Courting Death

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"Where are we heading to, M-master?" stuttered Yuna, not used to calling someone 'Master'.

"We're heading to the boss room of the 21st floor," said Sora.

By now, the group of three were walking inside the Labyrinth Tower of the 21st floor. So restrained the monsters and had the two girls attack the monsters. Whenever things got too dangerous, Sora would save them and even heal them with some Healing ointments he made himself.

They had been doing this for a couple of days by now, sleeping in the Safe Areas within the Labyrinth Tower.

"Why are we heading there?" asked Argo, interested in Sora's form of training.

Glancing back at Argo, Sora said, "I will power level you both. Since having you fight against the first floor monsters won't help you much at all. The 21st floor monsters are smarter and they can help you increase your skills and experience faster."

Sora and the two girls continued walking until they heard some noises ahead of them.

"Be careful."

With a word of caution, Sora had the two girls enter sneak mode as he himself walked casually over to where the noise was coming from.

"Looks like the Murim Alliance is training the new recruits here once again," muttered Sora, shocking Yuna and Argo.

Back when the first floor had been cleared, the Murim Alliance was in the 100+ rankings in the Guild Leaderboards. They had the lowest leveled players and a good amount of players at the time. No one paid any attention to them since they weren't in the Top 100.

However, out of nowhere, the Murim Alliance took the number 2 spot in the Guild Leaderboards when the 20th floor had been unlocked and they challenged many guilds, taking in many guilds under their wings.

They were currently fighting against Scaled Lions and Ebony Skeletons.

Sora stepped out of the shadows with his two disciples and decided to ignore the group fighting against the monsters.

Argo and Yuna had already stepped out of their sneak mode and looked at the Murim Alliance group fighting against the group of monsters.

"Don't look at them," muttered Sora as he pulled Argo and Yuna along with him.

If they stared long enough, when the fight against the monsters is over, the small group from Murim Alliance will come looking for trouble with Sora, and it's annoying to deal with such people.

After walking some meters far away from them, Sora and the two girls ran into an Ebony Skeleton.

Like the name says, it's a skeleton who's bones look like Ebony. It carried a flimsy and rusted sword and it's armor is filled with scratches and holes.

"Like before, I will keep the Ebony Skeleton restrained whilst you both fight it," said Sora as he threw out an invisible thread over to the monster.


The Ebony Skeleton began to move much slower than before after the thread latched itself onto it.

Without Sora having to say anything, Argo and Yuna ran over to the Ebony Skeleton, brandishing their weapons.

They snuck over to the ebony skeleton before letting out a barrage of fierce attacks.

"..." Sora looked at the girls fighting before shifting his eyes to the side and glancing at the Murim Alliance group walking nearby.

"Leader! It's an Ebony Skeleton!" yelled a blonde man as he looked at the monster the two girls were fighting against.

"Be careful, someone's already fighting it."

A short and broad shouldered man stepped up and glanced at Yuna and Argo before shaking his head.

"We can just take the kill," quietly said the blonde.

The leader's eyes lit up with greed at the words of the rookie before catching a glance at the man behind the two girls.

Once the leader noticed Sora, he shook his head and turned to the blonde, "They're being protected."

"We can take that man on alone…" muttered the blonde, revealing a smirk.


"You fool! Just keep quiet and listen to me!" angrily said the leader, irritated by the blonde's poisoning.

The leader ignored the blonde who was writhing in pain, taking the other six recruits with him over to Sora.

"Greetings! My name is Lord Yeong," said the leader as he performed a martial salute to Sora.

Sora turned to look at Peasant Yeong and nodded, "Master of [Myriad Paths]."

Looking at Sora for a moment, Plebeian Yeong began waiting for Sora to continue and say his name.

"Now hurry and scram, my disciples can't afford to be distracted now," said Sora. He glared at Lowly Yeong and turned back to look at Yuna and Argos fighting against the Ebony Skeleton.

"Don't be disrespectful young man!"

Flaring his Ki, Worker Ant Yeong stood straight and glared back at Sora with a scowl on his face.

"I'm being kind and asking for your name!"

The Little Yeong's black Ki rose high into the sky, making the short man look evil and scary.

"I don't want to say my name, you should understand that much," said Sora, not bothering to spare the angered man a single glance.


Shorty Yeong coughed up virtual blood before drawing the saber from his waist.

"You're courting death!"

Raising the saber in the air, the black Ki converged onto the tip of the saber, making the ground underneath the man tremble lightly.

"Be quiet and leave this instant!"

Sora waved his hand and pushed the man back, feeling the Ki move the threads controlling the Ebony Skeleton, almost hurting Yuna. Sora shot the short man a quick glare filled with killing intent before reinforcing the thread with his own purple Ki.

"You... you asked for this..." muttered Slave Yeong before getting into his Deadly Moon Arts basic stance.

"Deadly Moon Arts: Cleaving Saber!"

With a swing of his short arm, Bumpkin Yeong waved the saber in his hand with the intent to kill.

With a sigh, Sora took out his Black-Silver Spear and shot it at the Serf Yeong with the same move back at him.



Looking at the approaching spear coated in purple Ki cut straight through his saber and body, Servant Yeong yelled in shock.

He had clearly noticed Sora using the same move with a different weapon and Ki than him.

Usually Ki techniques are specialized to a specific type of Ki or type of Ki Circulation Technique. Usually something like trying to use another Ki Circulation Technique skills and arts will result in death, going brain dead, or being crippled.

The was in the type of Ki and Ki Circulation Technique category, meaning it was very strict on who used it.

"How could you use Ahk!"

Bottomfeeder Yeong didn't have a chance to finish talking before falling over dead. His dead body turned pale and cold.

"Wh-what just happened…"

"Are we going to die too…?"

"Let's leave quickly!"

The Murim Alliance rookies ran away, trampling over the recovering blonde.

'That man better learn his lesson…' thought Sora as he glanced at the man's dead body.

A dead body turning pale in SAO was signs of the player still having a chance to come back alive through the Second Chance. If they fail, their body rots, slowly turning to bones and they leave behind a legacy ring with their items and irreplaceable techniques like the .

If they survive the second chance, the body turns to dust and slowly disappears into the air. Leaving behind a single item behind.

"Let's move on, this Ebony Skeleton won't help you two much now. We should head to the boss room now," said Sora, killing the Ebony Skeleton with a wave of his spear.

The experience was quickly divided between him and the other two.

Yuna and Argo quickly went up some levels and followed behind Sora over to the boss room.

"Like before, I will let you both level up your skills for a while before I kill the boss," said Sora as he opened the door to the boss room and led Yuna and Argo inside.

Minutes later, the boss room was filled with various colorful lights and the painful howls of the Scaled Lion King.

Two Hours Later.

"Okay, you both did well today," said Sora. He waved his hand and sent them off back to the dojo to train in the breathing techniques he imparted to them.

After sending Yuna and Argo away, Sora went back into the Labyrinth Tower to get Ebony Bones, a material that can be used to make high grade weapons.

"I only need 10 more bones..." muttered Sora as he walked around nonchalantly with his hands behind his head.


Sora walked for quite a while before running into Kirito and a group of people. After glancing at them, Sora took notice of a short haired girl with a beauty mark, a mole at the corner of her eye.

Although she looked pretty average now, Sora could tell that the girl will grow up to be a beauty.

'Should I join them?' nefariously thought Sora as he glanced at the girl's body with some interest.

"Kirito, what are you doing here?"

"I'm in a party now! They go by the name 'Moonlit Black Cats'!"

Kirito stepped forward and introduced each and every one of his party members. Of course, Sora hardly paid any attention to them, he only focused on Sora's words, waiting to hear the girl's name.

"... this girl here is Sachi. Right now her position when fighting is still unclear."

Hearing those words, Sora revealed a gentle smile as he walked up to the girl, "Hello there Sachi. As you know, I am Kirito's Master, the man who turned him into who he will become in the future. And I say future because right now he isn't much."

Sachi giggled at Sora's words and Sora smiled.

Only Kirito revealed a helpless look since Sora had told the truth. He wasn't much now and his name was only known by a handful of people.


He was granted that nickname by those who had seen him in action since every move of his would be a blur in the eyes of others. His sword moves were too quick to be noticed by other people, and his speed would only be augmented by his breathing technique and his special Ki Circulation Technique.

"Would you like to train under me? I'm sure we can find what weapon suits you best," said Sora with a light whisper. "Like maybe… a bow?"

Sora turned around in a swift motion, taking out a bow and shooting an arrow.


The Kirito's party turned to where they heard the clashing noise.

Not too far from them, three Ebony Skeletons were lying lifelessly on the floor with a smooth round hole in their skulls.


"I can guarantee you can do that whilst training under me," said Sora, lifting the black wooden bow up.

Sachi opened her little mouth speechlessly for two three reasons.


Sora was using a sword this whole time, she thought he would show her a sword skill. Instead she was shown a powerful and awesome attack with a bow that killed three skeletons in a flash.


Sora killed three skeletons without any System Skill, any of those Ki Techniques, and with great power and accuracy.


It never occurred to her that she could have been using the bow this entire time she had been hunting with her friends and Kirito!

Whilst Sachi was off in her little world, shocked, the others were already jumping at Sora, hoping he would teach them as well.

"Haha, I don't have as much freedom as before. Even now, I'm only teaching two other disciples. If you want someone to teach you, ask Kirito. He was one of the top 10 disciples of mine."

Sora quickly waved them off, shifting their attention over to Kirito who was nervously backing away before being followed madly by his party members.

"So what do you think?" asked Sora as he looked at Sachi with a gentle smile.

Sachi looked up and blinked, "I… I will accept..."

"Good. You can still go hunting with your friends and fighting monsters, but for a whole week, you will be training with me. We can't have one of your arrows going astray and hitting your friends, right?" Sora looked over at Sachi with a meaningful look, knowing that Sachi is a clumsy and fearful girl that just needs a bit of training.


Sachi lowered her head with a bright red face. She herself knew that there's a high possibility of her arrows striking her friends instead of the monsters.

"Don't worry Sachi. I will help and train you. Whether you want to be an irreplaceable support or an Archery Goddess, I can make it happen for you. But whether you like it or not, you will become a master in the use of the bow."

Sora stood tall and brandished the most charming smile he could before looking at the red faced, petite girl.

[Sachi has now become your disciple.]