A Beautiful Rose

Discord Link ~ https://discord.gg/smAesXp


3 months passed by in the blink of an eye, the 7th floor was finally reached a couple of days ago.

Sora had already gotten the skill once the 6th floor was opened.

With 90% of his skills at level 700 already and the rest at level 500, Sora was grinding his skills at a rapid pace. The only skills that were maxed out already was his Mentor Skill and the One-Handed Sword Skill.

Instead of no longer teaching his Disciples once the 1 month was over, Sora continued training them. He would continue guiding his disciples and even taught each disciple their own weapon technique.

He even went ahead and accepted over 70 disciples, bringing the amount of disciples he has to 104 - and like the other disciples, he taught them the Basic Sword Technique.

Occasionally, Sora would send his disciples to clear quests and fight against Field Bosses.

They had all joined the guild he had made after the 2nd floor was opened for a day.

[Limitless Sky] was the name of Sora's guild.

Today was like any other day, guiding his disciples whenever they required his guidance and help.

However, Sora's eyes shook before revealing a faint smile on his handsome face.

"Everyone! Gather around."

Sora stood up with a light jump, rising from the black wood chair he was sitting on. He stepped forward and called out to his disciples, bidding them over to him.

All his disciples gathered quickly and stood in front of him with expectant looks on their faces.

"Today, I will teach all of you some Formations," said Sora as he picked up a wooden sword he had carved out himself.

"Master! What's a Formation?" asked one of the children.

Sora smiled and said, "This , is like a strategy and a type of play. Like the placings of players in a sports game."

"And will this be helpful?" asked a disciple in doubt.

"Of course." Sora took a step forward and continued, "Normally. You would all stand no chance at all against me in a fight. Especially with all of you against me."

All the disciples nodded, understanding that what Sora said was true. They didn't doubt what he had just said, after all, he would always just dodge their all out attacks with little to no movement.

"These formations will allow you all to perform better than usual. Every attack is driven with purpose and filled with power. No attack will be wasted and even the most powerful enemies will fall and be subdued. -Although you still won't be my match.-

You will all learn the Formations of 2, 3, 5, and 7. Until you all completely master those, I will not teach you the 9 and up, especially the 100 man Formation."

Sora gestured his hand to the notice board on the wall only noticeable to the Disciples of [Myriad Paths]. On it were various books and techniques that explain and teach the formations.

After teaching his disciples the Formations, Sora went ahead and left his disciples to read the stuff on the notice board and learn it.

Just as Sora was about to head into his personal training room, he was stopped by Asuna who was being accompanied by a girl in a blacksmith outfit.

"Master! I brought my friend to learn about sword smithing from you," said Asuna with a bright red face. 'God! I'll never get used to his face. Curse those developers!'

"Oh? A Swordsmith?" asked Sora as he looked over at the freckled pink haired girl.

She looked cute and Sora could tell with just a glance that the freckled girl is very friendly and prideful in her work as a blacksmith.

"Yes," said the girl with a sweet smile. "My name is Lisbeth! Nice to meet you."

'He looks just as perfect as Asuna described!'

The corner of Sora's lip twitched as if knowing what the girl was thinking. He sent Asuna a rather quick glance before saying, "Nice to meet you Lisbeth. I'm the Master of the [Myriad Paths] Dojo.

Would you like to become my disciple and learn the art of smithing?"

Lisbeth's dark blue eyes began shining after hearing Sora's invitation.


"Great," said Sora as he put his hand on Lisbeth's back. "Go ahead and bring your smithing tools, we'll start your training tomorrow."


Both Asuna and Lisbeth giggled as they ran away.


Sora was walking down the Stone walkways of Dragon City with a frown, feeling irked at such an idiotic thought that bloomed within his head.

'I need a disciple to teach about the spear! I need to speed up my grinding speed for that Two-Handed Spear Skill!'

In the three months he had been in Dragon City, Sora hasn't ran into a single spear wielding player. It was about time he started resorting to other methods of looking for a spear user.

'I should head into the [Woods of Death] of the fourth floor,' thought Sora as he scratched his chin. 'It's a fairly good spot for grinding skills and leveling for low-level players.'

Sora quickly equipped his red armor, but it's appearance had changed over the three months. It had slim down a lot, looking more like if it was just slim clothing that was lightly padded.

Although it was now slim and more light, the armor's defense was shocking. When Sora put on the helmet, the two holes for the eyes turned dark and even seemed to glow red ominously.

Sora took out a snow white coat and put it over his armor, giving him rather an amazing appearance. The snow white coat he had donned on was recolored and retailored from the Coat of Midnight. It's appearance didn't change much besides turning completely snow white, with no other color at all.

The only other change it had, which was not noticeable to the eyes, was many bags within the coat that carried multiple weapons. There were even two sleek daggers within the sleeve that can come out at the flick of the wrist.

Sora had already handed off the red Dire Wolf Cape off to someone else since he no longer had any use for it. He equipped a silver bladed spear with a pitch red body on his back before running off.

Since the One-Handed Sword Skill had already been maxed out, Sora did what he could to max out the spear skill, using every chance he had.

After dashing away to the Teleport Gate and appearing on the fourth floor, Sora performed a spear skill whenever a monster appeared within his sights.

"Here comes our fifth prey since we started doing this," muttered a young man as he gripped the dagger in his hands with a wretched look upon his face.

A red haired woman turned around and glared at the man before sighing.

The woman is beautiful and slim with purple eyes that can charm a person with ease. deep, glossy, flame-red hair kept in wild curls, a flock of which covers her right eye, with lips of the same colour. She wears black armour that shines like enamel and wields a slim, cross-shaped spear. She also wears an earring on her left ear.

"Rosalia, you did great today," a man said.

"I try my best. These monsters don't drop enough money for us to survive off of," said Rosalia, the red haired woman.

To survive, Rosalia and her party had all been trying various things to obtain money and items. They had hunted various monsters, even a field boss - losing some friends due to some careless actions, and even working for some Aincradians.

In the end, none of these actions provided enough money for them to survive. Although it was done poorly on their end and there was a 'leak' within their group.

"Although we haven't killed anyone yet, this will only be getting more tough." Rosalia rubbed her head in annoyance and she leaned back on a tree. "Those players we robbed will also be coming back for revenge, so we might have to start leveling again and preparing to... kill."

Rosalia had been straying from the thought of possibly killing another player, but the thought of killing kept appearing in the back of her mind.

'What if dying here doesn't mean death out there…?'

'Maybe it's just a joke Kayaba is playing on us… to see who can last the longest here...'

'If I just kill them… all these problems, will just… DISAPPEAR!'

Whenever those thoughts appeared within her head, Rosalia would try calming down and head to a lake within the forest she was in to refresh herself.

"Okay… the prey this time around seems to be a couple. We have to play our cards right, being ready to capture one of them and threaten the other," said Rosalia as she tilted her head to the side and glanced at a girl and a boy walking hand in hand through the forest.

The type of people Rosalia and her party rob are people who seem to look rather loaded. Their armor will either look very luxurious or their weapons would look rather expensive. Sometimes they would take the accessories a player is wearing since they would end up costing quite a bit.

"Come on, let us get-"

Just as the young man with the dagger was about to commence the attack on the couple, a loud sound echoed within the forest.

A loud sound of something slicing through the air and cutting apart flesh and bones, even cutting through the thickest tree.



The tree that was cut fell to the ground and shook the ground, shocking Rosalia and her party. The couple they were about to rob had long since ran away, afraid to be caught in the potential fight and dying.

"What was that?!"

Rosalia frowned and looked over to where she felt the tremor originate from. Her eyes widened in shock as she looked at the glowing lights in the distance. Sometimes it would flash red, sometimes blue, then green, white, black, all followed by a soft and unforgettable light.

'What IS that?!' Rosalia took some steps back in shock, clutching her spear tightly.



Rosalia gulped in nervousness as she looked at the emerging shadow from the cloud of dust that was kicked up by the falling tree. She fell to the ground and looked at the shadow with fear emerging from the depths of her heart.

Just as she was about to call for help, Rosalia's eyes shrunk as she found that all her 'friends' had already run away. They left her behind for their own survival, but she understood since she would have done the same.


The sound of armor clanking got louder and louder, echoing within Rosalia's ears and head. Her beat quickly and the loud thumping just kept getting louder and louder within her head.

She felt as if her heart would jump out at any minute now as the sound of the clanking armor approached her. The sound of metal boots hitting against the roots of a tree and the dirt ground entered her ears in a loud and clear way.

'Is this how I die?' thought Rosalia as tears gushed out of her eyes. 'Is this karma? Did someone come back for revenge?'

Her eyes looked up and locked themselves onto the figure emerging from the shadows. His spear was the first thing to appear, covering and dripping from the blood of the recently slain beast. His red glowing eyes were filled with a ferocious and murderous nature as they coldly stared into Rosalia's soul.


A heavy and ominous voice entered Rosalia's ears, making her shake in fear before completely passing out on the spot from the fear. Her eyes turned white and her head drooped to the side as if her soul was seeping out from her mouth.

"Huh? She passed out?"

The figure underneath the shadow was revealed to be a red armored man wearing a snow white coat.


The armored man, Sora, took a step out from the shadows and walked over to the passed out Rosalia. He sighed as he crouched in front of the woman and thought, 'You… are now my disciple.'

He reached out with his hand and moved the lock of hair covering her right eye.

Sora smiled lightly before picking up Rosalia and taking her to the nearest town and into an inn. Humming as he walked over to the nearest town, jumped from tree to tree with ease… until he felt something wet in his hand.

"Oh man! She pissed herself," chuckled Sora as he told Rosalia sorry from the depths of his heart.