Chapter One

Derek couldn't believe he was in the White House with the president and vice president. Although the circumstances aren't the best since he hacked into their government databases and found a lot of unaccounted-for spending. The president along with her secret service were taking Derek down an elevator. It felt like they had been in that elevator for hours until they finally reached the bottom. The doors slid open and Derek followed the president out of the elevator. They walked down a long corridor until they reached a large metal door. This was it, Derek thought, I'm gonna die. One of the servicemen opened the door and inside looked like a really big living room. There was a guy and girl curled up on the couch, the sound of multiple TV's on with different programs, and the smell of BBQ. "Welcome to Section 666" the president voiced with a smirk, but the smirk wasn't directed at Derek it was directed at someone else who was not there. Before Derek could ask what was going on he heard a soft thudding noise come from somewhere inside. The thudding slowly got louder until Derek saw a person hop into view. 

"Goddammit! Who unplugged my blanket again?!?" He looked straight at the couple on the couch then seemed to notice Derek and the president. "Jesus Fucking Christ!" He yelled and fell face forward onto the floor. "Why is there a God Damn human here Helen?" He mumbled into the carpet.

"Zeek this is Derek he hacked into our database and found the funding we give you guys so it was either death or this," the president announced with a smug look on her face. Derek could have sworn he heard Zeek tell her to kill him. "Get the rest of your crew together so you can introduce your team."

"One not my team. Twosome assholes unplugged my blanket and now I can't move. So either get one of your pets to pop my joints or do it yourself you prick." The president went over and popped all of Zeek's joints herself. Zeek knew she would. Out of all the presidents he'd worked under she'd been the most understanding of his 'condition'.

Once all Zeek's joints were popped and he could move he went and rounded up the rest of Section 666, and once they were all gathered Derek could tell none of them were happy he was there. The introduction of the team members went too fast for Derek to keep up. There were 22 of them in total, the leader was Zeek, and they were all some sort of supernatural beings. "Good. Now, everyone, this is Derek and he's gonna be apart of Section 666 as your connection to the real world. Like it or hate it it's happening." Zeek looked the most pissed at the president as she spoke.

"Helen I know you weren't around the last time we let a human that wasn't part of the government work with us, but I mean come on do you really think it's a good idea to let this human work with us. Last time…" Zeek trailed off thinking of the last time a civilian human worked with them. "It wasn't good, and this won't be any better. Get him out of here and do what you will to him." Derek started to get nervous. His life was obviously on the line, and he couldn't say anything to help his case.

"Zeek he's staying. If not him some different human. You and the rest of section 666 need this. You all need the connection to the outside world so you can fit into it." Zeek had to admit Helen had a point. He sighed and gave in. The president smiled, "you're just a big softie Zeek," Zeek grimaced and left the room saying something about paperwork. "Now that that's settled Derek we'll get your stuff moved in here as soon as we can. Jax can show you around and get you settled until then." She gave Derek a reassuring smile and left.

Jax walked over to Derek and gave a look of disgust. "Bloody Hell…" he muttered under his breath. The kid had hemophilia, Jax could smell it. On top of that, he was also B+. "Alright follow me, kid," Derek had trouble understanding Jax's thick English accent but got the gist of what he said. Jax showed Derek the kitchen, bathroom, and finally where he'd be staying. "Be careful what you do around here." Was all Jax disclosed when he left Derek? Derek gave a weak smile and sat on the bed in the empty room. 

After a few hours, Zeek stopped by and dropped off his stuff. "I wouldn't unpack if I were you." Derek looked at him puzzled, "you'll be gone soon enough." With that Zeek left. Derek didn't know if that was a threat or a warning, but either way, he was scared. He unpacked just enough to make himself comfortable. He left his clothes in the suitcase though that way he'd have a quick getaway. Derek pulled out his computer and chatted with some of his online friends. Derek knew he probably shouldn't tell any of them about Section 666, but he had to tell someone. Derek told Jake, an internet friend he'd met a few years ago, about everything that had happened up to that point. Derek didn't expect Jake to believe him, but he did. They talked about what Derek should do, and Jake convinced him to stay at least until they could come up with a better plan.

Everyone was gathered in the kitchen, well all except Derek. Most of them tried to ignore the fact that a human was working with them again. Zeek was most displeased about the situation. The new members don't remember what happened the last time, but he did, he had the scars to prove it. Zeek tried to forget and focus on making dinner. "Coconut water and raw steak for the vampires," Jax opened his mouth to protest, "you will drink the coconut water because you keep forgetting to order extra blood for Jitter." Jax sat there pouting, "medium-rare steak for the five werewolves. Salads for the shapeshifters. Well done steak for the god of war. Burgers for the sex demons and regular demon. Alien goop for the aliens. Mac n' cheese for the witches. Rice for the 'angel'." Zeek set out the table for everyone to eat. Then set his food in front of him.

    "Wait what about the humans? Are you really gonna let him starve?" Mattie, who was like a mother figure to the whole group, gave Zeek a very understanding glance. "I mean if you don't want to cook for him I understand, but at least let him know it's time to eat." Zeek sighed and grabbed his plate off the table. He really didn't need to eat he just liked to, it made him feel more human. He'd made some pizza from fresh ingredients yesterday and he'd reheated the last few pieces. It should be good enough for the human.

Derek was still talking with Jake when Zeek poked his head into the room, "hey here's some food. Dinner is usually around this time, so be there next time," he set the plate on the bed next to Derek. Derek signed a thank you his hand a little shaky. Zeek took a moment to realize what had just happened. "Oh, what the fuck," he muttered under his breath then looked at Derek, "are you deaf?" Derek actually found himself smiling and would have laughed if he could. His fingers lost their shakiness as he signed that he was mute, not deaf. "Got ya. Good to know." Zeek nodded awkwardly then left without another word.

Zeek returned to the kitchen and grabbed himself an apple and sat with the rest of them. "Looks like the president was right, you are a softy." Atlas, the sections incubus, gave a mocking grin as he ate his burger. Zeek glared at him and thought about threatening him, but decided he'd just get his revenge when he'd least expect it. "If you keep glaring like that your face will stick that way." Atlas giggled to himself, and Zeek heard Jax mutter that it was too late. Sure enough, hardly anyone ever saw him smile genuinely. He usually had a scowl on his face, since there wasn't much to smile about these days.

The whole table erupted with chatter about Zeek and his facial expressions. Jax was the only one who knew how Zeek used to be and was joking in good fun. The others just thought Zeek was a lazy hard ass. Zeek really didn't mind. If they thought he was lazy then they'd follow Jax's orders better. Everyone at first always questions why Jax is in charge if Zeek has been there the longest. Jax always says he's just a figurehead and answers straight to Zeek, which he isn't wrong if Zeek really thinks about it. Zeek just doesn't want to be responsible for so many lives. If any of them got killed of course he'd blame himself. He was the reason everyone was there. If he hadn't of become a zombie then maybe Section 666 would've never been formed and they wouldn't be risking their lives for the government.

Enoch, a demon prince, waved their hand in front of Zeek's face, "hey is anyone home in there?" Zeek looked at them and realized he had zoned out. "The newbies were wondering what had happened the last time we, uh, you know." Zeek sighed, of course, they'd ask. The members who had been through the last time looked at Zeek, and they didn't dare say anything unless he broke the silence first.

"Maybe later," everyone was silent as Zeek left the table and went to his room. "Don't any of you even think about unplugging my blanket tonight or I'll take your eye. I'm in no mood to hop around the base like a fucking bunny rabbit." Zeek yelled from his bedroom door then slammed it shut to emphasize his point. Zeek collapsed on to his bed and felt like he'd just been punched in the gut. You'd think living as long as he had he'd forget a few things, but now he remembers every single second of his long damned life.