Very Interesting

Rawlf and Veronica was traversing the highway. The man was driving the car he designed himself.

Few knew the fact that he also studied engineering and architecture. Deserving of the title, 'Genius Sy' back at his alma mater, H University, one of the world's most prestigious university. That's why his mother never worry about his position in his father's company despite of the bastard offsprings his father had with his mistresses.

Rawlf from a young age proved himself remarkable and irreplaceable by being a confirmed genius by Mensa International. NASA even tried to poached him multiple of times to be a rocket scientist but it's not that it was never his passion but he would rather work for his own company and not to slave away for others.

Rawlf would looked at the fidgeting woman on the passenger seat from time to time and would smirked at his creation out of her. Her lips swollen red, making her look even more sensual. 

He stepped on the brakes as her alluring face on his bed flashed across his mind.

Veronica's eyes widened when she looked outside and realized the car was on its way to City I's most expensive and luxurious five star hotel. The Sy hotel was owned by Sy International, obviously. Veronica turned frantic because a realization dawned on her that she might be seen by others.

Her father was not really strict of her but she knows as well that he wouldn't like it if his unica hija would be seen with a man entering a hotel. The meaning would be too scandalous not only for her but for her father's political reputation. She's aware that Rawlf Sy has the capability of preventing the media from reporting him with a woman but as for her, her family is not as wealthy and powerful enough to stop the media from broadcasting this juicy news with a possible caption: "City I's Vice Governor's daughter was seen inside the hotel together with a man?!"

The thought of destroying her father's political reputation much that he's planning to vye for the Governorship on next year's election made her anxious. 

"Stop!" she suddenly exclaimed. Realizing her stupid sudden outburst, her cheeks and ears flushed red. "I mean can we enter in a much inconspicous manner where no one could see us?" She hurriedly explained.

Rawlf was not stupid to enter the main entrance of the hotel building with a woman. Although first, he owns it and second, he has the power to control the media, still it would be detrimental somehow for the sake of the woman he's with for the time being. Indeed, he used women for his sexual satisfaction but still, he would make up for it by protecting their privacy same as with him. It's one of his quid pro qou for women that could satisy his sexual needs. That's why he has his own underground garage and elevator made at the hidden part of the hotel building.

"Relax sweetheart. Your reputation will still be intact even after tonight." Rawlf thought deeper with her urgent plea. It somehow confirmed that she might be the daughter of the most righteous politician of City I, Eddie Wang. He doesn't have any personal issue regarding City I's political arena but the current Governor Noverto Yan was his ally and unfortunately, Eddie Wang belongs to the opposing party. And what's worst, Eddie was vying for the Governorship next year.

Champion of the masses Eddie Wang might be, but with the fight against power and money, he's nothing. That's the real politics. The art of getting what (power) and how (through whatever means as for him, the end justify the means.) He's not really a big fan of Machiavelli but he appreciates that doctrine from him. 

"Heard your father vyes for the Governorship next year?" Rawlf tested. Her surprised but guarded expression confirmed his assumption earlier. 

"You know John Rawls?" She asked him out of the blue. Rawlf, being a genius is very much aware of whom she was talking about. John Rawls is one of the most important political philosopher of the 21st century. And if his prediction is correct, she would point about his unplublished document answering the question about his religion. The document started with a line: "My religion, is of no one's concern."

Rawlf laugh loudly. My, my, what an interesting seductress he got himself with. His laughters confused Veronica. And she realize, of course, the powerful Rawlf Sy of Sy International exists because of his own brilliance. 

"But I am a resident of City I so of course, it should be my concern as a constituent to know about the political weather, is it not?" His answer confirmed Veronica's realization. That indeed he is brilliant. "Aside from that, I wasn't asking for your father's religion. I'm asking about his political stand for next year's election."

"Don't you think it's awkward to talk about politics, or in particular, asking my father's political stand?" Veronica bravely replied despite the intimidation she still felt over this guy.

"Hmm? What about it that makes things awkward?"

"You're asking the father's political stand to his daughter whom," Veronica paused and glance at the man on the driver seat, "you are about to f*ck." Veronica knew her words were too bold. But well, that's one of her tipsy problem. Her tongue turned scandalous and sharp.

Rawlf this time was silent but the glint of amusement flashed in his eyes. 'Very interesting.'