
Veronica woke up to the sound of her phone's alarm.

She was lying beside Rawlf, who snaked around her naked body. His left arm tightly wrapped around her waist and his fingers managed to rest on her left mound while his left leg on top of hers.

She felt him stirred due to her small movements of getting her phone from the bedside table.  Four-thirty Friday morning and she had set her alarm around this time during weekdays due to her early class. That was the last day of her last semester in college and she decided not to attend since there's no more formal classes but just meetings for the graduating students like her. 'What a wild and carefree night indeed'. Veronica thought. 'And what an amazing way to lose one's virginity.' she added.

Veronica was not a liberated type but also not the very conservative one. Probably before, she hasn't felt the same attraction with the oppposite sex the same way she did with Rawlf. 'So I guess this it.'  Veronica smiled sadly as she gently removed herself from Rawlf's tight embrace.

Veronica may be new and in fact, a first-timer with sex but that doesn't mean she's naïve and delusional when it comes to the real world. Despite of her last night's oath to have Rawlf , her sobber self now beg to differ. 

Rawlf and her were league apart. Yes, she's a politician's daughter and her family was affluent but that doesn't mean that she's already outstanding enough to be the kind of woman to be beside the ferocious Rawlf Sy. That's the sad part of being a realist, you are way too honest much with your self.

Rawlf and her might have been sexually linked but that's all there is to that. She's not stupid not to know that she's not the only woman whom he is sexually linked with. He is Rawlf Sy for fuck's sake and what happened between them for him was just pure fucking. Casual sex, nada mas, nada menos.

When she saw Rawlf's hand moved like searching for something in the bed, she took the pillow she slept on and put it near him. He then grabbed to embraced it tightly and Veronica wasn't able to see the contented expression that appeared on Rawlf's sleeping face.

Veronica sneakily got dressed and once confirmed that all her things were with her, gently opened and closed the suite's door. She was frowning then and there everytime when her careless movement caused her lower body to sore. It was best that she always had her mask and glasses on her bag that she was able to sneaked out without catching anyone's unwanted attention. She then grabbed a cab waiting just outside the hotel building.

Veronica woke up at the sound coming from her phone. Seven missed calls and twenty-nine mesages from her parents and friends. It's already two in the afternoon.

When she arrived at the university dormitory earlier and since she opted not attending the last day of college, she slept back and due to her body's soreness, had slept way too long.

She decided to call first her mother, Celerina, that she was tired that's why she wasn't able to go back home. She promised that she'll go back tomorrow morning. Instead of replying to her friends one by one, she opened their group chat on messenger and addressed the issue for them if whether she arrived home safe last night.

When she was resolute to indulged herself with Rawlf , she made sure to informed her friends that she's going ahead as she's not feeling well. Each one of them insisted on assisting her first to a cab but she assured them that there's already a car waiting for her and she knows the driver. Seeing her firm assurance, they can only asked her to message them after she arrived home safely. Her friends no longer insisted and continued on with their fun.

Feeling her hunger, she decided to take a shower before heading out to eat her very late lunch.

Veronica took her sweet time in the bath tub. She decided to rather indulged on a warm bath to calm her whole body. Coattails of the Broods played on as she went outside her bathroom. Her bluetooth speaker was loud enough for her not to be able to sense that an intruder managed to get inside her room and with knitted brows casually seated, cross legged  on the mini living room's plush couch. 

Veronica was on her lace underwear when she decided to went out of her room and get herself a cold water. It was a very hot summer day and with her who took a warm bath added her thirst.

She passed by her mini living room, directly went to the fridge and just as she was about to open her bedroom's door, she wildly turned her head back to the coach and gasped.

"What...?" she was speechless.

"What what?" the man seemed to teased her, only that with a serious expression.


Veronica took time to recover from the shocked of her unexpected visitor. "Why are you here President Sy?" Were the words that instantly left her mouth. What could possibly be the reason of his unexpected visit? Did he lose any valuable things from his room last night and she was his primary suspect? ..... Or did he, like in the novel, fell inlove with her, well, ... at first sex?

Veronica shooked her head lightly at the last thought. Couldn't she get more shameless than that?