Chapter 55 - Mahora Festival 18

In front of Tatsumiya Shrine, Shirou walks alone in his Alucard form while the clone of himself that using his original form that he made using Alucard abilities walks together with Rin, Asuna, Konoka and Setsuna and Evangeline so that he will not be suspected by Chao Ling Shen.


"So Master, you are asking me if I have the ability to do splitting or clone techniques? Like a ninja?" Asked Alucard.

"Well, that's what I asking to you," replied Shirou. "Did you have abilities like that?"

"Of course I have!" Alucard said. "If it's just a skill or abilities to make a clone of myself, I can lend it to you Master!"

"You did say that but I don't know how to use it!" Shirou said.

"Well Master drop a blood from the tip of your finger then imagine that the dripping blood turns into yourself! and you will have a perfect clone with half of your strength!" Said Alucard explained.

"Is the tehnique really that easy?" Shirou asked.

"My technique is easy because you using my form right now Master," replied Alucard. "But with your current strength making a twenty blood clone is your limit, so Master you should not try to making a clone more than twenty, or it will make you very weak if you try to making more than twenty clone."

"You now right now I don't need a clone more than one," said Shirou.

Shirou disappeared from within Unlimited Blade Works and he returned to the real world.

"Hey Counter Guardian, do you think Master will only make one clone?" Asked Alucard.

"No," replied Alucard. "He will definitely make more than one clone, given his nature and his bad luck he will definitely make more than one which he will use either to help people or to fight."

"It seems that I have indeed found an interesting Master," said Alucard with a smile.


"So you really registered in that form, Shirou?" Asking Rin who is about 20 meters from behind Shirou in the form of Alucard.

"Yup," replied Shirou's clone. "Because I have absolutely no intention of joining Mahora Budokai in my true form!"

"Wooow! Your new form feel more handsome and mysterious Shirou-kun!" said Konoka.

"To be honest I don't like your form!" Evangeline said. "Reminds me of wounds and traumas from the past."

"I thought the form Shirou-kun's use right now had its own charm!" Konoka said while licking her finger. "Ufufufuffufufufufufu!"

"Pri-princess Konoka became a sadist!!" Said Setsuna who was trembling as she saw a strange side of Konoka that she had never seen.

"Did any of you now where is Asuna-san right now?" Asking Shirou. "She with all of you not to long ago right?"

"She already going in to the shrine," Rin answered. "She even didn't now the form you use right now."

"Ufufufufufufu let's keep Shirou-kun new form as a secret from Asuna," Said Konoka. "I think it will be a good surprise for Asuna!"

'I didn't now that Konoka have a sadistic side like this' Said Shirou while shivering.

"Shirou-Sama what will you do with your clone?" Ask Setsuna pointing to the clone of Shirou.

"He will make a alibi for me," Said Shirou. "To fool Chao Ling Shen."

"Your skill in making clone is really good," said Evangeline. "Even I cannot tell the different!"


Shirou in Alucard form separated himself from the crowd when the five of them arrived in the gate of Tatsumiya Shrine.

"Shirou-Nii!" Said Negi who is walking with Asuna. " Shirou-Nii are you already finished the patrolling?"

"Ooh Negi it's you, yeah I'm done in patrolling," said Shirou.

"Did Shirou-nii-san come here to participated in Mahora Budokai?" Ask Kotaro who is right next to Negi.

"No," replied Shirou. "I came here because I was curious about what Mahora Budokai is like."

"Ah, what a shame!" Kotaro said. "Even though Mahora Budokai would be more interesting if Shirou-nii-san also participated Mahora Budokai."

"Even though the prize is bigger than usual," Negi said.

"What do you mean, Negi?" Rin asked.

"The normal prize is 10 million yen," replied Negi. "And now the prize is 20 million yen."

"The prize is that huge! You're not lying right, Negi?" Asuna asked.

"No I'm not lying" replied Negi.

Hearing Negi's answer Asuna's eyes sparkled and Asuna had already decided something in her head after she heard the word 20 million Yen from Negi's mouth.

"I will also participated in Mahora Budokai!" Shouted Asuna. "The 20 million yen prize is too tempting to pass up!"

"If Asuna-san comes then I will too," said Setsuna. "Because I want to test my current abilities!"

"Mahora Budokai seems quite interesting to follow," said Evangeline. "And I also want to test how far my students' abilities have progressed, that's why I'm going to join this tournament! "

"Eeeeeh Evangeline-san! You also want to join Mahora Budokai?" Negi said.

"Of course!" Evangeline said. "I just want to test how strong you are as my student! Do you want to protest?"

Evangeline looked at Negi with a threatening look, so that Negi felt intimidated and could not reply to Evangeline's words.

"No it's okay Master," said Negi. "I wouldn't dare to protest."

"This is great!" Kotaro shouted. "With so many strong people joining Mahora Budokai! There will be lots of fun battles!"

"Kotaro looks really excited," said Shirou.

"He's crazy about fighting, though," said Rin. "Luckily you're not that kind of person Shirou."

"I'm someone who is crazy in helping others Rin," said Shirou. "Not a fighting freak."

"But from what I see you are slowly leaving your madness in helping others Shirou," said Rin. "The Savior syndrome you suffer from has started to decrease, and you can control your helpfulness!"

"I have to change, Rin," said Shirou. "If I'm still like before then the people around me will suffer so I can no longer be who I used to be."


"Kotaro-kun, you are here, huh!" Natsumi said.

"Natsumi Onee-chan!" Kotaro said. "What are you doing here?"

"Chizu-nee said that you will participated in Mahora Budokai," said Natsumi. " I'm curious about that's, so I came here to watch."

"Ne-Negi-Sensei, soon the preliminaries are about to begin," said Nodoka.

"Ah, is that so?" Negi said. "Kotaro, the preliminaries are about to begin! Let's hurry to the arena!"

"That's bad!" Kotaro said. "Natsumi Onee-chan sorry, but I have to take part in the preliminary round!"

"Okay Kotaro-kun," said Natsumi. "Try your best!"

Kotaro ran after Negi to the battle arena followed by Asuna, Setsuna and Evangeline who registered at the last moment. And Natsumi ran too but towards the audience tribun.

"They're all inside, how about we come to watch?" Konoka said.

"Looks like there will be interesting things in this preliminary round," said Rin. "Let's watch Shirou!"

"Okay," said Shirou. "Even though technically I also took part in the preliminaries but with a different form."

Inside Tatsumiya Shrine, Kazumi, who was hired by Chao as a host, started her MC skills to start the Mahora Budokai.

"Welcome, all participants and visitors!" Kazumi said. "Thank you for coming to Mahora Budokai! I hope the participants do their best to get the grand prize and honor as the winner. "

"Why is Asakura the host!" Shouted Rin. "Did she cooperate with Chao?"

"Maybe not," said Shirou. "I'm pretty sure that Asakura will never betray us, so surely she was just hired by Chao to host the show or even as a commentator."

"I trust Asakura-san," Konoka said. "She must have her own reason to host the Mahora Budokai."

From the direction of the door for the participants Setsuna ran towards Shirou who was in the audience seats and she started screaming.

"Shirou-sama!" Shouted Setsuna.

"Setsuna-san what's wrong?" Shirou asked.

"I know the reason why all of a sudden the grand prize from Mahora Budokai, which was 10 million yen, suddenly turned into 20 million yen!" Answered Setsuna.

"Because Chao is a sponsor of Mahora Budokai right?" Rin said.

"Rin-san how did you know!" Said Setsuna.

"That's a predictable thing," Rin said. "Since the Mahora Festival preparations have started Chao's actions have become suspicious, it's not surprising that she started showing her fangs at us by sponsoring the Mahora Budokai!"

"Well I will introduce this sponsor of Mahora Budokai to all of you!" Asakura said, "The owner of Chao Bao Zi the most popular food truck in Mahora Gakuen! Chao Ling Shen!"

On top of the arena, Asakura put her hand to the side and from the direction of Asakura Chao's hand appeared with a fake smile.

"Ni Hao," said Chao as she bowed her body to the audience. "If you are confused about why I am the sponsor of Mahora Budokai this year, I only have one reason. I just want to see who is the strongest person in Mahora, regardless of that person in the light side or in the dark side."

"What is her goal by going to become a sponsor of Mahora Budokai Shirou-sama?" Asked Setsuna.

"Of course notifying the existence of magic to ordinary people," said Shirou. "And this Mahora Budokai is the best stage for Chao to carry out her plans."


"20 years ago," said Chao. "Mahora Budokai was originally a secret tournament held to measure the strengths of warriors and martial artists in the jianghu, but was based on the spread and development of video footage of that era. The participants from Mahora Budokai 20 years ago are free to use any style and technique to beat opponents in the arena until there is only one person left! That video inspired me to become a sponsor of Mahora Budokai! So in this sponsored Mahora Budokai I'm going to make some new rules! Old regulations such as prohibiting using sharp weapons will remain! and the new rule is forbidden to use firearms! chanting other than that everything is permitted! "

"Is like I tought," said Shirou. "Chao even pronounced the word about spell so boldly, it means that her ultimate goal of sponsoring Mahora Budokai is very clear!"

"She was so brave to say that word in front of the crowd," said Setsuna. "She not afraid of the risk she would face if she said those words carelessly!"

"She seems to have a plan to escape the cluth from all the magicians in Mahora," said Rin. "That's why she can be so calm when she saying word about spell and chanting."

"I feel like something bad will happen if Chao succeeds in executing her plan," Konoka said.

"Not just bad," said Shirou. "The effect will be very cruel for the magicians society."

"The participants who might be a little offended by my words should not be afraid," said Chao. "Nowadays no one will believe what I said before without any recorded evidence, after all, during the fight I will install a special device that will make all cameras and recording devices not work so take it easy!"

"So, all of you have heard a detailed explanation about this year's Mahora Budokai from the tournament sponsor itself," said Kazumi. "So the participants from the light world and dark world, fight with all your strength in this tournament, all the participants who have registered please go to the elimination arena inside Tatsumiya Shrine! "

At the participants' place, along with Negi, Asuna and Kotaro.

"Awawawawawa this will be a problem!" Negi said. "The words said by Chao are really dangerous!"

"I think it's okay," said Kotaro. "In fact, I'm feel some adrenaline cause of that words."

"That Chao!" Shouted Asuna. "What the hell is she said!"

"Looks like Mahora Budokai will became interesting!" Kaede said.

Kaede Nagase appeared along with Mana Tatsumiya and Gu Fei right behind Negi and Kotaro.

"Kaede-Nee-san!" Kotaro said. "Has Nee-san also registered in this Mahora Budokai?"

"Of course," answered Kaede. "I also want to test my abilities against strong people!"

"The 20 million yen prize will be mine!" Mana said with sparkling eyes. "I'll definitely get it!"

"Mana love for money nature hasn't changed at all aru," said Gu Fei.

"Ko-Kotaro this tournament is really bad!" Negi said.

"What's bad, Negi?" Asked Kotaro.

"Master Gu, Tatsumiya-san and Kaede-san are participated in this Mahora Budokai too!" Negi answered. "I don't think I can win against people as strong as them!"

"Stupid!" Kotaro said. "You claim to be a man, but you are scared like that! Where is your courage, Negi! You should be happy to fight many strong people like the three of them!"

"I'm not a fighting crazier like you Kotaro!" Negi said. "So don't equate me with you!"

"Hooh so you're not very confident, huh, boy," said Evangeline. "Did you forget that I also participated in this tournament?"

"Aaah, I forgot that Master also came," said Negi. "The stress I'm experiencing is just piling up!"

"Geeh, I just found out that the doll controller came too!" Kotaro said.

"Wow, your chat seems fun!"

From behind Evangeline, Takamichi appeared and approached Negi, Kotaro, Asuna who had only been watching from the side and Evangeline.

"Takamichi!" Negi said. "Are you also in this tournament?"

"Yes, I got the task of supervising Chao from the Headmaster," said Takamichi. "That's why I followed Mahora Budokai, even though my main goal is more to test your abilities Negi. Your brother Shirou said you've gotten stronger so I want to know how strong you are!"

"Is that so?" Negi said. "I'm also looking forward to the fight with you Takamichi!"

"This is good!" Kotaro said. "More and more strong people follow Mahora Budokai! This tournament is getting more and more fun!"

"You have a friend who is full of enthusiasm, Negi," said Takamichi. "But Negi, Kotaro-kun I want you two to be careful of one participant."

"Takahata-Sensei looks so scared that participant must be really strong!" Asuna said.

"I won't be afraid!" Kotaro said. "The stronger the enemy, the better!"

"Which participant that could make you to talk like that?" Asked Evangeline.

"Participants in Victorian attire who registered before me," replied Takamichi. "If I'm not mistaken his name is Alucard."