Chapter 41 - Mahora Festival 4

Asuna had already regained her consciousness, after she was passout for almost half an hour.

Shirou took her inside the cafe and put Asuna head on his lap.

When Asuna opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Shirou face who was a little different but far more handsome than usual.

Asuna face turned red when she saw Shirou but this time Asuna didn't faint, but only had a slight nosebleed.

"Shi-shirou-kun," Asuna said.

"Are you awake now Asuna-san?" Shirou asked.

"Y-Yes," Asuna answered. "Fo-for how long I was fainted?"

"You have fainted for about 30 minutes Asuna-san," Shirou answered. "Why did you pass out when you saw me?"

"Th-That's because," Asuna said. "I'm little bit nervous because this is my first date, plus I forgot to eat a breakfast, it's not weird if I fainted."

"Ooh," Shirou said. "Then order the food to fill your stomach. I don't want you to faint again when we are dating."

"A-alright," said Asuna.

(L-Luckily Shirou-kun little bit dense, otherwise he will realize that I was fainted because he was too damn handsome, is not easy to see his face! I thought he would use the form of Archer he used during the Study Tour! But his current form is more like a combination of his original form with the form of Archer! What a scary combination!)

(Archer and Rin's words are true, my current form and appearance are currently too Overkill for all girls even for Asuna who only likes older men. It seems that Asuna's fainting is just one bad event that will happen later on this date!) Shirou said in his heart.

Asuna ordered a bowl of Katsudon plus ramen because she had not eat breakfast plus she was very hungry.

Even though Asuna was confused about why in a café that looked modern, the menus served were all traditional Japanese.

Whereas Shirou only ordered a cup of coffee, because he had breakfast before going out for a date with Asuna.

After Asuna finished eating Shirou held Asuna's hand and said to her.

"Since you have finished eating Asuna-san, how about we start our date?"

"A-alright," said Asuna with a very red face. "L-let's go."

The two held hands and then left the cafe.

Not far from Shirou and Asuna, Konoka who was accompanied by Setsuna and Camo watched from afar to see the progress of Shirou and Asuna's dating.

"I-I didn't expect Shirou-kun to combine his form with Archer!" Konoka said with her nose kept dripping a blood and a very red face and body that was very hot and even Konoka's breath looked panting as if she was ready to pass out anytime.

"I let my guard down! If I knew Shirou-kun would use that form, I will be the one who date him! Isn't that right Setsu-chan? "

Konoka called Setsuna but unfortunately Setsuna was already unconscious and large amounts of blood came out of her nostrils. And Setsuna even wrote 'Too handsome' im the ground using her own blood.

"Kyaaaa!" Konoka shouted. "Setsu-chan!"

Setsuna Sakurazaki collapsed from seeing Shirou's new form that was too dazzling for her, moreover Shirou's current form was completely her taste.

Once again Archer words became true, the form that Shirou was using right now did bring disaster to many people.



"That zeppelin regularly gives the accident warnings," Shirou said as he watched the large Zeppelin fly over his head and Asuna. "Asuna-san, did any accident occured at the Mahora festival?"

"Every year there one or two accident will happen," Answered Asuna who walked next to Shirou. "Well, even though there almost never been any casualties."

"Almost there no casualties? How come?" Shirou asked.

"Because the Mahora Festival is a large-scale event," Asuna answered. "It's only natural that there a great protocol and security to prevent any accident."

"The level is totally different from my old school," Shirou said. "Rather than that Asuna-san, how about we go to the Tatsumiya temple courtyard? I heard that there are already many booths and stalls have been made?"

"Hmmmph!" Asuna said, looking slightly angry. "We are on a date but you instead took me to a street food stall in the courtyard of the Tatsumiya shrine, and didn't take me to a more romantic and memorable place."

"I'm sorry, hmm," Shirou said. "Because this is a sudden date, I have absolutely no plans to go anywhere, but I will definitely take you to a romantic place as the last place for us to go."

"Really! You promise?" Asuna asked.

"Yes," Shirou answered. "I promise you, so now let's go to the Tatsumiya shrine."

Asuna immediately took Shirou's hand and pulled him towards the Tatsumiya temple.

Setsuna and Konoka followed Asuna and Shirou from behind, Setsuna had regained her consciousness, but her face looked rather pale from the bloodloss. And both of her nostrils are blocked using tissue to hold the nosebleed. Likekwise with Konoka, even though her face was not as pale as Setsuna, but she also blocked her nostrils using a cleanex.

"Haaaah Setsu-chan I didn't expect you could get such a nosebleed when you saw Shirou-kun's new form," Konoka said. "Even passed out."

"I-I'm sorry Miss Konoka," Setsuna said. "But the combined form of Archer-san and Shirou-sama, is really too much. The combination of Archer-san's bravery and Shirou-sama's good looks is a deadly combo for me!"

"Well, never mind," Konoka said. "It's best if we follow Shirou-kun and Asuna at a safe distance, I don't want both of us die because of nosebleeds."

"Konoka Oujou-Sama is right," Setsuna said. "Even now I still have a slight nosebleed, let's keep a safe distance with the two of them!"


Behind Asuna and Shirou at a closer distance from Konoka and Setsuna. Kazumi and Rin followed Asuna and Shirou. Both of their appearances were normal and not suspicious, but Rin used magic items to make herself and Kazumi unrecognizable to others.

"Ugggh!" Kazumi said while holding her nose. "It's really hard not to faint or get a nosebleed when you see the form of Shirou-kun right now!"

"That's why I gave you those glasses," Rin said. "In addition to making us both difficult to recognize, these glasses can also neutralize the charm of Shirou who is currently too much, even if only a little."

"Well, that's true," Kazumi said. "But instead of chatting like this, wouldn't it be better for us to walk again? Shirou-kun and Asuna are already disappear."

"Aaaah this is bad!" Rin said "Asakura, let's go after them, I'm worried to leaving them alone!"

"You're really weird Rin," Kazumi said while following Rin from behind. "You have allowed Shirou-kun and Asuna to date, haven't you, but why do you have to keep following them from behind? Are you worried that Shirou-kun will do something lecherous to Asuna? "

"No!" Rin said "I'm worried, it's not because of that! What I'm worried about is Shirou's current form the combination of good looks and bravery that Shirou have now will cause a trouble if it left unchecked! "

"Eeeh, that is true." Kazumi said.

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"There's quite a lot of stalls," Shirou said. "As if the Mahora Festival has begun."

"There are also many non-students who open a stall here," Asuna said. "To get money, take advantage of the enthusiasm of many people before the festival begins."

Asuna and Shirou stopped in front of the cotton candy stall, and when Asuna looked towards the cotton candy. Asuna eyes sparkled and her saliva trickled, seeing Asuna like that. Shirou felt a little amused, then Shirou then bought 2 pieces of cotton candy from the seller at the stall and then gave 1 to Asuna who was still daydreaming.

"Asuna-san," Shirou said. "This is for you."

Asuna was shocked because suddenly Shirou gave her cotton candy.

"Shirou-kun!" Asuna said. "Don't surprise me, like that!"

Asuna took the cotton candy that Shirou had given her while angry with Shirou.

"Sorry, Asuna-san," Shirou said. "You look really want that cotton candy, even your saliva drips like that when you see that cotton candy, so I bought you a cotton candy."

"Because you bought me this cotton candy," Asuna said while eating the cotton candy that Shirou had bought. "I forgive you! But just watch out if you dare to surprise me again!"

Asuna and Shirou walked again, then Asuna stopped in front of an archery stall. He saw a large rabbit doll which was one of the presents at the archery stall. Asuna's eyes sparkled and she really wanted the rabbit doll, so Asuna immediately gave money to the stall keeper and tried to shoot the target provided. but unfortunately even though Asuna had exceptional sports talent and had good eyesight and reflexes, archery was not her specialty. Then Asuna couldn't hit a single target at all.

"Aaaaaah!" Asuna shouted. "Why can't I hit a single target!"

Shirou laughed a little, seeing Asuna who didn't hit a single target when she started archery.

"Asuna-san," Shirou said. "I'll give it a try."

"You can?" Asuna asked the bow to Shirou.

"I am Archer," Shirou answered. "Have you forgotten?"

Shirou pulled the bow and released the arrow towards the target that Asuna had not been able to charge. Shirou easily hit the target and it surprised Asuna that she knew Shirou's expertise was a sword and not an arrow.

The stall keeper then gave Shirou a rabbit doll, and Shirou then gave it to Asuna.

"Asuna-san, this doll is for you. You tried the stall archery because you wanted this doll, right?" Shirou said.

"Yes," Asuna said with a slightly reddened face and tears. "Thank you Shirou-kun!"

Asuna tightly embraced the rabbit doll given by Shirou, Asuna was really happy because Shirou once again gave her a present. The first was Shirou birthday present, a pair of cross-shaped headbands she was wearing right now, and the second was this time when Shirou gave her the rabbit doll she really wanted.

but what she want to know was whether Shirou realized that the hair tie she was wearing now was a birthday present from him.


After looking around and buying lots of food and trying various kinds of games in the stalls in the courtyard of the Tatsumiya shrine, Shirou and Asuna left the Tatsumiya temple with a lot of items they won.

"Instead of dating, the two of us are more like go to the Summer Festival," Asuna said. "And we are too absorbed in playing to the point of winning various prizes."

"The two of us are too carried away," Shirou said. "Some of the plans I made for this date failed."

"So where are we going now?" Asuna asked.

"We leave the items we won at the Tatsumiya shrine at the luggage storage in a supermarket nearby," Shirou said. "After that we go to the romantic place I promised."

"Ah," Asuna said. "I completely forgot about the romantic place."

Behind Asuna and Shirou who were walking, Konoka and Setsuna followed slowly while holding apple candy.

"Aiih, the two of them are too enjoying the atmosphere of a small festival in the Tatsumiya temple," Konoka said while licking apple candy.

"Princess Konoka, aren't you the same," said Setsuna, who was also licking apple candy.

Meanwhile, Rin and Kazumi are right behind Konoka and Setsuna.

"Aaaah a little festival like this that is held at Tatsumiya shrine is really fun to go to!" Rin said while chewing the takoyaki she just bought.

"Rin, if you to relax lile that, we will lost track of Shirou-kun and Asuna again!" Kazumi said.

"Relax a little bit of Asakura," Rin said. "I've been busy making illusions around Asuna and Shirou so that Shirou's excessive good looks will not make people faint or have a trance!"


"Shirou-kun," Asuna said. "Why did you take me to the supermarket roof like this?"

"Calm down Asuna-san," Shirou said. "I promise to take you to a romantic place, right? I will not break my promise because soon you will see and feel the romantic thing I promised you. "

"What do you mean?" Asuna asked.

"Asuna-san, come here for a moment," Shirou pulled Asuna's hand and hugged Asuna's body from behind. "Asuna-san, look at the sunset."

while being hugged by Shirou from behind that clearly made her heart flutter and her face heat up, Asuna did the thing Shirou ordered.

Asuna saw a beautiful sunset to look at, then she said. "Wooow, what an amazing view!"

"Right?" Shirou said. "Asuna-san I keep my promise right? Didn't we both look at the beautiful scenery and then I hug you from behind is kind of romantic?"

"Well," Asuna said, her face completely flushed. "I have to admit, you really can make me fell the romance Shirou-kun."

"Hehehehe," Shirou said. "You know Asuna-san, you really look beautiful and sweet wearing the hair tie I gave you as a birthday present."

"Shi-Shirou-kun, did you realize that I was wearing the hair tie you gave me?" Asuna asked.

"Of course," Shirou answered. "I am indeed a person who is not sensitive about the feelings of women or other people to me, but I am not that stupid to not realize that you are wearing a gift from me Asuna-san."

"I-Is that so?" Asuna said. "Then thank you for the compliment."

"You're welcome," Shirou said. "Asuna-san since our date is settled, how about we go home? I don't want to be in my current form for too long. Because this form only brings trouble."

"Alright," said Asuna while holding Shirou's hand. "Let us go home."

"Wow," Konoka said. "I didn't know Shirou-kun was that romantic! Aaaahn I envy Asuna!"

"Princess Konoka!" Said Setsuna. "Your words are absolutely right! I also feel jealous of Asuna-san!"

"Aaah Setsu-chan!" Konoka shouted. "Setsu-chan also likes Shirou-kun!"

"Damn it!" Said Setsuna. "I let it slip trough my mouth!"

Meanwhile, Rin and Kazumi had completely forgotten about their mission because they were both too absorbed in tasting food samples distributed at the food court in the supermarket where Asuna and Shirou left their goods from the stall.

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