Two Dragon Tattoos!

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Walking over to school with Saki, Sora felt some liquid on his arm.

He lifted his arm to see what it was and noticed blood, 'So he was dealt with...'

Sending the Ferret a mental pat, Sora wiped the blood off and turned to Saki, "You should be more careful with strangers."

"Ah.. okay," nodded Saki with a small smile as she walked next to Sora.

"If you need any type of help, you can come to me," said Sora as he smiled.

"Do you live this way?" asked Saki, noticing Sora heading to school.

"No, I made an appointment with a classmate. So I'm heading over to see him right now. I hope you don't mind waiting a bit longer for the magazines," said Sora as he turned to Saki with an apologetic look on his face.

"No worries, take your time," sweetly said Saki as she enjoyed being near Sora.

"Yo Baki! Right on time," said Sora as he saw the young boy a while back.

Sora looked at the time on his phone and noticed that there was only only a minute until the 4 hours were up. Looking up from his phone, Sora noticed a girl with brown eyes and hair behind Baki.

Baki turned to look at Sora with a fierce look and a smile, "I've been waiting."

"I can tell," said Sora as he saw Baki hand over his stuff to the girl behind him.

Sora did the same and handed Saki his backpack and asked her to hold it for him. Since he had no other clothes to wear after fighting, in which he won't be hurt, Sora removed the upper half of his school uniform revealing his muscular body and toned muscles.

Saki blushed seeing Sora's body and turned away, feeling like it was indecent looking at Sora's body. However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop her eyes from moving over to look at Sora's body.

"Ready to fight?" asked Sora as he got into his Nirvanic Taichi stance.

'Huh? Fight?!' Saki's eyes widened in surprise as she turned to look at Baki who was getting into his stance as well.

Once they both stood before each other, Baki made the first attack as he punched forward. Sora gave a light smirk and dodged the punch.

Baki threw fist after fist, followed by kicks and many attacks to hit Sora. Yet Sora evaded each move of Baki's with little movements, making Baki miss every single attack.

The charade went on for a minute before Sora's image flashed and he disappeared from in front of Baki. Sora appeared behind Baki and launched a palm strike to the young boy's back, knocking him to the ground and striking the air out of his lungs.

Sora's movements were so fast that Saki and the girl that followed Baki didn't know what happened. All they saw was Sora disappearing and Baki falling hard on the ground with a loud 'Thud!'.

"Now I'm your Martial Master," said Sora as he stroked his chin. He turned to look at the girl and said, "Tell Baki that I, his Martial Master, will be waiting for him tomorrow to serve this Master of his, tea."

"... Mh..." the girl nervously looked at Sora before giving a nod and running to Baki's side.

Sora smiled and put on his clothes before retrieving his backpack from Saki.

"Lets go to my home now," said Sora as he led the way to his house.

Saki was awoken from the shock and turned to look at Sora with a blank look before realizing what he said, "Ah, yes!"

"Is this your house?" asked Saki as she looked at the house before her.

"Yeah, come in," said Sora as he opened the door and let her enter.

Seeing his neighbor Kyouka, Sora said hello to her before entering his house.

"Make yourself at home, I will go get the magazines," said Sora, leaving Saki in the living room.

He ran upstairs and made 3 fashion magazines with his Dream Energy before running back down and handing them over to Saki.

"Here you go. These are premium fashion magazines, you won't find them anywhere in the world," said Sora as he handed over the magazine with the title "Virtuous" on it.

'This must be a very good fashion magazine...' thought Saki as she looked at the title "Virtuous" shining brightly.

The 'Virtuous' was something Sora had just made using the images of his wives using various modern clothing. The magazine provided dressing tips, makeup, shoes, hair trends… everything that could be related to fashion was in the magazines.

"I will make us some tea," said Sora as he headed into the kitchen.

"Where are your parents?" asked Saki. She put away 'Virtuous' in her backpack and looked around for any photos.

"I don't have any parents," said Sora as he came back with freshly brewed tea.

"I'm sorry," apologized Saki, thinking she may have hurt Sora's feelings bringing up him not having parents.

"Don't worry, I never knew them and I'm doing fine on my own," said Sora as he smiled at Saki brightly.

"Then who takes care of you?" she asked curiously as she drank from her tea.

"No one. I take care of myself and I live alone."

Sora calmly drank his tea and talked some more with Saki until Rinko had arrived at his house for food.

"Hello, you must be a friend of Sora's," said Rinko as she entered the house calmly.

She looked at Sora with a small smile and noticed the cups of tea on the table.

"N-no… we're just classmates. Unless..." Saki sent Sora a small gaze which he caught and smiled.

"We're friends ever since you accepted my cup of tea," said Sora with a gentle smile before turning his attention to Rinko. "Did you at least bring ingredients?"


Rinko had thought ahead and knew that she would need to bring ingredients over for Sora to continue making food for her. As long as she brought over ingredients, Sora would make her food without a noise of complaining.

She handed over two bags full of vegetables, fruits, and some spices.

Sora took the bag and saw everything in the bags. He nodded and stood up, heading over to the kitchen to start cooking.

"Saki, join us for food," said Sora as he chopped the vegetables at amazing speeds.

"Thank you!" Saki looked at Rinko and felt nervous around her, with such a beautiful woman sitting right in front of her, she felt rather shy. "You look beautiful."

"You're much better looking. I love your long black hair," said Rinko as she lifted a few strands of Saki's hair.

Saki blushed at Rinko's comment, she turned her head to the side.

"Mmm! Such delicious smell," contentedly sighed Rinko as she place her hand on her cheek with a flushed face.

"It does..." muttered Saki as she smelled delicious food as well.

The meat of the Vigorous Bear flooded the house, making the two girls salivate.

If Frisk knew Sora was cooking a bear to eat, he'd cry out in horror and have nightmares for many years to come. Always being followed by Sora who carried a demonic smile and a sharp kitchen knife in his hands.

"Have a taste!"

Sora finished cooking and served the women some of the Vigorous Bear meat. Saki and Rinko's plates were huge and carried a large slab of meat filled with vegetables and coated with a bit of boiled diced carrots and potatoes.

"This..." Saki looked at the large size of serving and felt like it was too much for her to eat.

Sora served them a lot since he made the food a bit special today. These dishes carried enough nutritional value to last a human for a whole year. It is very nutritional to anyone who ate it as Sora used a couple special methods to not have any negative effects on the human body.

Once eaten, the meat of the Vigorous Bear will fill them with vitality and make one feel energetic for a whole week. It will heal the body of the eater and make them go through a 'rebirth' that will last an entire year with all the Nutrients inside the Vigorous Bear's meat.

The appearance before and after would be so drastic that they wouldn't even recognize their past self.

The Vigorous Bear's meat was filled with potent life-force that strengthened the life-force of its eater. Which explains the 'rebirth' and effect of making one energetic.

That doesn't explain the large serving size…

No matter how much Vigorous Bear meat one eats, said person will still feel hungry. Which was why it was coupled with a lot of vegetables.

"Make sure to eat your vegetables," said Sora as he winked at Saki.

Rinko saw what Sora did and smiled after seeing Saki turn bashful, "Stop teasing the poor girl, Sora."

"Haha," chuckled Sora as he got to eating.

After they were done eating, it was already 7 P.M. and Saki had to leave already. She looked at the time and stood up, bidding farewell to Sora.

"I'll take you home!" offered Sora.

"You don't need to," said Rinko before turning to Saki. "Come, I'll drive you home."

"I-it's alright, I can go by myself," said Saki as she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Sora smiled and said, "Just let her drive you home, I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"O-okay. Goodbye Kamiyama-kun!" Saki waved goodbye to Sora from the entrance before Rinko closed the door and left with Saki.

Sora looked at the door for a while before sighing and walking into his 'study' room. Since he lives in a rather large house that has 6 moderately sized rooms on the second floor and 4 rooms on the bottom, Sora decided to use some of the rooms. He left 7 rooms untouched, leaving only three being used.

One as his room and another as his 'study' room, which he will be using as a room where he can do his calligraphy, painting, talisman drawing, and array/formation projects.

Sora entered the 'study' and brought out his pagoda, to which still needs to be renamed because of it's change of color.

Focusing on the seventh floor, Sora took out a large metallic sheet made of Star Steel Essence.

Star Steel is a powerful material that is the favorite material for refining tools and artifacts. It was known as the Meteorite of Heaven. It is very resistant to any type of energy and has a very good amount of defensive properties too.

If refined into a tool or an artifact, possibly even a weapon, it could multiply the power of any energy it consumed and took in.

This was a precise ability Sora was after at this moment.

Taking out his calligraphy brush. Sora soaked it in a Divine Ink before pouring his spiritual energy into the brush. His figure was aloof and indifferent as his hand moved beautifully over the Star Steel Essence metal sheet.

Slowly, a figure appeared on the black metal sheet, revealing an imposing and powerful Long Dragon that had fierce eyes and sharp teeth.

Lifting the brush from the sheet, the dragon became vivid, shaking within the metal sheet with vigor. Sora smiled and willed the dragon to leave the metal sheet, allowing it to move from the metal sheet into his room.

"HAHAHAHA! Now if I run into trouble that I can't completely handle, I can just call on you or the White Ferret."

Looking at the powerful and imposing Black Dragon before him, Sora laughed out loud and took back his spiritual energy. The Black Dragon coiled around Sora's biceps before resting on Sora's back.

The Black Dragon was mainly good at defending and using energy.

"Good, good!"

Sora nodded and watched as the Star Steel Essence metal sheet turned to dust.

Rubbing his chin, Sora brought out another sheet, this time a Violet Jade Essence sheet. He made another long dragon on the violet sheet and out came another powerful dragon that was all-rounded, good in every area; speed, strength, defense, and energy.

The Violet Jade is a very precious material that can be used in both forging and refining. Weapons, armors, jewelry… tools… artifacts… it was used for many things. A well-rounded and precious material.

Sora now had two dragon tattoos that were on his body. With the presence of another dragon tattoo, the Black Dragoon moved along with the Violet Dragon.

The ends of both dragons remained on Sora's back as they went around Sora's waist before their heads stopped at his chest. Their imposing aura was still present as they gave a powerful roar.

Sora smiled and put on his clothes before throwing the dust away into the trash.