Chapter 192 - First City

"Ten thousand kilometers you say!" Chisame shouted after she knew the distance between the tropical jungle where they were now and Megalomesembria. "That was really far! It's going to be a very long time before we can get back to that city!"

"What Miss Chiu said it was true, even using a normal vehicle to Megalomesembria would take a lot of days!"

"The Siberian railroad alone is only three hundred kilometers, you know."

The two electric spirits hovering beside Chisame even commented on how far it was to get to Megalomesembria. Because they both can be said to describe two of the seven sins that Chisame possesses.

"Moreover, the entire Mundus Magicus is three times larger in scale compared to Earth. Plus we also have to find some of our friends who are scattered in this fantasy world! At this rate with only half a month remaining of summer vacation, we won't have time to search for them all and carry out our main mission!"

"You don't have to worry Chisame-san time in Mundus Magicus goes three times faster than time on Earth, meaning we still have forty-five days to find all our friends and complete our mission to find my father." Shirou explained to Chisame to make Chisame feel calmer.

"Forty-five days, huh?" Chisame said who felt more relieved after hearing Shirou's words. "Although the time seems longer but is that enough time to complete all our missions here?"

"According to the calculations of the mini supercomputer in my body, forty-five days is more than enough time to complete all of our missions," Chachamaru said. "Even if something unexpected happens, all of us will only experience a day or two late returning to Earth."


One day later after Shirou, Negi, Chachamaru and Chisame continue their journey. The four of them has arrived at a fairly large lakeside, where they all found Kotaro sitting by the lake grilling meat in front of a bonfire. Kotarou smiled broadly while showing his white teeth, when he saw Shirou, Negi, Chachamaru and Chisame.

After walking in the forest alone for about three days, he finally met someone he knew. Of course, Kotaro will feel happy and relieved, because finally he is no longer alone in the tropical forest of a very dangerous magical world. Kotarou even nearly died several times because he met a monster that much stronger than himself. But luckily he managed to escape and was able to save himself.

"You're pretty good in survival Kotaro, being able to survive for three days in the tropical jungle of a magical world full of dangerous creatures," Negi said who was happy that his best friend was safe and in good condition.

"I almost died a few times you know!" Shouted Kotarou who felt that Negi didn't know and understand the suffering he was going through. "Did you know that there are a lot of monsters much stronger than me in this forest!"

"Well, I understand how you feel, puppy!" Chisame said while shedding tears. "If it weren't for the training I did in the winter dome I might have died!"

"But it's clear evidence isn't it, that the training you guys did for a few months inside the winter dome was very useful," Shirou said with a smile. "Otherwise, the two of you would not able to survive in this jungle."


After a meeting that couldn't be said to be pleasant or heartwarming with Kotarou. The Ala Alba's group, was finally able to get out of the vast tropical forest after walking three hundred kilometers for four days. Except for Shirou and Chachamaru, the other three members of Ala Alba experienced extreme fatigue and boredom.

"Wow, we passed the distance more than three hundred kilometers in for four days," Chisame said in a tone filled with sarcasm. "What an absolute ultimate summer."

"Chisame-Onee-san, what are you talking about," Kotarou said who was annoyed at Chisame's words. "You're constantly being carried on Chachamaru-san's back because you're complaining about your sore feet."

"Uuuh I'm really feeling thirsty and tired right now," Negi said, who currently looks thin due to lack of nutrition. "Thank God we finally arrived at a place where there is civilization."

"Well, my radar shows that in this town there is one of our friends," Chachamaru said. "And the location of our friend is right in the middle of town."

"We have to meet her as soon as possible," Shirou said in a serious tone. "And only after that we can go to Jack Rakan's place to regroup with Rin and the others."

"Shirou-Nii-san you said that Natsumi-Nee-chan and some of her friends Nee-san also accidentally got carried away into this magical world because they were thrown out of your shadow right?" Asked Kotarou with a worried look on his face. "Can you find out where they are right now?"

"Well, Natsumi, Akira, Ako, Yuuna and Makie were able to be in this wizarding world because of my mistake," Shirou replied. "And to answer your concern Kotarou, I was able to track their whereabouts because a pieces of my shadow are in their shadows."


"Then Shirou-Nii-san knows where Natsumi-Nee-san is right now?" Asked Kotarou with a face filled with hope.

"Hmm, according to the map we have, the city in front of us right now is Hecate city," Shirou replied as he opened the map. "And the city after Hecate is Granicus, from what I feel most likely Natsumi, Ako and Akira are in that place. While Makie and Yuuna are at a distance I can't trace so I don't know where they are. But I can confirm that Natsumi and the others are fine."

Hearing Shirou's answer, Kotarou felt relieved and his face look more calm. Because he knew that at least Natsumi was alive and well.

"Shi-Shirou-Nii even if the five of them are fine but I'm still worried about my students! Because they're not trained to deal with a danger like the members of Ala Alba," Negi said with a face that looked panicked and frightened. "W-We have to find them all as quickly as possible."

"Negi calm down, if they're all in a life-threatening situation I'll find out and automatically they are all eill come inside my shadow," Shirou said trying to calm his little brother who was too easily worried about anything. "You're too easy to panic and worry, I told you before right that thebexcessive worrying is a bad thing, have you forgotten my advice?"

Negi was instantly embarrassed that he had forgotten Shirou's advice. Even though Shirou had said the same thing to Negi many times, but he always forgot what Shirou said and chose to fall into his own worries.


"Shirou-Nii wouldn't it be better if we all wore our original appearances if we entered this town?" Asked Negi who was confused as to why he had to wear his teenage form when they all entered the city of Hecate.

"This is all just in case Negi," Replied Shirou who wearing the Alexander appearance he wore at the Mahora Festival. "I have a bad feeling that Fate Averruncus has done something to frame us and tarnish our names, that's why we should enter the city in a different form, for the safety of all of us."

"Just in case, huh?" Chisame said, taking on the form of his favorite six-year-old child. "That makes sense, and I don't mind wearing my current form."

"That's because you like your childish form Chisame-san," Chachamaru said who changed his form to a six year old just like Chisame with the transformation mode that Satomi made for him.

"What's wrong with me liking my sweet self?" Chisame said who seemed to enjoy being in her child form. "In this form my confidence has increased many times!"

"I really don't like being in my teenage form!" Kotaro said who looked like a sixteen year old teenager after he swallowed Shirou's permanent age changing pill. "Because my body reach feels weird!"

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