Vol. 11 - Prologue: The Lesson so Far…

Raions Miyazono and his agents battle against the Wendigo. With little to no effort, Raions defeated the Wendigo by crushing his heart. Allan Carter orders Raions to head towards Empire City, meanwhile, Uriel wakes up in a special "realm" where a man named Nemesio Santa Cruz explains him what he really was. Uriel notices a special box located in the middle of a special lake, Nemesio warns Uriel about how dangerous it is he releases his power. Uriel wakes up and sees Lisa who was sitting next to him; Lisa tells Uriel that he found him unconscious in the woods. Uriel finds out that he is Empire City, and after exploring the city with Lisa, Uriel meets Johanna one more time. Johanna takes Uriel to meet the last leader of the Puritan Defense known as Deborah Williams. After a short talk, Uriel goes to meet Alexandria; Alexandria proposes a game in which Uriel must keep Deborah safe from the Empire Devil. Uriel ends up fighting against the Empire Devil across the city. He defeats the devil but learns that the devil had emotions. El Muerto appears and kills the devil. Uriel is betrayed by Johanna and the SIA, they permit Alexandria to kill Deborah and destroy the Puritan Defense completely. Alexandria recovers part of her power. News about Uriel´s captured spread at fast speed; Daniel says that he can free him. Raions and his group split up with Rizu heading to Capital City and Raions and Ginkuma head to Florida. The headless Horseman arrives at Capital City, and Alexandria meets up with Uriel in the SIA headquarters.End of the Lesson…