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Despite Hiratsuka's thoughts and actions, she was deeply worried when she found out that Sora had been missing for four days. With Sora already making a spot in her heart because of all his damn flirting, Hiratsuka couldn't help but worry about him

She had appeared at Sora's house to check if he was there only to find Saki.

Hiratsuka only asked Saki why she was there and her relationship with Sora before the man himself appeared.

Specially instructing Sora came at the spur of the moment after seeing Saki hug Sora.

"I hope you're ready to learn," said Hiratsuka as she pulled out a cigarette to light it up.

Before Hiratsuka could light the cigarette, the cigarette had disappeared from her beautiful lips.

"A beautiful woman like you shouldn't be smoking," said Sora as he held the cigarette in his hands.

Sora normally didn't have a problem with someone smoking, but that was on the basis that they were cultivating, were immortal, or have amazing recovery capabilities. Seeing as Hiratsuka has none of those, Sora couldn't let Hiratsuka smoke whilst still being a normal human.


Hiratsuka froze, with the lighter still before her lips she looked at Sora with a surprised look. She was a Master martial artist and can easily notice things the normal people could not see normally.

Despite that, Sora had moved too fast for her eyes to even see him twitch or move an inch. It was like he hadn't moved at all!

'He must be an early Grand Master!' thought Hiratsuka as she looked at Sora with shock. The thought of him being a late or peak Grand Master never crossed her mind since he was too young.

"Hiratsuka-sensei is still so beautiful and young, it would be a shame if your teeth, lungs, and fair skin would be ruined from smoking such rubbish," said Sora as he flicked the cigarette in his hands over to the trash can that was across the kitchen.

Hiratsuka looked at Sora for a moment before the look of surprise was washed away, "Hmph, to take stuff from this teacher. See if I won't go too hard on you when tutoring you."

Feeling fuzzy inside from Sora's words, Hiratsuka just harrumphed and turned to leave. She shot Sora one more look before saying, "I hope I see you here at 7 PM to begin your tutoring session."

Sora smiled at Hiratsuka's words, "I will be here for you whenever sensei!"

Feeling her heart beat faster at Sora's words, Hiratsuka quickly left in her car and went home. The teacher had never felt such a feeling before despite going on so many blind and normal dates.

"Don't disappear..." muttered Saki as she had her head on Sora's chest.

The poor girl still felt a lingering fear from being left alone. Sora shook his head at Saki's actions.

Lifting her head by the chin, Sora gently planted a kiss on Saki's soft and supple lips. Her eyes widening in shock as she felt something warm press upon her lips.


Closing her eyes slowly, the young girl immersed herself in the nice and mellow feeling of a simple kiss. She instantly calmed down and now just felt a warm and gentle wave wash over her body, calming her down.

"It's okay. I'll be there to protect you at all times," said Sora as he looked into Saki's eyes. They both locked gazes on each other.

Whilst Saki was busy looking at Sora in the eyes, the Ferret tattoo on Sora's neck slid down his arm and onto Saki. Slowly, the Ferret placed itself on Saki's back, now serving to protect her from anything.

"Go shower and then head to sleep, you have school to attend tomorrow," said Sora as he let go of her.

"Okay," said Saki absentmindedly as she touched her lips and left slowly.

After Saki left the room, Sora entered his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal and quickly took out a small rock that had a silencing rune on it.

He entered back into the kitchen before placing the rock in the corner and making himself some food. Since he would be making a lot of noise to cook, Sora wouldn't want to bother Saki while she bathes and heads to sleep.

After making food and eating it, Sora picked up the silencing rock and threw it into his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal before heading back into his room.

Once in his room, he entered the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal to continue his Nirvanic Taichi/Art training every single day.

On the last day of his remaining daily time, standing before the small sea, Sora's moves were extremely slow as he practiced the Nirvanic Taichi Art. Despite the moves being slow, every inch of his body contained explosive and mighty power that can't be stopped by anything.

Every hair and muscle strand contained so much explosive power that it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Sora could take down an entire elephant easily.

A single finger of Sora's contained so much strength that could easily chop down a tree without effort.

If Sora was encased in a metal block, the metal wouldn't be able to stop Sora's movements as he slowly carved his way according to his Nirvanic Taichi. Not a single crack or deformity would form on the metal block if Sora was in it carving his way according to his Nirvanic Taichi.

Sora's body vibrated a speed not noticeable to the naked eyes, causing his body to heat up and release steam made from his sweat. A deep, yet soft, roaring sound came from Sora, threatening to come out from his mouth.

It was like many growling dragons, bears, and other beasts were rumbling within his body.

The more Sora went on practicing in his Nirvanic Taichi, the more his body began heating up, slowly turning his skin red. His face was scrunched up and the thundering noise of growls and roars of many beasts were rising up from Sora's insides.

The small sea began to generate ripples, all coming from Sora's direction. The sound and vibrating force on Sora's body grew fiercer making Sora's face crimson.


Opening his mouth once he completed the last move of the Nirvanic Taichi/Art, Sora expelled a black turbid air from his mouth, accompanied by an ancient and powerful roar that made nearby fish explode from the sheer power from the roar.

The black turbid air continued on further for a couple of feet before dissipating and being cleansed by the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal, the same going for the blood in the small sea.

Once the roar was let out by Sora, his body returned to normal as if his entire time training was nothing but an illusion.

Stretching out his body, Sora opened his eyes slowly as he looked at his hands.

'I can't go on any longer by just practicing in it,' he thought as he sat down in a lotus position before the extremely clear sea.

Calming his breath, Sora looked at his reflection in the water.

The Nirvanic Taichi will no longer advance by practicing the Nirvanic Taichi Art, so there was no use in doing it. Now he could focus back on just his Nirvanic Taichi.

If he wanted to enter the Great Perfection, he would need to continue using the breathing technique of the Nirvanic Taichi Art at all times. If he did that, the essence of nature and the universe would naturally flow into his body, nourishing it for the increase of strength that will come with the Great Perfection.

After regulating his breath and automatically using the Breathing Technique of his Nirvanic Taichi Art, Sora could feel a small suction force from all the pores in his body.

If he used the blood and energy circulation technique, Sora would be able to speed up the process. Nonetheless, Sora will be automatically gathering the essence of nature and the universe so he didn't have to worry much about revolving his blood and Ki.

His breathing already moves it the way it's supposed to go, him actively doing it just speeds up the process.

If he let's it go on like this by itself, it will take at least 3 years before he enters the Great Perfection stage.

Standing up and exiting the Realm of the Violet Jade Immort, Sora entered the bath and came out of the shower. Dressing himself up, Sora headed downstairs to make food.

With a light step, Sora entered his Heavenly Universe before grabbing the next meal, a Dragonic Chicken.

Appearance wise, the chicken looked like any other chicken. The only difference was it's dragon eyes, blood, heart, and bones. It was an extremely power chicken, one that was in the Creation God Realm, just below the Ancestral God Realm in the Against The Gods world.

Ever since Sora refined every single world and made them his, the energies from those words flowed into his world. The energies made the World Tree stronger and made amazing changes to every being in his Heavenly Universe.

Along with the changes in his Heavenly Universe, the other worlds began changing slowly as well. The energies of the 5 worlds he refined had shared their energy each other like a dragon eating it's own tail.

World one shared it's energy with world two whilst world two shared it's energy with world three… it continued like that all the way until world five that shared it's energy with world one.

If Sora were to refine this world he was currently in, world 5 (Against The Gods) will share it's energy with this world.

It would matter much if Sora refines it when he regains his cultivation. Since the worlds were just recently refined, the energy that was shared is just barely enough to allow plants to grow healthier.

The process of energy sharing was slow, but it gradually sped up. If Sora really gets his cultivation back in 5 years, the energy is just barely enough for Spirit Grass to form, one of the many low level herbs.

Exiting his Heavenly Universe with a percent of the Dragonic Chicken, Sora began to cook it.

The Dragonic Chicken was at the size of an elephant and was filled with so much energy. Sora could only give Saki a finger sized piece of Dragonic Chicken. The rest of the 99% of the Dragonic Chicken was left inside the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal to keep it from rotting and growing old.

Even just a finger sized piece would kill Saki, but Sora was going to be feeding the Ferret the energy so that it could grow stronger. The Ferret will also slowly help Saki get a stronger body, although it won't be much since the tattoos aren't meant for that.

Sora was making the Ferret take the energy so that Saki could taste the Dragonic Chicken.

"Mmm! That smells so delicious," said Saki as she entered the kitchen with a wide smile.

"Go ahead and grab a plate. Then come over here so that I can serve you some," said Sora as he continued attending the meat, the rice, and other side dishes he had prepared.

Grabbing a plate, Saki headed over to Sora and held out her plate with a small and sweet smile.

Sora moved quickly as he diced the meat in a way which made it look like he will be serving her a lot. After giving Saki some meat, Sora served her some rice and served some of the side dishes in small bowls.

He helped her take everything to the table and catching her by surprise, Sora planted one big kiss on Saki's unprepared lips.


Like last night, Saki's eyes widened in surprise before melting and falling onto the chair with a flushed look on her face.

"I'll take you to school again, so don't rush into eating," said Sora as he headed over to the food at the stove.

With Saki in a daze, Sora used Heaven's Void on the meat and the food.

Opening his mouth slightly, a powerful suction force that can beat a black hole instantly appeared at the pits of Sora's stomach. As if only the food was affected, the meat, rice, and side dishes were quickly drawn into Sora's mouth and into his stomach.

If Sora chose to, he could have eaten the entire house.

As soon as the food entered Sora's stomach, the Dragonic Chicken meat was quickly turned into Dou and Sei Ki before leaving bits of energy to nourish his body.

"Ready Saki?" asked Sora after he finished washing the dishes and seeing Saki finish her food.

"I just need to go get my bag," said Saki before standing up in a hurry and leaving for her backpack. In just a few seconds, she was back and Sora took her to school on the motorcycle like he did the first day he got the motorcycle.