Chapter 252 - Ostia Festival 8

"Yaaay! Festival!" shouted Makie who had just entered Ostia together with Yuuna.

"Yup, let's quickly find a food and lodging!" Yuuna said while showing her white teeth. "I'm already hungry and we need a place to stay too!"

"Because I still have other work, so I can only take you two to this place," Joni said the merchant who has a fairly close relationship with Yuuna and Makie. "If you guys need help you both know where I am, so feel free to ask me for help, okay?"

"Okay, thanks for taking us both to Ostia, Joni," Makie said while waving her hand at Joni.


A while later, when Makie and Yuuna had finished buying food.

"This grilled sausage is so delicious," Makie said while holding her cheek. "At a Festival like this, good food is indeed abundant."

"These Nagi dumplings are also delicious, on par with Chao and Satsuki's dumplings!" Yuuna said who had already eaten more than ten buns.

"Well, since we're done getting food, how about we find an inn," Makie said. "Because I'm tired of having to carry this bag all the time."

"Good idea," Yuuna said. "After getting the inn, then we can start touring the city to see how things are in Ostia. A city that floats in the air like Ostia would be fun to explore."

"Touring the Ostia is fine," Makie said. "But you mustn't forget that our main goal is to find Ako, Akira, and Natsumi as well as our other friends who may have arrived in this city."

"Yeah, yeah, you don't need to worry Makie, I haven't forgotten our main goal of going to Ostia, you know," Yuuna said.


Ariadne's security forces, aboard one of the carriers flying toward Ostia.


"Hey Emily Sevensheep where are the cadets from your class!? Why don't they go to the upper deck as ordered!"

"Ah, I'm sorry Senpai, I'll call them right away," Emily said embarrassedly to her senior, because her classmates didn't go to the upper deck.

Emily ran to the deck where Collete and Yue were. And when she arrived at the deck, she saw that Yue and Collet were having a hard time putting on their battle clothes.

"Ah, class rep, can you help us please," Collete said. "I and Yue can't wear these War Maiden combat clothes well, because these clothes are too big for our bodies."

Emily patted her face, Yue and Collete's stupidity made her irritated and disgusted.

"You stupid! On the back of the armor there is a button that you can use to adjust the size!" Emily shouted. "The button to adjust the size was told at the briefing a few days ago! Don't you two remember it!?"

"Not at all," Collete said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Neither do I," Yue said. "Because my attention was diverted to something else."

"Sigh, never mind," Emily said with a long sigh. "Hurry up and dress the two of you and join me to the upper deck, for our Senpais are already waiting on the upper deck."

Emily walked out of the deck where Yue and Collete were with heavy steps. She really felt burdened by Yue and Collete acting unprofessionally as members of the War Maiden Brigade.


On a large grass field on the outskirts of Ostia, Rakan and Clone Nagi sat on the grass while looking up at the sky while remembering their past. Twenty years ago, where the great war caused by Cosmo Entelechia took place. A war that caused thousands of casualties, because Cosmo Elentechia wanted a girl with the power to destroy magic from this world.

"This place reminds me of a lot of things," Clone Nagi said with a smile. "Good memories as well as bad ones, although the good memories in this place outweigh the bad ones of course."

"This grass field is Arika's favorite place isn't it?" Rakan said with a faint smile. "A place that always makes her cold and almost emotionless face smile. A place where she can feel freedom, apart from her position as a princess."

"Unfortunately, Arika's whereabouts are currently unknown," Clone Nagi said with a sad face. "I only got information from Konoemon-sama, that Arika was taken by the people of Ostia who are still loyal to Arika to another place right after she gave birth to Negi."

"There is a possibility that they brought Arika near this Ostia," Rakan said. "Because only in Ostia, Arika's magic power will reach the peak."

"Unfortunately Ostia no longer belongs to Arika, because the management was taken over by the Megalomesembrian side," Clone Nagi said with a face full of anger. "Those power-hungry geezers make me sick! I want to kill them all, for what they did to my wife."

"Ooh then you don't need to take revenge anymore," Rakan said with a smile. "Because Al and I paid Kiritsugu to kill the leaders of Megalomesembria who nineteen years ago framed Arika, and Kiritsugu killed them in the most painful way he could."


"Kiritsugu already killed those old geezers apparently," Clone Nagi said who was relieved, because he didn't have to kill the people who had caused his wife to lose the throne. "That's good then, I feel disgusted at the thought of me having to spill the blood of lecherous people like those who want to take control of Mundus Magicus and Mundus Vetus."

While Clone Nagi and Rakan were busy chatting, Shirou came over to the two of them. Because there was something Shirou wanted to ask his father. Rakan and Clone Nagi immediately stopped chatting when they both sensed Shirou's arrival. They knew Shirou was a very polite person and wouldn't interrupt their conversation unless there was something important.

"What made you come to both of us Shirou," Clone Nagi said. "Is there something you wanted to ask that made you come to us who were busy reminiscing about the past?"

"Yes, I want to ask you something about Asuna's past," Shirou replied. "I already know a little about Asuna's past, but what I want to know is how she came to possess Magic Cancel, a power that can bring a disaster."

"Under this sea of ​​clouds, there are ruins that lie wide," Rakan said with a sad look on his face. "Once that ruin was a beautiful ancient city, with hundreds of small islands floating in the air thanks to the power of natural magic. And it was called the city with the most advanced civilization in Mundus Magicus. Ostia, the historical and traditional capital of the kingdom of Vespertatia, soars in the sky with thousands of majestic towers. And also the city that started all the culture that existed in Mundus Magicus, the first city to exist in this dimension."


"In the royal family's lineage from generation to generation there is a special child born with a cursed and mysterious power, a power that is thought to be able to destroy the world.

The power that is considered to end the era of the gods in the old world and end all magic power in this world," Clone Nagi said, continuing the explanation given by Rakan. "The Imperial Princess Of Twilight possessing the power of Magic Cancel, in the great war twenty years ago, those extraordinarily beautiful islands fell. Thanks to a gigantic magic calamity with a radius of fifty kilometers. The so-called 'wide-scale magic energy dissipation phenomenon' caused the kingdom of Vespertatia to be destroyed and left hundreds of thousands of refugees and all kinds of trouble."

Shirou didn't know about such a disaster at all, because it wasn't recorded on the Magic Net at all. Of course Shirou was quite surprised to hear that. "Your father and I in Ala Rubra succeeded in uncovering the role of fools who started wars because of their selfishness, uniting those who quarreled and splitting the world in two," Rakan said with a face filled with regret. "Destroy every evil to its roots and stop the destruction of the world, but we are completely incapable of protecting a country and a weak little girl. What kind of heroes are we, we Ala Rubra members don't deserve the title of heroes. Because we have failed to do our job."

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