orphan, I'm really concerned about him!" Chizuru said while putting Kotaro's face against her chest.

"Chizu-Nee stop it!" Kotaro said with blood dripping from the nose. "Shirou-Nii-san and Negi are watching us, I'm so embarrassed you know!"

Chizuru ignored Kotaro's words and said.

"That's why I will raise Kotaro-chan, until he grows up!"

"Chizu-Nee, please!" Kotaro said.

"Naba's motherhood is a bit excessive," Rin said. "In accordance with her ideals who want to become a kindergarten teacher."

"Naba regards Kotaro as a kindergarten child," Asuna said.

"Well Naba was always like that," Saber said. "Someone who really loves children."

"Have you known Naba from little, Saber?" Shirou asked.

"I'm the eldest daughter of the Yukihiro family," Saber answered. "The Naba family is a large clan that has a large wealth equivalent to the Yukihiro family plus our family relationship is close so I already know her from my childhood."

"All of you if you keep talking like that, we can all be late to class, you know!" Rin said

"Ah, that's right!" Shirou said.

"We can be late!" Negi said, looking panicked.

they all ended up having to run to school because they were really late due to too long talking.


Mana Tatsumiya or Arcana Mana is a half-demon and half human who spent her whole life being a sniper and mercenary on the battlefield. Her exceptional vision and reflexes make her a sniper who is feared by friends and foes. And when she does her job as a sniper, Mana turns into someone who is cold-blooded monstet and who doesn't care about anything.

What made Mana still have sane mind and cheerful attitude while she was on the battlefield was a Magister Magi, who was her pactio partner. Unfortunately her partner died on the battlefield due to saving Mana from enemy attacks. Mana with extreme anger and resentment shoots the enemy who killed her partner. Mana managed to avenge her partner but Mana did not feel happy at all even though she had defeated her enemy.

Mana finally decided to stop fighting on the battlefield and choose to live normally to honor the last message from her partner. Although Mana occasionally still takes the mission to become a bodyguard or eradicate a demon to finance her life.

At Mahora she lived a peaceful life. Her longing to her partner got a little relieved because the face of triatlhon club chairman that she joined was really similar to her partner. But for Mana the chairman of the triatlhon club in the end was only a pseudo shadow and did not really satisfy her heart.

But everything changed when she was on a Study Tour to Kyoto. When Mana was asked for help by one of her friends. In a large temple that located in one of the big mountains of Kyoto, Mana is carrying out a demon eradication mission. Just like she used to do at Mahora together with her partner in eradicating demon Setsuna. When Mana was almost done doing her work she saw something amazing before her eyes.

Mana has saw a white-haired man who has brown skin and have a body that taller than her. Who was fighting fiercely against a white-haired and cold-looking young man.

The white-haired young man she saw clearly had greater strength than the man that taller than her. But the brown skin man could easily fight toe to toe with the white-haired young man.

Archer is a nickname she hear that was said by Rin Tohsaka her classmate, when Rin greeted the brown skin man. That name was immediately implanted in Mana most important memory.

Mana's heart was flutter when she saw the battle between Archer against the white-haired youth was Archer's way of fighting which, although it looked like it was full of opening, it could fool the opponent.

Mana really feels amazed at the way Archer fighting that looks crazy but very effective for dealing with opponents who are much stronger. It had been a long time since she felt the pounding in her heart.

Mana really want to know everything about Archer. She want to know who exactly the mysterious man with extraordinary fighting ability named Archer. And for that matter Mana Tatsumiya will do anything.


   Class 3-a was really in the chaotic situation that morning, when Negi and Shirou entered the class together. The classroom turned into a bar that offering drinks and a variety of services including ecchi services.

Ayaka explained that for the festival class 3-a will open a maid cafe. But because Ayaka was a girl who have innocent mind and she was completely unaware that she had been cheated by her classmate.

Shirou, Negi and the girls who were with them intended to leave the classroom immediately after seeing a strange sight in front of them. But their classmates moved one step faster. The girls who were with Shirou namely Rin, Sakura, Saber, Luvia, Asuna and Konoka were forced to wear different maid costumes. And all the costumes clearly look embarrassing and very exposed. Shirou and Negi were forced to sit on couches. The two of them were served drinks and given various nasty services, after that Negi and Shirou were forced to pay for nasty drinks and services at a very high price.

Even Rin, Luvia, Saber, Sakura, Asuna and Konoka were forced to do some ecchi poses to tempt Shirou and Negi. That chaos all ended when Taiga came to take her lunch from Shirou, when Taiga entered class 3-a and see that the whole class had changed to become a pervert bar Taiga was rampaging uncontrollably and punished almost all students in class 3-a especially Haruna Saotome and Yuna Akashi who became the culprit of all the chaos in class that morning. Both of them were sentenced to have to do a thousand-page essay on Japanese history that had to be collected before the Mahora festival began.

Haruna and Yuna cried uncontrollably, because the punishment given by Taiga was extremely severe. But both of them could not do anything to prevent the punishment because their fear Taiga too much.