Breakfast for wifey

Keith let out a loud groan as he stretched out on his body atop the mattress covers. It was late morning by now as he could hear the birds chirping from outside. The rays from the rising sun fell onto him and his lovely wife; illuminating her like an angel.

He smiled in satisfaction as he watched her sleeping form. He spent several minutes lost in her rhythmic breathing before he realised he should get up. Moving to his closet, he grabbed a new button shirt, and grey pants. Slipping into them easily, he meandered down the hallway before he arrived at the kitchen.

He felt it was only proper that he made his wife breakfast... but she was the one who knew how to cook. Well, he could make decent eggs but that was about it. He shrugged and said, "eggs will just have to do."

As he pulled out the frying pan, he started thinking to himself. 'I should start contacting some people I used to know. Maybe I'll check out google and look for people and companies that share goals common to mine...'

As he mulled over this, he pulled out three eggs, four pieces of bacon, two pieces of toast, poured the olive oil and turned up the burners.

After the olive oil had simmered a bit, he cracked the eggs and let them fall down. Immediately, they started to pop and whiten. Seeing them take place, he tossed the bacon to the side and let it sizzle.

He quickly plugged in the toaster before pushing in the toast, and locking it down. He opened up the fridge again, and pulled out a crisp apple before slicing it.

He stepped back as he watched all the food cook. After several minutes, the toaster went off, to which he ran over and snatched the toast from midair. He threw it down on a plate before he lifted up the frying pan and laid the eggs on top of the toast. Next up was the bacon, finished with a crisp piece of lettuce he pulled out of nowhere. He then slapped the other piece of toast on top, and smiled smugly at his perfect sandwich.

He nodded to himself in satisfaction before he tossed everything else onto a plate and poured a glass of ice cold water. Thinking about what was missing, he realised there was no rose.

Quickly, he threw on his fuzzy slippers, and rushed out into their front yard and began to search the flowerbeds for a rose in bloom. Unfortunately they did not have one... luckily, their neighbor did.

He quickly ran over to their divider and grabbed ahold of the stem before yanking. "Oh, you bitch," he swore as the thorns dug into his palms. Leaning over further, he found a spot devoid of thorns and began to twist and bend the rose so it would break.

What he didn't notice, was the neighbors dog that was staring at him. He looked up to the sound of a clinking chain; right into the face of a german shepherd. It let out a rough bark, before growling and running towards him.

Keith let a gasp as he saw the dog, and gave the rose one last pull. Finally with it in his hand, he back pedaled like his life depended on it. Seeing him escaping, the german shepherd started to let out several more loud barks before jumping clear over the waist high fence, and landing in Keith and Alice's yard. He quickly caught up to Keith and was about to bite his ankle before the door slammed in its face.

Successfully blocked by the door, the german shepherd became enraged and started barking at the door. Quickly, the owner of the dog ran into Keith's yard and grabbed the dog's collar before dragging it off...

Unbeknownst to all of them, Alice was standing in front of the window while watching the whole cerade. After she laughed to at the scene, she jumped right back into her previous sleeping position so Keith would have to wake her up.


Back in his house, Keith let out a sigh of relief. He had nearly lost a leg there, but it was worth it! He tossed off his slippers, and ran to the kitchen to wash the bloody rose off. He took a knife and popped all the thorns off before he pulled a small glass vial out and dropped the rose in.

After he settled it onto the place next to his sandwich, he picked them up and quietly pushed open the bedroom door to see Alice still curled up on the covers.

Smiling to himself, he walked over and laid the food down before he sat on the bed next to her. He bounced up and down lightly, trying to wake her up.

Alice smiled to herself as she rolled over and put out a fake yawn. Although she no longer had the cat tail butt plug in, she kept the pink ears on. Still in the nude, she pushed herself into Keith's chest before giving him a peck on the lips.

"Something certainly smells good... were you perhaps making me breakfast?" She asked with the purr she knew he liked.

Keith smiled with self satisfaction as he let her sit on his lap, and placed the breakfast in front of her. She gave him another seductive purr, before she picked up and apple slice and slipped it between her red lips.

As she continued to eat, Keith was unable to prevent himself from kissing her neck.

"Mmm," she purred after finishing the sandwich. She shifted in his lap and threw her arms around his neck. "So... you feeling inspired?"

"Of course I was inspired!" Keith laughed.

She ran her hands down his back as she smiled. With a squint of her eyes, she slapped his butt and jumped out of his lap.

"Then hurry up and get to work. If you work hard..." Biting her lip seductively, she whispered, "I might help and inspire you again tonight~..." Saying this, she giggled and ran out of the bedroom.