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After finishing helping Emi, Sora walked out of the room after putting away the silver needles. He didn't remain long in the room since Emi had put on back her shirt and no longer revealed those amazing breasts of hers.

Stepping out of the room, Sora found Baki standing in front of the door with an impassive gaze. Baki opened his mouth and asked in a worried tone.

"How is she?"

"She's fine. She just needs to rest," said Sora as he scratched his cheek. "I will be coming here periodically for the next 13 days. Since your mother wasn't healed quickly, the damage done to her will be harder to resolve, but nothing I can't solve. In just 2 weeks your mom will be walking just fine!"

Sora straightened his back and revealed his utmost confidence at Emi regaining the use of her legs in just a couple of days. He could just heal her with one of the herbs he had, or even with alchemy, but it would be counterproductive for him.

If he saved Emi now with Alchemy (pills, elixir's, medicinal broth/wines, ointment, herbs, fruits...), he wouldn't be able to conquer the gorgeous woman. It was also a way to build a relationship with the woman.

Whilst on the topic of Alchemy, Sora himself could not use any type of pill, elixir, or even just a herb, to speed up his healing or increase his strength. It was rather strange not having anything work on his body. The only thing that did work was stuff that directly linked to his strength and recovery of his strength.

For any who was in the Heavenly Rebirth Realm, they couldn't abuse anything that could directly increase their strength permanently. They had to work hard themselves to raise their own strength and have it multiplied by the returning strength.

"That's good to hear. If you ever need anything, just call me," said Baki as he lowered his head to Sora in gratitude.

"Don't worry about it, what are friends for?" asked Sora as he looked back at Emi's door with a smirk. 'Better build up my relationship with Baki so he can accept me becoming his father in the future...'

"Haha. You're my master, not much of a friend if you ask me," chuckled Baki as he looked at Sora.

"You might as well call me father too then," laughed Sora after hearing Baki's words.

Baki revealed an awkward look as he remembered that one's saying that was frequently used between teacher and martial artists.

'One day as your teacher, like a father for a lifetime...'


Hearing his phone ring, Sora pulled it out and answered it after seeing that the caller was Kayaba..

"Hello? Kamiyama Sora here."

"Hi, this is Kayaba. I need you to come down to Argus starting tomorrow. Don't worry about school, the company took care of it. You won't be going to school for the next whole month," said Kayaba through the phone with a serious tone.

Sora blinked and smiled, "Okay. I'll be there starting tomorrow. This won't affect my grades, right?"

"No, it won't affect it at all. In fact, the company and the school made an agreement where if you continue to do well at school, you will be allowed to have a leave of absence for two weeks. As long as you're back for tests and exams, the school will let this fly," quietly said Kayaba.

'This will save me from the boring times at school. Too bad I won't be seeing Hiratsuka for a whole month,' thought Sora with a rather regretful look on his face.

Hanging up, Sora made another call right away. As soon as he called, the phone was answered and Sora didn't bother introducing himself as he threw out an order before hanging up.

"Buy me a motorcycle, I expect to see it in front of my house tomorrow. I will return the money to you tomorrow after I finish some business."


Sora smiled and put away the phone before facing Baki, "I will see you tomorrow when I come to check up on your mom. Make sure she eats more, she looks unhealthy."

With that, Sora walked away and took Saki, leaving Baki alone.

Sora and Saki both went home and fell asleep after Sora made some food for them both. Kyouka, nor Yuika and Koharu, will be coming over tonight since they had things to deal with.

Sora entered his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal before falling asleep. He dispelled all the clones besides the ones that were training in the bow, spear, sword, hammer, and the three that were meditating.

Since the Nirvanic Taichi perfectly shared the mastery and understanding, Sora didn't have to worry about not training in the other weapons. Just training in one weapon would be enough.

An influx of experiences entered his Memory Palace and was easily dealt with. Sora felt his mastery over every weapon and martial arts increase after taking in the experiences of the shadow clones. The clones even started to comprehend many different things whilst training in their weapons.

After taking care of the clones, Sora practiced for the next few days in Nirvanic Taichi/Art. The feeling of breakthrough loomed over his head, making itself evidently present every time he was practicing in the Nirvanic Taichi/Art.

The breakthrough was near, yet it was so far away from his grasp. It would take him a long time before he could breakthrough, even with the ability to be able to breeze through everything with no chance to encounter a bottleneck.

Including the many other abilities and enlightenments, it would take a while before he could breakthrough.

Waking up the next day, Sora got up and dressed up to go to Argus today. He walked downstairs and cooked some food.

"Wow, this is so extravagant," said Saki as she looked at the food on the table with sparkling eyes.

Sora stayed quiet at her words and just enjoyed the food he was eating. Not long after Sora had begun eating, the doorbell rang, making Sora stand up and answer the door.

"I have brought over the motorcycle boss!" said Yuji as he presented the keys to Sora.

After giving the key to Sora, Yuji quickly left for school, walking. Sora watched him walk away before heading over to the motorcycle parked in front of his house.

Looking at the white YZF R1 Yamaha motorcycle, Sora nodded in satisfaction before running his hand over the motorcycle. Walking back into the house, Sora and Saki finished eating.

"Get on, I'll take you to school," said Sora, inviting Saki on his motorcycle. His hands held a helmet for Saki.

"Thank you!" thanked Saki before getting on the back of the motorcycle with a smile on her face. She put on the helmet before wrapping her arms around Sora's waist and pressing her breasts on his back.

"No problem. I'll be taking you to school like this from now on," said Sora as he revved up the engine before zooming forward to school.

Once they arrived at school, everyone was looking at Sora and his motorcycle with awe. Saki got off and gave Sora the helmet before waving goodbye to him. As soon as she entered school, she was surrounded by her friends.

"Is that Kamiyama-kun?"

"Are the both of you dating?!"

"Was it nice to ride that motorcycle?"

Saki took a step back with a shy smile as she looked back at Sora who was leaving already.

"Kamiyama-kun! Where do you think you're going?" asked Hiratsuka as she finally returned to school. She stopped Sora right where he was and tried to get him to come to class instead of skipping class.

Hiratsuka couldn't have one of her students missing class, so she stopped Sora before he could leave. So when she arrived and found Sora leaving already, she felt an obligation to stop him and get him to enter school.

Sora smiled and looked at Hiratsuka, "I'm exempted from coming to school for the next whole month Hiratsuka-sensei. I hope you won't be missing me much! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to leave.

Goodbye Hiratruka-sensei! I hope I see you again tomorrow morning~."

Not waiting to hear Hiratsuka's response, Sora zoomed away whilst waving goodbye to Hiratsuka and Saki.

'Damn! I need to talk to the principal about this,' thought Hiratsuka as she looked at Sora leaving with a frown.

Her students' grades and futures rested in her hands, it was her duty to lead them towards the correct path and have them become amazing people.


Zooming through the street like a speeding bullet, Sora quickly arrived at argus. He parked his motorcycle and entered the building before being led inside by a sexy secretary.

By the time they arrived at the place Sora was supposed to be at, the secretary was blushing and had an erratic breath. Her chest raised up and down slowly as she gestured for Sora to walk in.

"I hope I see you again later, miss secretary," said Sora as he turned back to the woman and winked.

"Y-yes, later..." mumbled the woman with a flushed face before leaving.

"Sora! Where have you been?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Sora turned to face Kayaba with a smile before walking past him.

"What's the problem, why did you have me come over?" Sora looked around the room they were in. There was a doctor nearby and there were many men and women behind computers and machines that were hooked up to a bed in the middle of the room.

All the machines and computers were hooked up to the helmet that was on the bed.

Kayaba didn't mind Sora's actions and just followed up behind him, "We have finished dealing with every other thing. Buildings, scenery, trees, food, animals, you name it! Now we just need the new moves you added and the advanced ones recorded into the machine."

Sora nodded at Kayaba's words. At the rate he and the others are working, they might get to finish the game earlier than predicted.

Everyone at Argus believed the game would be out next year around fall, but it might even come out earlier than believed. No one knew when that might be, but it would be coming out at least two months earlier at their current speed.

"Is that it?" asked Sora as he walked over to the bed.

"No, we need to test the fighting capabilities of all types of monsters. So I need you to fight with every single monster, not including the boss-type monsters," said Kayaba as he walked over to the main computer and sat behind it.

Sora sat down on the bed and put on NerveGear before lying down on the bed.

"Although you will be fighting with every monster, their final versions will be something different. We just have to get the fighting and behavioral system of the monsters perfected." Kayaba turned on the main computer and began typing away to ready everything for Sora. "Go ahead and say 'Link Start' when you are ready. You won't need to worry about anything, the doctor there will help you with anything if something goes wrong."

Sora remained quiet as he took in a deep breath.

"Link Start!"

Soon, Sora's vision was clouded by an assortment of colors before appearing in the character creation room. Not bothering with the details, Sora kept himself as it is before put his name.


After putting in his name and pressing on ENTER, the screen once again changed and he was right in front of the weapon selecting screen. With a nod of his head, Sora reached for the sword.


After grabbing the sword, Sora was shown another screen that allowed him to choose the color scheme of his outfit. Sora didn't bother much with it and just left it as the default before seeing the surrounding change once again.

"I see you're in. Looks like you didn't change your appearance and you chose a one-handed long sword."

Sora blinked as he heard Kayaba's voice right next to his ears. He scratched his cheek and said, "Yeah, no need to take a long time changing my appearance. As for the sword, I chose it at random."

"I will be changing your weapon periodically so that you can use the other weapons as well," said Kayaba.

"Fine by me, so what do you want me to do?" asked Sora as he looked around. He was in an area of the game referred to as the "Town of Beginnings".

There is a central circular plaza in the city. The north side of the plaza leads to the Black Iron Palace, a large black palace that is the biggest structure within the city and it is the first building seen in the game by Sora.