Chapter 44 - Mahora Festival 7

"So boy, what you want to say is that you are come to my place because you don't know whether Chao Ling Shen are a bad person or a not?" Asked Evangeline.

"That's right, Master," Negi answered. "Even though I told Shirou-Nii and the others that I will prove that Chao is not a bad person, but I don't know what to do."

"Haaaaah," Evangeline said. "You are really a stupid kid ! Shirou word is true, Chao really have a bad goals that even I don't know."

"W-why even Master talking like that about Chao-san?" Negi asked. "I thought Master had a close relationship with Chao!"

"I am indeed quite close to Chao," Evangeline answered. "But nothing more than a mutual relationship in form of a business partner. Chao and Hakase created Chachamaru for me. While I gave my knowledge of magic to them."

"Then why Master too say Chao is evil just like Shirou-Nii!" Negi said.

"Because in her 2 years in Mahora, alot of her actions are indeed suspicious," Evangeline said. "She made an effort and collect a large amount of money, overseeing the movement of magicians in this academy, besides that she also makes a lot of robots and many other things under Mahora underground isn't that very suspicious? especially since the number of robots she made under Mahora underground is very numerous and have a lot of variant. You don't think she invented that many robots just for scientific experiments don't you? With all the money she collected and the robot she made, it was clear she made her own military forces. "

Negi thought for a while after listening Evangeline's long words. Everything that Evangeline said was make sense, Chao was collecting money and making that many robots. As if Chao did all that to do something big.

"Master's words make sense," Negi said. "But how do you know all that, Master?"

"Stupid boy," Evangeline said. "Did you forget that Chachamaru is also one of the robots made by Chao, and Chachamaru helped all Chao's plans sometimes Chachamaru told me what she did with Chao, because even though Chachamaru was loyal to Chao and Hakase who were her creators. But I am Chachamaru Master and owner. She is more loyal to me than to Chao, so Chachamaru told me almost all of Chao's plans. "

"Uuuuuh," Negi said. "Shirou-Nii and Rin-san are correct, I'm really stupid and naive because I only see thing from Chao goodnes to me. I must apologize to Shirou-Nii. "

"You know Negi, before you apologize I've already forgive you," Said Shirou who appeared from behind Evangeline.

"Shi-shirou-nii!" Negi said. "How did you know that I'm here?"

"Did you forget Negi? Evangeline and I are spiritually bound," Shirou said. " That's why I know you are here because Evangeline contacted me with telepathy, because you suddenly appeared at her log house."

"Shi-Shirou-Nii," Negi said. "I really want to apologize to you, what you and Rin-san said was true, Chao isn't as good as I thought!"

"Chao is a good person," Shirou said. "I admit that, her cooking was delicious and when Asuna-san and Konoka-san took me to Chao Bao Zi to try Chao food she was a very friendly to me when I talked to her. Even I can feel that she's not a bad person, it's just that I suspect there is something that makes her do a bad things. "

"Then what is something that make Chao to do that?" Negi asked.

"That's the thing we will have to ask Chao later," Shirou said. "We have stopped her plan, but not right now , now we have to pretend like we don't know anything in front of Chao to making her not suspicious to us."

"Heh, you're both lucky," Evangeline said. "Today Chachamaru have a maintenance, so whatever we are talking now will not be known by Chao or Hakase."

"Aaaah!" Negi said. "But what if Chao has a wiretap or surveillance camera in this house!"

"Don't worry," Shirou said. "I already destroyed all the mini cameras that are only as big as sand and all the tappers that used to monitor the situation in this house, so Chao won't know what we're talking about."

"I didn't even realize that Chao Ling Shen put all of that in my house," Evangeline said. "How do you know the location of the wiretaps and cameras installed in my house?"

"I can feel someone watching when I was coming here for the first time, " Shirou said "So when I tried to find out who was watching me, what I found was that there were a lot of mini-cameras and wiretaps."

"Your perception abilities are extraordinary as usual," said Evangeline who was truly shocked by Shirou's abilities. "I've lived for more than 600 years but I've never met anyone with sensor abilities as high as you."

"Shirou-Nii now what should we do?" Negi asked.

"Going home and living our daily life as usual," Shirou answered. "The Mahora Festival is getting closer, we better do everything as usual. On the day of the new Festival we find out what is Chao plan."



Near the entrance gate to the Mahora Festival, Rin, Shirou, Sakura, Luvia and Saber, along with Negi, Asuna and Konoka as well as Setsuna. standing while chatting.

"Woooow," Shirou said. "Mahora Festival is really a world class festival, this place is really crowded and looks different!"

"I have lived in Mahora for more than 10 years, but I'm still not used to the Mahora Festival," Rin said.

"Nee-san is right," Sakura said. "It's hard to feel accustomed to this festival."

"You two are indeed tacky," Luvia said. "Mahora Festival is not suitable for people who are plebeians like you!"

"Watch your mouth Edelfelt!" Rin shouted. "Did you forget that you couldn't sleep at all last night because you were too enthusiastic about waiting for the Mahora Festival, weren't you enthusiasm seemed childish and tacky?"

Hearing Rin's words, Luvia's face became very red with shame and anger. Luvia was so angry that there was smoke coming from the top of her head.

"Shut up, Tohsaka!" Luvia said. "Don't ever try to mocking me like that!"

Rin and Luvia finally pinched each other's cheeks while cursing each other.

"Aaah Nee-san has another fight with Luvia-san," Sakura said. "The two of them always fight like this every time Mahora Festival was held."

"Rin and Luvia are like fire and ice," Saber said. "The two of them really don't suit each other."

"But seeing the two of them fight like this feels funny too," Konoka said.

(Whether in the new or old world, the two still don't like each other) Shirou said while looking at Luvia and Rin who were still fighting.

"Shirou-Nii! Shirou-Nii! The Mahora Festival is truly magnificent!" said Negi, this time behaving like a child his age. "This is the first time I've seen such a great festival!"

"Same with me Negi," Shirou said. "But I hope you can calm down a little, you are ruining your own image as a teacher if you are too enthusiastic."

"Setsuna-san, why are you wearing your kendo uniform like that?" Asuna asked.

"The kendo club will present a fight drama in an hour as a show which is the source for my club to raise money," Answered Setsuna. "Because my club is really short of money."

"Almost every club in Mahora has the same problem, apparently," Asuna said.

"So now Shirou-Nii what do you want to do?" Negi asked.

"Class 3-a haunted house doesn't need my help," Shirou said. "So Fujimura-Sensei asked me to help at the cooking booth along with Rin and Sakura. How about you Negi?"

"I have a teacher's meeting for half an hour soon," Negi answered. "After that I had free time to go visit the haunted house of our class and other students who asked me to visit them at their club activities."

"Is Shirou-kun have a free time after helping the cooking club?" Asuna asked.

"I have a patrol to prevent people from love confessing near the World Tree together with Rin and Setsuna," Shirou answered. "Then at night I had to meet with Arturia parent because they both invited me to dinner."

Saber's face blushed at Shirou's words. But the other girls reacted differently when they heard Shirou's words.

"Whaaaat!" Shouted, Rin, Sakura, Luvia, Asuna, Konoka and Setsuna with an extraordinary aura of anger. Negi felt shivering with fear from the girls' angry aura.

The other six girls immediately cornered Shirou and Saber while saying.

"You two need to tell us lots of things!"

Once again Shirou cursed his level E luck.

Author Note: Next the main story of the arc