The Pebble in the Sea of People

As the wind murmured on the cold forest floor, sun-pecked foliage flew and fused with the minuscule troops of wild daisy pollen in the mid-air. Squirrels, badgers, and cousins left their small footprint tracks on the ground, after foraging some nuts and seeds for their young ones. The once rumbling sound of the water flowing down the stream, competing who would pour down first on the tributaries, fell silent. The unimaginable stature of the pine canopies limited the faint beam of light coming from Heaven's ball of fire, leaving the entire place blue despite the green colors of the leaves.

An X mark in the spot. The treasure was yet to be found. In an old, hoary tree, an insentient serpent had wrapped Dae Wong's body. His ghastly pale face and dewdrops of sweat on the forehead were the witnesses of a series of unfortunate events he had gone through. As his weak eyes sensed the limited light from the sun, it voluntarily hoisted open. Squinting at the new surroundings, his dry, cracked lips opened, and he murmured, "Where am I?"

A moment of seconds passed before he learned that he was tied around a tree. He groaned and tried to escape by attempting the slightest wiggle but he broke off when his wound, a devil he could not remember, begged to be noticed.

"What happened to me?"

With a hoarse voice coming from his desert-dry throat, he cried for help. However, it seemed like no ears were interested to listen to his desperate plea. He needed to break free and arrive at the palace on time. His desire was burning but his body was dwindling. The determination to continue fired up on his mind, but his weak body opposed him constantly.

"Help... Help me!" First try, it was a faulty firecracker. Unstable and shaky.

"Anybody... please... help me." Another one. Weak and imperceptible.

Then on the third try, he fainted.


In the palace, the King gathered all officers from different departments in the main hall. It was the final briefing for the upcoming ceremony, which would happen in a few hours. A fresh, colorful fiesta of different colors of uniform had thronged the area. All lent their ears to their ruler.

"Everyone, is everything ready? The hwarangs and their positions in every part of the palace, the food for the offering and the people, the receptionists to organize the order of the visitors, the candles and incense—everything!" the King asked. His voice sounded like a leopard who smokes ten packs of cigars a day.

Jae Joong may not had noticed, but he had been on a loop of asking the same things, only spiced up by different word arrangements. Other people had wondered about the King's tensed gestures—the continual craning of his head towards the door, his fast-paced stuttered way of talking, and the frequent blinking of his eyes. It appeared to them that it was because of the insurmountable pressure, brought by the privilege to deliver such honor—to broadcast and interpret the judgment of the Heavens. He was born and destined to be the mediator between the gods and the people. A prestigious glory that would make the precedent monarchs rise from their graves.

Jung Ho bowed his head, partially annoyed for reiterating the whole thought for the second time. "Yes Sire, the hwarangs have been oriented with their positions. A thousand gratitude to our governors here. Such a significant increase in our security force is more than enough to protect even the outskirts of Seorabeol. If the purpose of security were to be discussed, then we ought to be out of here, for everything is masterfully under control."

"Thank you for your report, Prime Minister. Extend my gratitude to the governors," the King said.

"Certainly, Sire. I'd be more than happy to oblige." The Prime Minister dipped his head, hiding his smirk subtly.

Surveying the entire hall, Jae Joong asked the other departments about their status of the preparations, "How about other departments? Is everything ready?"

All of the people inside answered in unison, "Yes, Sire!" Forced and disengaged. Heaven knew that it was roughly their fourth time answering that basic question.

In the middle of the meeting, the doors creaked open. Jae Joong's neck almost broke from too much cocking. A smile of relief ran across his face, thinking it was Dae Wong, but it rapidly dissolved when it was Lady Jang who entered the hall out of the blue. Everyone looked at her, confused. Some were even disappointed. The Head Priestess heard different chatters while walking down the hall.

"Why was she late?"

"What a shameful Head Priestess"

"Oh Heavens, she just did not do that."

Jae Joong's eyebrows knit, and his eyes narrowed. He thought of yelling to reprimand her unacceptable decorum, but on the second consideration, growling at the top of his lungs would not be necessary and would only waste everybody's time. A pocketful of shame was hurled at her, considering how Jae Joong had managed the time of the meeting efficiently.

It had been done. She was late. All he had to do was to demand an acceptable reason.

"Head Priestess, I wish to hear your explanation. Fret not, for I will be as considerate as possible." An embarrassing beat for the lady of the moment. Jae Joong lifted a brow and asked, "Why did you arrive just now? It has been fifteen minutes since we started. Your shrine maidens have arrived on time. I presume that this act of irresponsibility has a much-awaited validation."

Lady Jang swallowed, her eyes scurried a glance to the Prime Minister, who was sitting a level down from the King's throne on his right. As usual, Jung Ho's eyes were as cold as rocks. He twitched an eye, giving her a signal to shoot the alibi. It was part of their stage play: Lady Jang would arrive late to avoid probable suspicions that she was taken out of the palace.

"My apologies, Sire. I went to Mount Toham to offer my final prayers and ask the deities for their guidance." Lady Jang reasoned out, hanging her head in a bow.

"And why haven't I known about this? I asked your shrine maidens. Not a soul knew where you were."

"Forgive my insubordination, Sire. My mind was too occupied. I promise you this won't happen again."

With a mild skeptical look at the Head Priestess, Jae Joong accepted her alibi. As long as she was present to facilitate the ceremony, he would not render a single care even if she had gone from the darkest room in hell. He ordered her to stand before the council members. The meeting continued for about thirty more minutes. Done with the repeating surface-level questions, answerable by either yes or no. Time for deeper reviews and inquiries about every detail needed.


After the assembly, the King paced down the palace grounds, alongside Yeol. Blights of doubts covered his face as he thought about the things his right hand could be doing at the moment. He wished to try his luck and asked the old minister, hoping he could get even the smallest piece of hint. "Minister Yeol, any reports about Minister Dae Wong?"

"I'm afraid, none, Your Majesty. ."

A deep breath escaped through Jae Joong's lips. "I see. Well, do inform me if you ever heard anything about him. Anything."

"Will do, Sire." There was a brief moment of silence as they both slowed down their steps. Yeol resumed, "I don't intend to cause panic nor destroy your positivity, Your Majesty, but if you could allow me to ask this question—"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Suppose, he doesn't make it on time. What would you do?"

Jae Joong paused, his eyes locked down the cobblestones, observing every pattern of the polygons between the narrow borders of tiny interstices He bit his lips, raised his head slowly, and gazed at his father-in-law. "I have faith in him. He would come back, together with the truth. But whatever that is, I need to get ready."

Hoping for Dae Wong's safe, on-time comeback, the King uttered a silent supplication, looking up at the clear sky. He prayed fervently to the Heavens for him to have an appropriate declaration to the people. Guide him and let his voice speak only of goodwill. In case the minister would not make it on time (which he truly wished not to happen), he implored the Heavens for their grace and benevolence and hoped that the eclipse would not occur.


If there was someone who needed prayers the most at that moment, it was Dae Wong who was fighting for survival. With his location and condition, it would be easy for the shadow of death to consume his life. However, when his eyes opened slowly, it seemed like the black angel would fail from his mission.

His new location made him perplexed and alarmed. Why am I lying down? He examined the place, scanning every portion of a small, candle-lit room. The brass chimes, hanging on the ceiling, greeted his infant-like eyesight. A big cauldron over a blazing furnace produced a bubbling sound as it released a leafy, herbal scent, stinging his nostrils.

Unknown wooden carvings, resembling human fingers, hung on the walls which triggered his neck hairs. The ambiguously-eerie ambiance of the room sucked his energy but powered his hope. What is this place? How did I get in here?

He heard a familiar voice, coming from a bald man who was standing before the big witch pot. After scooping what Dae Wong presumed as soup, the man placed the wooden bowl on a small, square dining table, turned around, and revealed his identity.

"Minister, are you awake?"

"You're the monk," he muttered.

The monk nodded and smiled, "How are you feeling?"

"Better. Where am I?"

"Minister, you are in the basement of our temple. Hyukjeong here, found you tied around an old, big tree," the monk explained, pointing to his beggar friend, who happened to be standing beside the door.

The young minister's mind had yet a lot of information to consume. It felt like there was a troop of fire arrows fusillading his head at that moment. However, things must be done in their proper order first. He tried lifting his body but the mild sting from his wound made him wince and recline again. Hyukjeong rushed to him and held his back and arms gently until he was able to sit up.

"Thank you."

Hyukjeong beamed, returned to the door, and stood like a brave bodyguard. Dae Wong turned his head to the monk and asked, "This darn wound stings a little but this is nothing compared to the disgrace that my memory has serviced me. Please do tell, what kind of wound do I have in my back? Last thing I could remember I was in a chase with an enemy. Then, I tumbled down from my horse."

"According to Hyukjeong, it was an arrow wound. Thank Heavens, it didn't have poison. You would've been in the afterlife by now if it had."

Dae Wong was shocked. Who could that be? Chil Yook? Certainly, it was Chil Yook. No bloodshed, my foot. He sailed back to his senses and continued, "By the way, how did Hyukjeong find me?"

"I ordered him to look for some wood. When he came back, he was already carrying you on his back. He told me that you were unconscious, barely breathing so he made his way home the soonest."

The minister expressed his full gratitude to his savior. "You have been kind, young man."

Hyukjeong went down on his knees and kowtowed before the minister, which made Dae Wong flabbergasted. He could not say a word; his jaws hung low—locked. With no further questions, he deemed the act as particularly unnecessary. It melted his heart, for he just became the eyewitness of one of the few paradoxes of life. Who could have more respect and pure heart than a handicapped, uneducated commoner? The noblemen would not even stand a chance to be on the final round if there was a contest of respect. Often pigeonholed by the village people as a filthy, scrawny, good-for-nothing savage beggar—that was Hyukjeong's perspective before. But when he heard the minister's warmest words, everything changed.

"By the way, he said that someone had taken care of your wounds when he found you," the monk started another topic.

"You mean you have nothing to do with this dressing?" Dae Wong studied the white cloth, wrapped around his middle torso. "Have you seen my men?"

"I'm afraid I haven't, Your Lordship."

The minister stared at the talismans, on top of the table in front of him. His mouth dropped like a basking saltwater crocodile.

"Is there something bothering you?"

He shook his head. "No. no. I just wish that they're perfectly fine."

"I hope they are. They would prioritize your safety though, which drives me to my next mission." The monk carried a wooden mortar and offered, "Minister, if you would allow us, we would like to remove your robe and apply some herbs to your wounds."

Dae Wong nodded after casting an awkward stare. The monk and his friend helped him remove his robe. His broad shoulder and lean body exposed. The monk applied mashed red herbs, which made the patient yelped in pain at first. After a while, a cooling, refreshing sensation conquered his wounds.

"I owe you my life. If it was not for you two, I would have been feasted by hungry ravens."

The two bowed their heads. "It will always be an honor to save a life."

"Ah, before we forget, please drink this tonic. This will alleviate your pain in no time." The monk signaled Hyukjeong to get the bowl and hand it to the minister.

When the cup was on his hands, Dae Wong let out a deep exhale before studying the color of the magical potion. The odor wafted to his nose, which made him flinch a bit. It smelled like wood combined with random leafy herbs and insect guts. When the two nodded, a sign of assurance, the minister pinched his nose, closed his eyes, and gulped the medicine down to his throat. With a puckered face, he smiled and thanked the two again.

"I shall leave. I still have a kingdom to save. Please show me the way out."


The month-long planned ceremony came into life finally. From all personnel down to the non-living elements, everything was more than ready—the tiniest details nitpicked. The warm cordial palace smiled the brightest as he waited for all his brides to march inside.

Drums thundered throughout the palace, marking the commencement of the ceremony. The guards opened all the gates, and people from the different parts of the kingdom entered.

"The King is about to announce the mandate from the Heavens. What could it be?" asked a peasant who walked with his entire family.

"Fruitful blessings, I declare." a woman carrying her month-old son, put in.

With a monstrous number of people, dropping a needle from the skies would be extremely unnoticeable. Despite the conspicuous differences between the nobles and the commoners, the whole courtyard transformed into a deep-blue ocean of unity. They disregarded their social statuses and came up with a single prayer. Blessings. Good luck. Safety—the three key elements that made their lives go around.

After a couple of minutes, all the eight gates were closed, sealing the formal start of the rituals. The council members, led by the Prime Minister, went up the dais and stood before their chairs, waiting for the King. Jae Joong showed up a few minutes after and sat on his golden throne in the middle, and all of them took their seats.

As the King laid his eyes on the immeasurable number of people, he could not help but worry about his trusted right hand. His racing heart translated to the trembling of his fingers. Jung Ho noticed the discomfort, the pale face of his older brother, so he held his hand and advised, "Sire, I beg your pardon for my insolence. Your hands are shaking. Relax. Everything is going to be fine. The Heavens do not sleep. They've seen your efforts and pure intentions. They will guide you."

Chil Yook and Lady Min, standing behind their master, noticed the King's hands too. Lady Min whispered something to the Prime Minister, which engraved a light smile on his lips. With a lifted eyebrow and widened eyes, Jung Ho conveyed encouraging words to the King, "I know you consider me as a vicious enemy, but believe me when I say that I don't wish any harm to our people. Stop worrying about anything else. Focus. We believe in you! Everyone is counting on you!"

The King just shot a glance, but he did not respond.

A middle-aged stocky man in his silky purple robe and cloak uniform stepped forward and announced, "His Majesty graces us all!"

The King rose from his throne and faced the people. Everyone got down on their knees and bowed their heads down. Raising his right arm as a symbol of blessing, he ignored the great sea and sharpened his eyes for one target person.

"Dae Wong, where are you?" he uttered softly.
