Vol. 3 - Chapter 9: The Esper Suit: Orenjikiji

Part 1- Ministry of San Juan

Maria and the others are watching the events on the restaurant on the television; the building is on fire making the Carolina say with a worried face:

"I hope Uriel is okay"

"He sure is Sister don't worry about him" Daniel says as he leaves the room. Fabiola also says:

"Yes he will be alright I pray for his safety."

"Uriel please be alright" Maria prays as she watches T.V.

"I'm tired now mother I will go to my room" Valerie says as she leaves with a worried face to her room.

Part 2- In the Restaurant on fire.


Katsumi is sent flying because of a punch from the Chupacabras. The monster heads straight towards Katsumi, at that moment Uriel attacks saying:

"Cuarto Cresciente" (Translates: Crescent Moon)

Uriel slashes upright trying to attack the monster however the monster dodges his slash and kicks him causing him to fly to the roof and crash.


Uriel falls to the ground and says: "Damn that hurt"

"Dangan no tori" (Translates: Bullet birds) Katsumi screams and the bullets attack the monster. The monster covers with its wings and the bullets impact


The monster extends its wings and screams making a sound attack paralyzing Katsumi. The monster charges at her but Uriel interferes and cuts the monster's wings causing it to scream.


At that moment the specters enter the building to attack the people inside the building.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!" Uriel hears screams and asks Katsumi:

"What's going on , I'm hearing strange melodies in the building?"

"Some kind of spirits are attacking the people" Katsumi responds watching in a small screen in her arm.

"Katsumi go and stop those things hurry" Uriel tells Katsumi causing her to frown and say:

"NO!! You go and stop them."

Uriel sighs and says: "Okay fine hear, take this microphone that Daniel gave me for us to be in touch"

Katsumi grabs the headphone. At that moment the Chupacabras appears behind her about to attack but Uriel intercepts it. The monster grabs Uriel's head and takes off with him to the outside. Uriel screams to Katsumi: "Change of plans, go defend the people!!"

Katsumi nods and goes to the elevator where the people at.

Part 3- Elevator

"AHHHHH" Nathaniel and Alberto hear screams of the people outside. They are in the elevator with 20 others.

"Damn it I'm the mayor, why are all of you here?" Nathaniel says with a furious voice.

"Calm down Padre when the monster gets here will use them as sacrifices to escape" Alberto says to Nathaniel causing everyone else look furious at them.


The specters begin to hit the top of the elevator wanting to come in.

"AAAAHHHHHH" The people begin to scream with fear. At that moment the spectors break the cable causing them to fall at high speed.

Katsumi falls and slashes the specters causing them to disappear. Katsumi grabs the elevator cable avoiding it crash in the first floor. Soon every specter inside the building head towards Katsumi in the elevator room to attack her.

Katsumi begins to jump and attack the specter with her sword causing them to disappear.


Katsumi continues to slash however the specters gain up on her and attack her causing her to fall at high speed crashing on the top of the elevator, she lets go of her sword and sticks in the 5th floor.


"Damn it what's going on, let me out Damn it!" Nathaniel says pushing the people.

Katsumi tries to get up but the specters hold her down. She begins to panic and cry thinking:

"Damn I'm too weak, someone please help me!!!" Katsumi begins to scream. The specters begin to cut her as she screams:"AAAHHHHH"

"PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER STUDENT" Suddenly Katsumi begins to hear Roberto's voice and begins to remember her past.

Part 4- 12 Years Before in the Hills next to Sun City.

Roberto hits Katsumi in the head and says:

"Katsumi your slow, you need to act faster!"

"But sensei this is all I can do" Katsumi (Age 14) says to Roberto with tears in her eyes. Roberto sighs and sits in the ground to explain:

"Listen Katsumi, the esper suit is an advance technological suit that combines science with magic. It concentrates the manna around us and turns it in to visible energy in order for us to use for our benefit."

"What now…?" Katsumi asks Roberto causing him to get mad and hit her in the head causing her to cry.

"Let me show you then" Roberto says as he stands up and walks away from Katsumi. He shows the crest and says:

"Activate: Lobo Solitario: Parcial"

The left side of Roberto turns into his espersuit.He raises his arm in the sky and begins to gather manna.

"You see the manna particles?" Roberto says to Katsumi as she sees them with huge eyes saying: "Pretty"

The manna begins to convert into a green energy ball that grows bigger every second. The ball is stable and causes Katsumi to shake saying:

"It´s too much manna, How can you do that sensei?"

"Just focus your manna and release Katsumi, take a deep breath and try it yourself" Roberto says Katsumi as she changes into her esper suit. Katsumi begins to gather manna and a huge orange ball forms. Roberto smiles and says: "Good job Katsumi now release it"

Katsumi releases her energy to the sky making a small beam. Roberto realeses his making huge pillars causing Katsumi to cry and say:"No fair sensei yours was stronger than mine"

"Just keep practicing, I know you can surpass me one day" Roberto says as he pats Katsumi´s head smiling causing her to smile as well.

Part 5- Inside the burning building.

Katsumi begins to breather and gathers manna in her arms and manna begins to from taking shape of wings making the specters to disappear. She stands up lifting her arms in shape of wings and says:

"Seishin no tsubasa" (Translates: Spirit Wings)

She begins to flap the wings and lift into the air. The specters come to attack but Katsumi spins cutting them one by one making them disappear. She continues the attack until she reaches her sword and grabs it. Katsumi makes her wings disappear and begins to fall slowly.


The specters head towards her ready to attack, everyespecter in the building is heading towards her. Katsumi puts her katana in the back in the position that she is about to stab. The katana begins to glow into an orange light and thinks to her:

"Gather the manna like sensei told you and release it at once."

She pushes the katana and stabs the air causing it crack. Orange circles begin to spread in the space and Katsumi says:

"Kiji no hashira" (Pheasant pillar)

A huge pillar forms and expanding destroying the specters in the corridor and the energy spreads to the sky causing a huge orange pillar to illuminate the sky.

"I did it sensei" Katsumi falls into the elevator ceiling passing out. The police arrives into the building securing it and the people run outside. Katsumi regains conciseness and says:

"I need to help Uriel" She breathes heavily and goes to the stair beginning walk up but her esper suit disappears. A police grabs her and takes her outside as well like the others. Katsumi then thinks to herself: "Uriel please be okay".