Lemon: Going Wild

Discord Link ~ https://discord.gg/smAesXp


Leading his powerful cock into Saki's warm pussy, Sora gripped tightly onto Saki's big butt.


Saki's cute moan rang within her room as she was being rammed from behind. The sound of clapping and squelching echoed within the room as Saki received dick.


Like if a switch was flipped, Sora gave a sly smirk as he slipped his index and middle finger into Saki's asshole. His hips thrusting at a faster rate than before, making Saki roll her eyes back in pleasure as her body arched in delight.

With a drunken smile on her charming face, Saki arched her back enough to be able to see Sora as she lifted her head.

Along with being a flexible woman, Saki's pussy was also amazing as it gripped onto Sora's cock tightly and seemingly seemed to be massaging his cock.


Sora lifted his head and looked at the dark green haired beauty standing at the doorway of Saki's room. Sora began smiling at the young woman before lifting his hand and curling his index finger.

"Come here."

Mouthed Sora as he continued plowing Saki into the bed whilst she gasped for air and moaned even louder.

Rinko stepped into Saki's room and closed the door slowly before slowly removing her clothes with tears in her eyes. The young boy that had been gone for a long time had finally come back as a young man.

Her nipples and her crotch began tingling as she listened to Saki's melodious moans and the slapping flesh that just made her horny at the thought of having Sora ram her. She slipped off the suit she was wearing and revealed her slim and beautiful body.

Rinko's thoughts were on having a baby and enjoying Sora's hot cock as she salicated at the mere thought of it.



With a loud moan, Saki collapsed on the bed and orgasmed as she felt Sora's hot liquid within her.


Sora slipped his cock out of Saki's warm pussy before strutting over to Rinko with a hard cock.


Rinko moaned as she watched Sora step right over to her with amazing movement, his cock swaying in a hypnotizing manner. Her eyes brightened and her tongue licked her lips in an anticipating manner.

"I missed you so much," muttered Rinko as she pried her eyes off Sora's cock and looked at Sora in the eyes.

Sora smiled at Rinko's words and chuckled, "I can see that."

Lifting a hand with an amused look on his face, Sora pointed right at the liquid dripping right down Rinko's legs. A puddle formed beneath her as it formed from nothing but love juice.

Rinko wrapped her arms around Sora and looked at him with a shy smile before slipping Sora's cock between her own thighs.

"Ahem… in more ways than one," said Rinko as she began grinding her hips on Sora's cock and lubed it with her juices.

Sora and Rinko moved to the bed and continued intertwining their bodies together.

Rinko rubbed herself on Sora's cock as Sora kissed and groped Rinko.

Sora's hands wandered all over Rinko's body as he ran his hands over her breasts and gave the mounds of flesh a little squeeze, eliciting a cute moan from Rinko.


"Lay down on the bed," muttered Sora whilst he moved Saki and had her rest on the side.

Moving his sharp gaze over to Rinko, Sora revealed a sly grin as he planted his lips on Rinko's body.


Rinko twisted her body in pleasure as she felt her body being electrified. She felt Sora's lips leaving kiss marks all over her body.

With a gasp, Rinko grabbed Sora's hair and moaned loudly. Her body shook as she orgasmed and coated the bed with her juices.

"Tsk… now the bed is moist," muttered Sora with a small smirk before spreading Rinko's legs open.


Rinko yelled in surprise as her most private part was revealed to Sora. Her hands swiftly moved to cover her dripping wet pussy.

"Don't look," sweetly mumbled Rinko in embarrassment.

Sora chuckled and moved Rinko's hands out of the way gently, "Let me see that naughty flower of your's, Rinko."

"Mm… but don't stare too much..."

Rinko slowly moved her slender fingers from covering her wet pussy that let out an alluring and lewd scent. She covered her face with one of her hands whilst she let her other hand rest upon her abdomen.

With her pussy out for view, Sora gladly etched every single detail of Rinko's intimate part into his mind. His finger outlined Rinko's pussy lips and clit before running his finger softly over the lips.

Stimulating Rinko more and more, her pussy began turning wetter as Sora massaged Rinko's pussy with his finger. Finally, the moment came when Sora had to insert his fingers into Rinko's dripping pussy.


With a loud gasp, Rinko lifted her head and vividly felt Sora's finger's invading her insides. Her vivid state pictured everything within her mind perfectly as she watched Sora's fingers slide into her wet pussy.

She groaned and moaned whilst Sora moved and twirled his fingers within Rinko's pussy. Rinko squirmed and moaned as she felt Sora's fingers dig deeper into her pussy and made her orgasm.

"Haah~ haah~," gasping for air, Rinko turned her head to the side in exhaustion. However, not even exhaustion will let her off from Sora's list as she tried to rest from a simple fingering from Sora.

Before she knew it, a cock was hovering right before her face. Right before her eyes, it's liquid dripping from the tip and onto the side of the bed.


Rinko gulped as she stared at the monstrous, yet perfect cock right in front of her face. Before she could look up at Sora and question what he was doing, she felt the cock press against her and try to pry open her mouth.


Sora smirked and pressed below Rinko's jaw, allowing Rinko's mouth to open and letting his penis slide into Rinko's seductive mouth. Her tongue put up a futile resistance trying to stop Sora's cock as he guided his own cock right into Rinko's mouth.


Rinko's tongue swerved around Sora's cock as she tried avoiding touching it, yet instead it proved to stimulate pleasure instead.

Sora moved his head further forward and slid his cock down Rinko's mouth. Her body was weak and tired, so she couldn't gather up the strength to push Sora away from her so that he could pull his cock outside her mouth.

The weak resistance Rinko was putting up only made Sora feel more stimulated. His cock turned harder and she held the back of Rinko's head to push his cock in further down her throat.

"Your throat is getting a good hold of me…"

Sora felt Rinko's throat close in on his cock and tried holding it in place. With his strength, something like Rinko's throat was no problem as he moved right past it. The pleasure stimulated from Rinko's throat was amazing and Sora couldn't help but comment on it.

After cumming down Rinko's throat, Sora pulled out his cock and looked at Rinko's cum covered face with a smile.

"You look exceptional today, Rinko," said Sora jokingly.

"I always… look exceptional..."

Although tired, Rinko tried talking back to Sora, but her sore throat didn't allow that. She weakly lifted her head as she felt Sora spreading her legs and positing his large slab of meat at the entrance of her womanhood.

Without any need for more foreplay, Sora was easily able to slide into Rinko's dripping wet pussy. Rinko's pussy stretched open as if it were natural, however it was only thanks to Sora's purple Ki, if it wasn't there, Sora's cock would've made Rinko bleed painfully.


Yelling out in surprise from the sheer girth of Sora's member invading her insides, Rinko came the instant it entered her wet pussy.

"You came the instant I put it in? How long were you craving my cock?"

Sora gazed right into Rinko's eyes with interest as he slowly moved his hips forward and dug his cock deep into Rinko's pussy.

"A long time!" Rinko yelled with a satisfied look on her face. Rinko had waited for almost 2 years for Sora's cock to ram into her and ravage her insides. The amount of times she had fantasized about it is countless. "Now move your hips and fuck me! Push your penis deep into me and make me never forget about it! Make me crave you juicy cock everyday and beg for it!!"

Sora paused for a split second at Rinko's sudden horny yell. She locked her legs around Sora's waist and moved her own hips to stimulate Sora some more. Rinko revealed a soft and horny expression on her face as he delicately moved her hips and tried to put Sora's cock in deeper into her pussy.

Too bad for Rinko, and any other girl that will meet Sora in the next 24 hours. Due to Rinko's words stimulating the beast dormant within Sora, his beastly urges had been partially awakened as his whole body received newfound vigor.

Sora's cock turned harder and larger, his movements became more wild, and Sora's body exuded a powerful charm that drew in Saki and Rinko.

Soon, the whole room was filled with an aphrodisiac formed from Sora's very sweat. Saki and Rinko had hearts as pupils as their bodies intertwined with Sora's. They received Sora's cock deep within their pussy and mouths.

Sora was conscious and was well aware of what was going on, but he felt no need to reign in his instincts. This is one of the very few outlets to let loose and be his 'true' self.


Without turning around, Sora lifted his hand and stopped a sword with his bare hand. With no defensive technique or any special technique, Sora had stopped a sword with his bare flesh. The sword that was aiming to take his life in one swing could not even scratch his skin.

Flicking his wrist, Sora pushed the samurai sword away before grabbing it's body and pulling forward it's wielder.

"Long time no see Izayoi."

Sora didn't stop his movements as he kept plowing into Rinko's aching pussy as he whispered out in a low beastly growl to Izayoi who had just entered the room.

With just a wave of Sora's hand, Izayoi's clothes had disappeared, revealing her white skin and round breasts. Soft skin and wonderful curves and that nice and perfect bubble butt, Sora felt like ravaging Izayoi's ass then and there, but he pulled back the beast within him for a bit longer until the aphrodisiac settles within Izayoi.

"Hmm..." Izayoi struggled to keep a clear mind as she looked into Sora's eyes. She felt like she was falling into a trance as her body began to heat up and her pussy began to tingle.

"I… what's wrong with me?"

Izayoi clutched her head with her hands and furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to drive off the horny feeling in her body.


Making Rinko cum as he released his seed within the slim woman, Sora turned to Izayoi and ran his fingers alongside Izayoi's shoulder. He looked at her for a second before giving her a kiss and taking a rough approach.

"I've missed you Izayoi… and that seductive body of yours!"

Sora pinned Izayoi onto the bed and gave the young female samurai a kiss as he pinched her nipples and shoved his cock into Izayoi's pussy.

"Ah!~ This feeling… I've missed it."

Izayoi yelled in pleasure as she felt Sora's cock enter her pussy and press all her sweet spots like nothing. She orgasmed once… twice… five times… it continued going as Saki, Rinko, and Izayoi took turns satisfying one cock.

Their pussies turned sore, their assholes hurt, and their jaws ached. Their hands began to cramp, and their boobs felt sore as well.

Rinko, Saki, and Izayoi struggled to deal with Sora's vigor and lust as he kept fucking them into lala land. Their minds went blank whenever he struck his dick within them and blew his load within them.

They've tried various positions, items, and even techniques… It felt like many days had passed since they started fucking Sora as the fatigue built up.


With one extra loud yell for an orgasm, Saki finally collapsed and fell unconscious. Rinko fell next and then the samurai Izayoi fell as well with dripping pussies, cum filled asses, and filled stomachs.

Just when Sora was beginning to feel disappointed, more prey delivered themselves to his door, unleashing the beast within him once more.