Chapter 184 - To Mundus Magicus 2

2 hours before Shirou's, Negi and the members of the British cultural research club departure to Mundus Magicus.

"Well, Onee-chan, I, Shirou-Nii and all my friends are going to Mundus Magicus," Negi said to Nekane. "Please pray for my smooth journey."

"Well, be careful," Nekane said with a forced smile. "I will also always pray for you, so that you are safe on your journey to Mundus Magicus."

"I will use my illegal private gate which will take me directly to Mundus Magicus faster,' Nekane said in her heart. 'There's no way I would let my sweet Negi go to a dangerous place like Mundus Magicus without me!'

In front of Donnet's house, a briefing was held before going to Mundus Magicus, so that the members of the British cultural research club knew what to prepare before going to the wizarding world.

"When we all get into the fog that leads to the gateport later, all of you must to following me all of you will not lost in the fog," Donnet said.

"Okay Donnet-san," Konoka said with the cheerfulness she used to show when she was about to experience something fun.

"Donnet-san what will happen if someone is gets lost in the fog?" Asked Yue.

"The people who lost in the fog will be lost their way in for a couple hours until they finally return to where they started," Donnet replied. "The mist is a special Bounded Field created to prevent outsiders from reaching the gate."

1 hour before thw departure right after the briefing was over, Arturia decided to have a good talk with Ayaka, so that Ayaka wouldn't try go to Mundus Magicus.

"So Anee-Uee I really can't come to Mundus Magicus, huh?" Asked Ayaka who had learned about magic from Arturia the night before.

"You are not strong enough to go along with us to Mundus Magicus, Ayaka," Arturia replied. "And I don't want you to be in any danger, and that's why I forbid you to coming along with me to Mundus Magicus."

"Sigh I understand Anee-Uee if I force myself to come I will only became a burden," Ayaka said in a disappointed tone. "But can Anee-Uee guarantee that Anee-Uee and Negi-Sensei are safe and not in any danger?"

"I can't guarantee that Ayaka," Arturia said. "Because Mundus Magicus is a very dangerous place, but you don't need to worry. Because I and Negi can take care ourselves really well."


In the afternoon, Shirou, Negi and all the members of the British cultural research club walked towards the nearest gate which was near Negi's hometown. They all wear light brown robes that cover their entire bodies to hide their identities, because who knows if there is an enemy that appears near them.

They all also seemed to not be carrying anything because all of their belongings had been stored in a special dimension bag that Evangeline had made for all of them so that they could move more freely. But specifically for Shirou he doesn't need the dimensional pouch made by Evangeline, because he can store all his belongings inside the Unlimited Blades Works.

Just in case if something bad is happened, Shirou had also inserted a pieces of his own shadow into the shadows of each member of the British Cultural Research Club. Because he didn't want all of his friend and family in a dangerous situation, like what happened when the Fate Averruncus attacked Konoka's residence in Kyoto. With the presence of his shadow fragments within all the shadows of the members of the British culture research club, Shirou could monitor the condition of the club members and could immediately teleport through the shadows in case any of the members were in danger of course if the distance is not too far.

Shirou, Negi, Rin, Sakura, Luvia, Arturia, Asuna, Chisame, Konoka, Setsuna, Gu Fei, Kaede, Kotaro, Chachamaru, Haruna, Kazumi, Nodoka and Yue the eighteen members of the British culture research club plus Evangeline who is an honorary advisor plus Anya who also came because she didn't want to left behind by Negi. And also Shirou little sister, Illya, Kuro and Miyu and Donnet who were their guides there were around twenty four people who went to Mundus Magicus at the same time.

And since Shirou and Rin felt that twenty-four people walking together would be very eye-catching, they all agreed to divide the twenty into four groups by lottery.

Shirou, Rin, Sakura, Luvia, Chachamaru and Arturia were in the first group.

Negi, Kotaro, Illya, Miyu, Kuro and Anya are in the second group.

Haruna, Kazumi, Yue, Nodoka, Gu Fei, and Kaede were in the third group.

Asuna, Konoka, Setsuna, Chisame, Evangeline and Donnet were in the fourth group.

One group consists of six people and each group must be at least twenty meters away from each other so they will be seen as a separated group.


In a very misty hills and meadows, the four groups walked slowly and carefully following the four group that led by Donnet as the only people who knew the location of the gateport hat would lead them all to Mundus Magicus. The group one who was walking behind, suddenly stopped walking when Shirou stopped his footsteps and looked behind him.

"Shirou what's wrong? Why did you suddenly stop walking like that?" Asked Arturia.

"There are some people from our class who are following us secretly," Shirou replied. "And from the aura I feel the one who following us are Yuuna, Ako, Makie, Akira, and Natsumi. There are a few more people from our class following us a further distance away, who seem to be the cheerleader trio."

"They're all following us from behind? How come I can't feel their presence!" Arturia said who was confused, why she couldn't sense the presence of her classmates who were following them secretly. "There's no way for amateurs like all of them to have followed us this far, without me knowing!"

"The thick fog that surrounds us reduces your ability to sense someone's presence," Shirou explained to Arturia. "Meanwhile, I can feel the presence of Makie and the others because all my senses have increased tenfold due to the existence of Alucard who is already half-fused with me."

"Eeeh the process of the fusion between you and Alucard has gone that far!" Arturia said who looked very surprised when she heard that the process of the fusion of Shirou and Alucard was going that fast. "Isn't that a terrible thing!"

"You don't have to worry Arturia, the process of fusion between Shirou and Alucard won't go any further than that," Rin said. "Archer has created a permanent barrier within Unlimited Blade Works which is currently half turned into a boundless sea of ​​blood."

"Fyuuh thank goodness then," Arturia said looking relieved. "I was really worried that Shirou would turn into a terrible monster like Alucard."

"Senpai's biggest problem can be said already been resolved," Sakura said with a sigh. "The problem now is some of our classmates are following us from behind, what are we going to do with all of them."

"Hmm, let's just let them follow us," Shirou said who looked relaxed. "Because I think it's fine for Yuuna, Makie, Ako, Akira and Natsumi to know about magic since they are trustworthy people. But not with the cheerleader trio, the three of them are a untrustworthy gossipers. I'll made the three of them lost in this fog so they can't follow us."

"Shirou-Sama I think letting Yuuna, Makie, Ako, Akira and Natsumi follow us is not a wise decision," Chachamaru said. "Because they're all just human."

"Makie, Ako, Akira and Natsumi are an ordinary human but not with Yuuna, because her parents are a mage," Shirou said. "So you don't have to worry about her."

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