The Beginning

It was the age 749, and Bulma was digging through the basement looking for something desperately.

"Come on! I know that picture was somewhere around here!" she yelled as she rummaged through every box.


Bulma stopped moving and looked at the floor. Her pretty little eyes landing on a picture that fell out of the broken picture frame. She looked at it nervously and cried, "Oh no! Please don't be ripped.."

She turned the picture around and saw three people within the picture. A blonde woman standing above two little figures, one had blue hair and sat on top of the head of a little body that had black hair and a tail around the waist.

"Sora.."A tear rolled down Bulma's face as she looked at the picture and stuffed it in her pocket before fixing up everything in the basement.


"Mom!" yelled Bulma as she came out of the basement and walked to a Panchy watering the plants.

"Yes dear?" Panchy didn't turn around and kept watering her plants with the utmost care. She looked at a beautiful rose right in front of herself and smelled it.

"Where does Sora live?"

Panchy blushed and gave a smile hearing that name and brought her hand up to her cheek, "My~ to think that you finally decided to ask that question dear."

"So where is he?!"

Giving a smile, Panchy told where Sora was living and Bulma left in such a hurry that she didn't listen to everything else.



Bulma sped through the forest and stopped at a nearby tree to take a photo of the scenery in the forest.


Hearing a twig snap, Bulma turned her head back rapidly and asked, "Who's there?"

Bum! Bum! BUM!

Bulma turned her head up slowly seeing a big... burly... smelly... hairy... BEAR!

"AHHHHH!" Bulma ran to her Capsule Corps car and drove away fast.


"I was only going to say hi to the Human, am I really that ugly?" The bear had his head down and had a tear roll down his face and walked away with his back hunched forward.


(Nine days later)


"Kick quicker."

"Hah! AH!"

"Straighten out your back."


"Now rest."

"Sora, when are you going to teach me that red technique."

"Bah, I won't teach you it until you really need it." Sora said as he looked down at the little boy who had black hair, a turtle crab hairdo. He had a tail behind him that held onto a red Power Pole and open blue gi secured with a white bow-tied obi over his waist, red wristbands, and dark blue kung fu shoes and also a tank top.

"Come one Sora, or you can teach me how to use my pole-arm better." The little kid had said as he looked at Sora.

Sora thought over for a bit before he chuckled and shook his head. "I don't think I will Goku, you won't end up using that Power Pole that long. Plus that weapon is pretty weak, wait until I learn some blacksmithing and if you still use the Power Pole I will make you one better" Sora laughed and looked a Goku who just laughed and scratched the back of his head. 'Though he still won't use, he likes punching, it shows in his eyes.'

"I'm pretty hungry, I will go hunt for something," Goku said as he walked away towards the river that was near the place where they had been sparring.

Sora walked away and went to sit down as he calmed his mind and rested a bit. However after a while a tick appeared on his forehead, "That damn Gohan left again and I had to explain to Goku how he just went out for his 'walk'."


Vrrr~ Boom!

"Watch where your going!"

Sora lifted up his head and looked towards where he heard the crash and the yell. It was Goku under a blue haired girls car lifting it and throwing it to a side. Seeing as Goku had gone back to an area where there was a fish shows that he was crashed. "Jeez, how many times do I have to tell him to be aware of his surroundings."

Pah! Pah!

Pah! Pah!

Pah! Pah!

Pah! Click~

"Eh! What is he made of??" Sora heard a familiar voice after it finished shooting at Goku.

"Why are you shooting at me?" Goku didn't try attacking as he had noticed that the attacker was a girl and his grandpa had told him not to attack women. However he really wanted the shooting to stop as it really hurt him to be shot.

The attacker, a blue haired girl, stopped squirming when it noticed that the voice was somewhat squeaky. When she checked she was astounded when she noticed that it was a little boy. "Why aren't you dead??"

"That's not what you say to someone that you hurt. Your lucky my body is as hard as steel you damn feline," Goku spat out as he turned his head. Goku then laughed a little as he yelled to the shocked woman, "Hey, how come you don't seem human like me? You seem so weak and soft."

The girl jumped out the car and said to the boy, "I am human! And I'm a girl."

Goku turned to look at the car and jumped on it, and stomped on it, "Is this really a car? I heard about these from grandpa and Sora but they seem weird..."

"Wait!" Bulma screamed and ran up to Goku and shook him violently. "You know Sora!"

"Of course! Now can you stop shaking me," Goku said as he got dizzy.

Quickly putting Goku down, Bulma looked around to look for Sora. She didn't find any signs of Sora, so she turned her head to Goku and asked, "Where is he!?"

"Why do you want to know?" Goku was at a loss and didn't answer her right away. He wasn't being smart or even cautious! He was curious as to why this woman he has never seen before, want to know where his brother Sora is.

Bulma breathed in and then exhaled, she relaxed slightly. She looked at Goku dead in the eyes and bent forward with a slight blush, "I am your brother Sora's long lost lover!"

Goku stared at Bulma for a moment before falling on the ground and laughing. "AHAHAHAHA! A lover she says!"

"Why are you laughing!?" asked Bulma with her face growing redder.

When Goku heard Bulma's question, he stopped laughing and looked at Bulma idiotically for a brief moment before responding, "HUh? Oh, I don't know. Ehehe.."

"Damn... you..." Bulma covered her face with both hands and crouched on the floor.

Seeing Bulma crouch with her hands covering her face, Goku said, "Don't cry. I will lead you to Brother Sora!"

And so they both went to Gohan's house as they hardly talked and approached another person who had been there waiting the arrival of the two figures, or more specifically the food.

Bulma froze upon seeing the figure standing there and couldn't believe her eyes.

"Wow Bulma, you grew to be stunning." Sora gave a big smile when he saw the disbelieving face of Bulma.

"Why didn't you ever visit me!?" She yelled as she pointed her finger at Sora and looked at him with deadly eyes that could kill a flying bird.

"Yeah but I'm surprised that you even remember me, since I tried dodging you every day I would visit your house." Sora said as he looked away from Bulma's stare. However after a couple of seconds she humphed and looked away.

"Well it doesn't matter because I had cameras installed all over the house. AND they were small enough to evade your detection so I always knew when you would visit." Bulma said as she turned back to face Sora with a somewhat red face.

"Anyways why are you here? Are you here to visit? or for the Dragon Balls?" Sora gave a smirk to Bulma as she squirmed under his gaze. Goku had long left as he had gone to prepare the fish so that they can eat.


Sora sighed and smiled again at Bulma as he asked, "Anyway, how have you been Bulma?"

Bulma got a bit dazed when she saw Sora's smile and got a bit red as she said, "I-I have been g-good Sora, how about you-u?"

As Sora took her to the area where the table and chairs were set up to eat they talked for a while before Goku finally arrived. "Time to dig in guys!!"

Goku, Sora and Bulma ate the fish and she still has not gotten used to Sora eating so much, even if it was once.

"How do you guys end up eating so much?? Is your stomach like an abyss or something?" Bulma asked Sora as he sort of started coughing when she had asked that.

After recovering from coughing Sora grimly smiled at Bulma and said, "I prefer not answer that question.. haha." Sora looked away from Bulma and suddenly said, "Oh yeah, you wanted to search for the Dragon Balls right?"

"No. I came for you!" Bulma smiled at Sora as she pointed at Sora with a silly grin and a blush.

Sora smiled and walked up to her before picking her up in his arms and kissing her.


He forcefully gave Bulma a kiss and invaded her small mouth with his tongue and wrapped it around her little tongue. Retracting his head and finishing the kiss, Sora looked at Bulma's red and hazy eyes with a smile. Bulma panted, she tried getting her breathing under control, but she couldn't do it when she was being held in Sora's big arms.

When Goku saw what Sora had given to Bulma, he got curious and yelled, "Hey! What was that?! Is that fun!? When will I get to do that!"

"Hahah, I forgot you were here Goku. Don't try this ever until I tell you to alright. This is a very serious thing when it comes to talking about you Goku. There are many things I wish you know the common sense of but it seems impossible with that mentality of yours.." Sora said as he materialized a paper and pen as he wrote that they will leave for some days and mentioned how he will take Goku to practice under Roshi. It was time to cash in that favor!

He went outside with Goku and Bulma, as she then realized that her car had been destroyed. Bulma took out her capsules and told Goku to stand back as she threw it out and a motorcycle appeared in a puff of smoke.

"Hmm.. we won't fit but it doesn't matter. I will run since I need to make my stamina better." Sora said as he started stretching a bit.

Bulma seemed somewhat sad but went along with what he had said. 'I really wanted to ride with Sora..' She then told Goku to get on the motorcycle and hold on tight as she started up the motorcycle. "Come on Goku, get on we need to go. See if you can catch up Sora!"

"Pfft. See if you can catch up to me, let me just give you the location of the nearest shore to where we are going." Sora smirked as he gave the location to the shore nearest to Roshi's island.

"Alright then I guess I will see you there then." He smiled a bit as the muscles on his legs clenched and he squat down a bit. He then disappeared from his location as he left in quick speed.

"Hey! No fair, you're supposed to wait for the get ready, set mark, go!!" Bulma said as she quickly started up the motorcycle.

"C'mon Bulma!! Sora is getting away!" Goku yelled as he jumped up and down on the motorcycle as it started up. And also sped away behind Sora as they tried to reach him who had gotten pretty far away already.


Age of MC: 18 years