Chapter 170 - Resort Vacation End

Rin managed to repay what Luvia and Sakura did to her by showing the excessive affection between herself and Shirou. They both looked so annoyed to the point they bit their thumbs until it bled. .While Ayaka and Makie were scolded badly by Negi, because they both dared to tie Anya's in the bathroom. Negi's anger really depressed Ayaka and Makie to the point that Makie's trauma from failing in life recurred and Ayaka suffered the same trauma as well.

And after the actions of the four girls were discovered by Taiga and Takahata, the four of them were sentenced to kneel for two hours. Because the actions the four of them did were outrageous and quite dangerous.

Konoka, Kotaro, Asuna and Setsuna who had just woken up an hour after breakfast time is over were confused when they saw Ayaka, Makie, Luvia and Sakura were kneeling on the floor while bowing their heads but after Shirou told the reason why the four of them were kneeling.

Kotaro, Konoka, Asuna and Setsuna burst out in laughing by the stupidity of Ayaka, Makie, Luvia and Sakura.

A vacation at Tohsaka Resort for two days and one night that started with chaos ended in chaos as well.


Lebenschilt Palace one day after vacation at Tohsaka Resort.

Negi and Setsuna are currently sparring in the air. Negi flies using his magic wand while Setsuna flies using her white wings. Currently Negi is dodging all of Setsuna's ki bullet attacks. So far Negi's efforts to avoid all of Setsuna's attacks have been successful, until finally Setsuna managed to corner Negi and make Negi almost fall from his wand thanks to the shockwave from Setsuna's ki bullet that hit the surface of the water just below the lake where Negi was flying using his magic wand. Negi who was pressed then started chanting a spell to counter the attacks from Setsuna.

"Rastel Mascir Magister Septem Decim Pilitous Lucis Coeuntes Sagitta Magica Series Lucis!"

10 light elemental arrows shot quickly at Setsuna, but Setsuna easily dodged them. Setsuna flew towards Negi and tried to slash Negi's body with her wooden sword. But Negi can dodge Setsuna's slash using Xuxong Xundong or a quick move in the air, Negi flies towards Setsuna's back and attacks using Ouka Houken's regular punch which he amplifies using 10 magic arrows.

But Setsuna who was far more experienced in mid-air combat quickly held off Negi's Ouka Houken.

Using her ki technique, Ourou Gekka. The impact between the magic-enhanced punch and the ki-enhanced palm caused an explosion that sent the lake water right below them gushing everywhere.

The fight between the two looked like it was going to be even but Setsuna who had more experience finally managed to kick Negi right in the head with her left foot. Negi ends up losing, as he can't withstand a kick from Setsuna which he didn't expect.


"Good match Setsuna-san, Negi, your skills have really improved a lot," Shirou said who was watching the match between Setsuna and Negi from one of the lighthouses near the lake where Negi and Setsuna were fighting.

"Yeah, but it's a shame that I was defeated by Setsuna-san," Negi said who was being healed by Konoka. "I still have to train harder so I can become stronger!"

"You've been great, Negi-Sensei, for being able to keep up with me for a long time," Setsuna said with a smile. "And I was really surprised earlier, I didn't think you could use Xukong Shundong."

"Ahahaha my son is great!" Clone Nagi said while patting Negi's shoulder. "He can master Xukong Shundong at the same age as me!"

"Hmmph that sucks!" Asuna said while pouting. "I've been trying so hard to learn levitating! But Shirou-kun and Negi were able to use it before me! Shirou-kun can even use it without a catalyst! Unlike Negi who still needs a stick!"

"You are indeed talented in fighting Asuna-san," Shirou said. "But flying techniques are different from fighting techniques, having talent in combat alone won't be enough to learn that tehnique quickly."

"What Shirou said right, you know," Clone Nagi said. "This talented me alone takes about 3 months to be able to learn it."

"Negi! Since when did you become that strong!" shouted Anya, whose mouth was gaping at the sight of such a high-level battle. "What you did earlier was a high-level magic battle that only exists in books and legends! How did you become strong like that in just a few months!"

"Well, with hard training of course," Negi said, rubbing the back of his head. "Hard training that nearly cost me my life many times over."


"Hey Asuna, you want to try flying don't you?" Haruna asked with her evil smile. "I have a great idea that might help you!"

"Is that true!" Asuna replied with sparkling eyes. "You have an idea tan can made me fly!"

"Of course!" Haruna said while puffing out her chest. "Leave everything to me!"

"I have a bad feeling about Saotome-san's plan," Setsuna said. "Konoka Oujou-sama."

"Haruna's plan does sound interesting," Konoka said. "But in the end it always ends in failure."


"How would I know if you just said that!" Shouted Anya.

"Calm yourself Anya," Negi said who was standing on top of the magic circle to move to another building in Lebenschilt Palace. "I want to take a break now to drink a tea, do you want to come with me Anya?"

"Don't change the subject!" shouted Anya. "Listen to me you stupid Negi!"

Anya's words were in vain, because Negi had moved to another building so he didn't hear Anya's words. Annoyed, Anya stood in the transfer magic circle and followed Negi.

"My stupid son should learn more about women's feelings!" Clone Nagi said. "Because he didn't know what to say, he ran away to avoid his girlfriend! Doesn't he realize that his actions could potentially hurt Anya-chan's heart!"

"Negi is ten years old father," Shirou said. "It's natural that he's still confused and doesn't understand women's feelings."


"Hey Negi! Answer my question! Because you're not the only one who's weird! Your half-Japanese older brother Emiya Shirou and the half-demon girl you fought with Sakurazaki Setsuna both are far beyond normal humans!" Anya said who was walking behind Negi. "Why are they all so strong!"

'Uuh I'm toi lazy to answer Anya's question, because I don't know what to answer,' Negi said. 'Instead of being confused, I'll just be honest. Yo made Anya stop questioning me all the time!'

"Most of the magicians from East Asia mix the easter martial arts with their magic that's why they can be so strong," Negi said in response to Anya's question. "And I can also become as strong as you see because I also started to learn eastern martial arts that I combined with my magic."

"No wonder you can be so strong!" Anya said who finally understood why Negi could be strong. "Apparently you learned the martial art from the Asian people! Then can I also become that strong if I also study martial arts?"

"Maybe," Negi said."But it's not easy and takes a long time and hard training can you survive with training that can kill you at any time?"


Elsewhere while Anya and Negi were chatting, Shirou was having a practice match against Gu Fei and Kaede.

Kaede and Gu Fei fought Shirou with all their might, but unfortunately due to the huge difference in strength the two could only hold on without being given a chance to put up any resistance at all.

"Zung!" Kaede's fuuma Shuriken stuck to the stone floor of the lighthouse-like building where Nagi watched the practice match.

"Blaaar!" Kaede's body was thrown towards the giant waterfall that was right in front of the lighthouse.


And at the same time, Gu Fei's body was thrown onto the lake shore due to Shirou's attack. Meanwhile Shirou landed on top of the lighthouse without any wounds or specks of dust on his body.

"They're both pretty tough," Shirou said. "Their defense is both solid and it's hard to find gaps."

"Their fighting talent is good and even better than Asuna," Clone Nagi said. "But unfortunately their opponent is you Shirou, who clearly has more fighting experience, talent and strength beyond the two of them that's why they lost!"

Read advanced Chapter at Pa.treon. com/Raylight 25