Vol. 13 - Chapter 15: The Seventh Key

Part 1 – North of Sun City

"AWWWW MAN, I´M SO BORED!" Victoria says as she plays a videogame, Angela is reading a book and Raul is looking with his binoculars. They are just outside the barrier; they have a white table with three chairs. Raul turns around and says;

"Would you stop whining, we have a mission you know."

"That´s right, we have the mission to destroy the approaching army." Angela replies as she turns the page. Victoria frowns and says:

"I know, I know, but they are taking too long to get here. Besides I wanted to torture Uriel some more, it makes me hot when I see his tears."

Angela looks at Victoria with a grossed out expression and says:

"Seriously Victoria, you sometimes scare me."

"Oh shut up, I bet you wanted to do the same." Victoria replies looking away, Angela begins to think:

"Actually I never got the chance to kiss him, according to Alexandria and Marjorie, he is a good kisser."

"So you are horny am I right?" Victoria says with a lewd expression, Angela realizes that she said it aloud, and asks:

"Yes you did, and it was embarrassing." Raul says as he keeps observing the army´s movements. Angela blushes and gets back to her reading; Victoria laughs and says:

"I can´t believe you actually said that, I thought you didn't care about that, but let me tell you. I want to kiss him too; it's not fair that everyone got a chance except me. When Aleister finishes with him, I´ll turn him into my slave."

"Uriel is mine, okay" Angela stands up, Victoria stands as well, they both release manna blowing away the table, Raul sighs with his eyes close:

"Will you two stop it, the enemy is approaching."

"Finally, what took them so long?" Victoria gets excited, the three of them prepare themselves as the army with tanks, and soldiers approach the barrier.

Part 2- International Bank

Darius looks at his window thinking about the past, "I´ve waited for so long to get my hands on the treasure. I lost my power 8 years ago because of that idiot Roberto. Now I have the chance to get my revenge with his son.

"YOU SURE ARE ENJOYING THIS, RIGHT DARIUS?" Raions opens the door with a kick; he walks towards him, grabs a chair and sits down. Darius looks at him and smiles:

"So Raions Miyazono or the Lion King, why is one of the Primary Zodiac Roots here?"

Raions gets a bottle of liquor and asks; "Mind if I drink it?"

"Go ahead"

Raions begins to drink the liquor, when he finishes he throws the bottle to the wall breaking it. Raions grabs another and says:

"That was some good liquor, do you have any food? I'm hungry"

"You haven't answered my question." Darius grows impatient; Raions laughs and grabs piece of bread:

"Well I have the mission to stop you from opening the gates of the underworld."

"Oh so Yggdrasil know about my plans huh and they send one of their strongest to stop me? I think they are underestimating me a little by just sending you." Darius says it with a smile, Raions chuckles and with a confident expression; he continues to speak:

"Believe, they wanted to send more, but honestly I am more than enough to take you down Darius. You see, I know what you want, you want to take back the rank you had in their group right. I believe you were the 4th but thanks to Master Roberto, you descended to the 10th right? "

Darius changes his expression to a serious one, and destroys his desk completely saying:

"You bastard, so he was your master as well, then that makes me even more lucky because I hate Roberto with all my soul. Are you here to avenge him?"

"HAHAHA, HELL NO! I mean he was my master but I never got along with him, I couldn't care less about him and it didn't made me sad in the slightest when he died. But I like to fight strong opponents, that´s I´m here." Raions finishes eating the piece of bread and drink more liquor. Darius looks at the window and asks:

"So you like strong opponents ehh, I feel honored that you consider me one. Very well, Uriel is on his way and we still have half an hour until the red moon appears. How about we play a game."

"Now we are talking, after Katsumi killed your wife, I feel anxious for a fight." Raions stands up and moves his sleeves up, and Darius begins to think:

"So you died Olivia, you failed me, what a shame."

"The game will be; trying to survive until the red moon, whoever is alive wins. Do you agree with the terms?" Darius begins to release manna from his body, Raions makes a confident smile and releases manna as well causing massive wind to blow and breaks the windows, he replies:


Part 3 – Uriel´s side

Uriel runs down the street as he approaches the river, he begins to see corpses of innocent people lying on the ground. He turns away thinks:

"How can someone do this? Its inhuman, I need to stop Darius as fast as I can."

Suddenly some of the corpses begin to attack Uriel, Uriel dodges them as he thinks:

"What´s happening, I don't hear the rhythm of their souls, this means that they are dead but how are they moving?"

Uriel keeps on dodging the people, suddenly he sees something shine on top of them, thin strings that are attach to their limbs.

" Those are strings, I get it now, so they are being controlled." Uriel makes his sword appear and slashes the strings causing the bodies to fall. Uriel senses other bodies attacking, as he thinks:

"So they are more huh, somebody is controlling them but who?"

Uriel stops and screams; "SHOW YOURSLEF NOW!"

The bodies stop charging at him and stay still, Uriel begins to hear someone approaching, he says:

"I know this rhythm and manna, I can´t believe it"

"FUFUFU, so it took you this long to figure out who it was Uriel? Man you are pathetic." A with light brown skin, hazel eyes and hazel colored hair approaches Uriel, she a Mariachi attire, her hair is tied up with a red ribbon.

Her suit consists in a long embroidered black skirt, reaching the ankles, a white dress shirt, chaps, serape and a red pitea belt. Her hair is a ponytail with a red ribbon; she has a long tuft on the right side of her face, and she wears a Mariachi Sombrero. She also wears the traditional black charro jacket embroidered with flower patterns. On her hip, she has sword with red gloves. Her sword is a cutlass. A short, broad slashing sword, with a straight or slightly curved blade sharpened on the cutting edge, and a hilt features a solid cupped guard.

Uriel looks at her and changes his expression to a somber one as he says:

"So you came after all, why are you here Alexa?"

"I came here to proclaim the right of my power Uriel. Do you remember what I SAID BEFORE?"

Uriel is confused, as Alexa gets angrier and continues to speak:


Uriel chuckles and replies; "Oh right, sorry I forgot, you see there has been many things happening that I couldn't remember."

"YOU IDIOT!" Alexa charges towards Uriel and clashes swings her sword. Uriel blocks the sword and asks:

"Why are you attacking me? Can´t you see I need to stop Darius"

"I don't care about Darius or this war, I want your power and for that, I will defeat you her and force you to give me your power Uriel!" Alexa replies as she releases her manna pushing Uriel back, Uriel looks at her and says:

"Damn it, I don't have time for this."

Part 4 – Monte Cristo (Mount Christ)

In between the two cities, about 1 km away, there is a small mountain, smaller than the other mountains surrounding the area. At the bottom of the mountain, a small door hidden in bushes leads to a secret passage. Three figures walk slowly towards the altar:

"The secret passage of Cibola, I imagine it being fancier." Aleister comments as they walk down the path. Marjorie and Alexandria follow him until they reach another door. Aleister looks at Alexandria, Alexandria puts her hand on the door, and the door slowly freezes until it chatters. Aleister walks firsts, suddenly; a figure appears causing massive wind to appear. A large humanoid being stands up, it has Mayan inscriptions in his collar, dark skin and red eyes.


"Are you the guardian?" Aleister asks calmly, the guardian attacks Aleister. –BBBOOOMM- Aleister dodges the attack; Marjorie looks at it and whispers:


Suddenly, an aura in the shape of a giant dragon skeleton. The skeleton is purple colored; it is incomplete and has only the upper part ready with giant wings spreading into the air. The dragon attacks and forces the guardian down. Alexandria appears and freezes the guardian slowly until it shatters.

"Was that all? I mean it's the last key, I thought there was going to be more guardians." Aliester chuckles, they reach the altar, the altar consists of seven pillars. Aleister walks to the middle and sees a small plate.

"According to legends, we need the blood of a native." Aleister looks at small container containing Nathaniel´s blood, he pours the blood in the plate, "Now I need the sacrifice of a soul who was once immortal" Aleister creates a portal making Olivia fall to the ground. Olivia regains conscious and looks at Aleister.

"NO PLEASE, LEAVE ME ALONE, I´M YOU MOTHER!" Olivia begs Aleister with tears in her eyes. Aleister gets into his knees and hugs his mother:

"Thank you mother, for giving birth to me and taking care of me when I was a baby, but your purpose was to be here for this very moment, thank you mother"


Aleister slashes her mother´s neck killing her instantly. Olivia falls to the ground, Aleister stands up with tears in his eyes, he makes the blood the blade falls slowly to the plate. He wipes his tears and smiles:

"I´m sorry mother, but you never took care of me, in fact I am only crying because I always wanted to kill you."

The blood in the plate begins to shine and takes form of a key, Aleister grabs the key and breathes heavily; "At last, the final key that will open the Gates of the Underworld, rejoice Marjorie and Alexandria because our mission is complete."

Marjorie walks towards Aleister and hugs him as she says; "It's a blessing for us my dear, I want to get out of here as soon as possible."

Aleister nods in agreement, he walks towards Alexandria and says; "I give you this key; you know what to do because the real mission has begun."

Alexandria looks at Marjorie and vows her head saying; "As you wish master Aleister, but remember that I am only doing this for Marjorie, not you."

"Fine by me, I don't care, as long as you follow my orders." Aleister and Marjorie begin to disappear in a portal; Alexandria begins to think:

"I wonder if I am doing the correct thing, Uriel will you ever forgive me."

Part 5 - In a tavern near the city


An old man breaks a bottle; he continues to drink from his glass as he remembers a conversation he had with Juan:

"Its been a long time, Coyote" Juan says as he enter the tavern, Coyote drinks again and replies

"It has been more than 50 years Juan, you haven't changed a bit."

"Neither have you, but it seems you are not immortal anymore." Juan grabs a bottle, Coyote chuckles and replies; "You are correct, your successor helped me get rid of my curse, he is a good young man nothing like you."

"Indeed, he is a fool" Juan chuckles, he puts an object next to Coyote and begins to leave asking; "Are you going to die tonight?"

"Yes, I will die but I will take Darius with me" Coyote says with anger, Juan leaves and says; "Good bye, my friend."

"Well then, time to get going fellow…" Coyote finishes drinking his glass and breaks it, he begins to walk out with eh prisoners that Darius had in his dungeon.