Chapter 50 - Mahora Festival 13

After a long and convoluted explanation, finally Negi and Setsuna could understand and know why Shirou was able to use Alucard's form.

"So the form that Shirou-Sama used right now was the form of a vampire that was sealed inside Shirou-sama's body?" Asked Setsuna.

"Well, that true," replied Shirou. "I'm currently wearing the form of the most powerful vampire."

"No wonder Shirou-nii current form is so scary!" Negi said.

"I really don't like my current form," said Shirou. "But to make me unrecognizable this form is the most suitable."

"With a form like that and with a different aura, face, height and voice. Shirou-anii really won't be recognized by anyone," said Camo.

"Then let's get out of here," said Setsuna. "And looking for a place to wait until the original us from this time are all at the Infimary."

"Wait a minute Setsuna-san," said Shirou. "With the miko costume you wear, there is a chance that you will still be recognized. It's the same as the rabbit costume you worn Negi, Chao maybe already reckoned our arrival into the past! And sooner or later she will meet us, because of that to make Chao out off guard you two also have to use another form that totally different from your original appearance! "

"But neither of us have the ability to change our form Shirou-nii," said Negi. "So how can we change our current appearance drastically?"

"That's easy!" Shirou said. "Leave everything to me!"

Shirou who is in the form of Alucard holds the heads of Setsuna and Negi using his palms. And with the skills he used before to change his form, Shirou began to imagine what form was suitable for Setsuna and Negi to use.

And not long after that, the forms of Setsuna and Negi began to change, first Setsuna. Her long black hair began to turn blonde like Saber. The height of her body did not change at all, but Setsuna's chest which could be said to be very small in size immediately grew many times over to a size that even made Chizuru's chest look shameful.

The miko costume she wore turned into a white shirt and yellow coat over the shirt she was wearing.

Meanwhile, Negi's hair, which is red, turns black and is the same length as Shirou's, except that his height doesn't change. Negi wears a red suit with a black tie. Negi looks like a mini Alucard in his current form, while Setsuna looks like Seras Victoria with longer hair.

"Eh, Shirou-sama," said Setsuna. "Whose form is this?"

"Y-Yes Shirou-nii," said Negi. "Whose form am I currently use?"

"The form used by Setsuna-san is Seras Victoria," replied Shirou. "Alucard's subordinate, and because Setsuna-san's height is almost the same as her that's why I changed Setsuna-san's form to Seras."

"What about me Shirou-nii?" Asked Negi.

"The form you used was Alucard when he was a child," replied Shirou. "I changed you into that form Negi because, I think it's the most appropriate form for you."

"You all become like a husband and wife and their children who are walking together if I see it from my view," said Camo in Negi's coat pocket.

"Husband and wife?" Said Setsuna with a very red face. "Y-you don't have to joke like that Camo! That's not good!"

"Camo, stop your jokes!" said Negi hit Camo card using his palm, which immediately made Camo pass out in an instant.

Camo's mouth was foamy because of the blow from Negi and Negi was really confused about why Camo could pass out so easily because of one slow punch he used.

"Camooo!" Shouted Negi. "Forgive me!"

"I forgot to say something to both of you," said Shirou. "The physical strength and the biological traits of your body right now is almost the same as that of a vampire, so be careful when you using your strength."

"Shirou-sama you're late to talk ," said Setsuna. "Camo has already fainted from being hit by Negi-sensei."


"I admit Camo's words are correct," said Setsuna. "The three of us walked together like this and with the forms we currently take, are indeed like a happy family taking a walk."

"Well, what can I do," said Shirou. "Until the time we sleep in the infimary like before, we still have about 3-4 hours. So until then we still have to use this form."

"Shirou-nii, Shirou-nii they have an interesting attraction there!" Said Negi, who looked really enthusiastic about seeing the festival. "Since there is still time before the patrol, how about we try that attraction!"

"Galaxy Hazard?" Shirou said. "It's fine, I honestly also want to know what kind of game it is."

"Shirou-Sama you just wants to enjoy the Mahora Festival just like Negi-sensei right?'" Ask Setsuna.

"Yeah," Shirou answered with a red face.

Inside the Galaxy Hazard attraction, which turns out to be a pretty interesting virtual spaceship shooting game.

Shirou, Negi and Setsuna really enjoyed the game, especially Shirou, who currently has Alucard's form, has a very superior shooting ability so that none of the targets he shoots misses.

After the three of them finished enjoying the game, a lot of people were talking about the three.

"That married couple and their kid conquered the Galaxy War in one try!"

"The three of them get the grand prize of 1 million yen, their shooting skills are great!"

"Lots of people talked about our gameplay earlier," said Negi.

"We were doing it too much, huh," said Setsuna.

"Maybe we just went too far," said Shirou. "The three of us even conquered the Galaxy Hazard and won the grand prize of 1 million yen."

"What are we going to try next?" Asked Setsuna.

"How about that," said Shirou pointing to the attraction that read Dino Hazard.

"Dino Hazard?" Negi said.

"Let's try it!" Said Setsuna. "I also wonder what kind of attraction Dino Hazard!"

Dino Hazard's attraction is a rafting attraction, which is equipped with an animatronic in the form of a dinosaur whose movements have been arranged to frighten visitors on a rubber boat.

Negi, Shirou and Setsuna really enjoyed the rafting, the three of them screamed loudly when the rubber boat they were riding on slid from a fairly high artificial waterfall. After finishing the rafting, the three of them were still pounding their chests because of the tension they felt while riding the rubber boat.

"Wow, what an amazing attraction!" Said Setsuna.

"I agree," said Shirou. "Dino Hazard is even better than the Galaxy Hazard we tried before!"

"My body is still shaking because of the tension I felt earlier!" Negi said. "I want to try again!"

"Well, Dino Hazard is indeed a great attraction. We can try again later," said Shirou. "But right now we don't have time to try it anymore, because the queue is even longer than our haunted house."

"Well it is disappointing so we better look for other attractions," said Setsuna. "There's still about an hour before we go on patrol so what do we want to try next?"

"Hmm, that's the problem," said Shirou. "There are so many great attractions so it's hard to choose which one we must to try."

Setsuna thought for a while until she looked towards the field where a Zeppellin was parked. And she thought why the three of them didn't try to ride that Zeppellin before doing the patrol, isn't that a good thing to cover their tracks.

"Shirou-sama, how about we try that Zeppelin?" Said Setsuna pointed at Zeppelin.

"Hmm, that's good," said Shirou. "Let's go to try the Zeppelin."

"Good choice Setsuna-san!," said Negi. "I want to know what it's like to ride a Zeppelin!"

"Then it's decided!" Shirou said. "We're going to ride the Zeppellin!"


In the Zeppellin that Shirou, Negi and Setsuna will ride, there are 2 people who are the culprits that make Setsuna and Shirou fainted at the Infimary.

"So Satomi," said Chao. "Did Setsuna and Emiya Shirou pass out?"

"Yeah," replied Satomi. "The two of them won't wake up for at least the next few hours!"

"Very nice!" Chao said. "Now we just have to wait for Emiya Shirou or Negi-bouzo to use the Cassiopea and wait for them in this Zeppellin."

"But Chao is it true that the three of them will enter this Zeppellin?" Satomi asked.

"Of course," said Chao. "According to Negi-bouzo's diary that I read, he will meet me here!"