Unexpected Guest

Discord Link ~ https://discord.gg/smAesXp


Waking up in the middle of the night, Sora glanced at the naked beauty in his arms before standing up and leaving his room.

Quietly, without a single shred of any noise, Sora exited the house and walked into the dojo at the back of his house.

'Can't be wasting my time doing nothing...' thought Sora as he entered his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal.

Without wasting time dealing with the Phoenix or the other beasts in the realm, Sora sat in front of the mini sea that resembled a really huge pong of amazing clarity and purity.

Sitting in a lotus position, Sora quickly began circling the Ki Circulation Technique he was practicing, Flawless Celestial.

It is an extremely powerful technique that literally makes the body flawless and into a celestial. A very powerful Ki Circulation Technique that no being can ever hope to practice unless they wished to explode into millions of pieces.

Even those with extremely powerful and resilient bodies couldn't withstand the extremely powerful and potent Ki it produces.The quantity, quality, density, and even power is something no technique could ever hope to compare to.

The only reason Sora could even practice this technique was because of his Nirvanic Taichi Sutra which not only fortified his body, but it tempered it, filled it with vigor, made every single cell in his body filled with bountiful life force that can grant a normal person 1,000 years of life.

It had amazing healing capabilities thanks to the Yang Qi, not only that, but the Yin Qi made the negative effects almost null as it absorbed it to become stronger instead.

Just like that, Sora practiced a technique that shouldn't be possible.

Sora took in a deep breath, affecting his surroundings without even noticing it. Everytime Sora breathed in, the entire surroundings were attracted to him. Once he breathed out, the surroundings were pushed back.

Time flowed by… days… weeks… months…

Sora made no progress in realms, but the amount of Ki increased, which was also a good thing.

Although Sora made no progress with his Ki realms, Sora still gained a lot of strength thanks to this trip to strengthen himself.

Besides practicing Flawless Celestial, Sora also made sure to practice the Nirvanic Taichi Art to continue increasing the amount of Nirvanic Taichi Qi within his body. His instincts told him to keep a perfect 50:50 ratio of Nirvanic Taichi Qi to Flawless Celestial Ki.

He didn't know the reason why, but he was going to do it nonetheless.

As Sora practiced the Nirvanic Taichi Art, he had finally managed to open up all the blood vessels, officially increasing his strength of 100 dragons all the way up to 250 dragons.

Once he attains a breakthrough in the Ki path and becomes stronger? Who knows how much dragon strength he will have by then.

Sora continued training in the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal, spending the rest of his available time training and growing his Qi and Ki.

Just like that, Sora trained until he was kicked out of his personal space.

"This will take quite some time," muttered Sora as he picked up a wooden sword crafted from a hundred year old wood.

Sora casually practiced with the wooden sword, performing the moves of the Basic Sword Technique. Even after Sora had already reached a high level of comprehension and realm, he felt he could go further beyond.

Arduously training in the Basic Sword Technique was something Sora could only do with whatever amount of time there is in the day.

In the blink of an eye four weeks passed by with Sora spending most of his time in the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal.

He spent his time wisely, properly splitting his time between training, sex, and love life.

Sora met Baki a few times whilst training wherever he came by to train as well. Sora overlooked his training, making sure to point out any mistakes he made.

With four weeks gone from the game and the outside world, Sora became lost in his own little world. He didn't worry about those on the outside besides his own women and a few others he had become friends with.

After leaving ALO for two weeks to train and achieve the next realm in the Ki Path, a certain fairy girl was finally getting fidgety. Wishing to talk with Sora and hang out with him, Leafa even began dreaming about such instances.

Finally, Leafa decided to step outside of her house and go meet Sora to where he lived. Nervous, Leafa felt butterflies in her stomach as she walked over to the direction of Sora's house.

Her eyes nervously looked at the map in her hands, following the route that leads to Sora house the fastest.

Meditating to review his training with the sword, Sora heard the ring of the doorbell. Opening his eyes, Sora stood up and stretched before heading to the door and checking who it was.

Opening the door, Sora gazed at a man standing before him.

The man had a light smile on his face as he stood before Sora with a straight back. The man wore a dark green suit with a white dressing shirt underneath and a light purple neck tie. He had black glasses and black short hair.

"Hi, I'm Kikuoka Seijirou. I'm an investigator in the SAO Case Victims Rescue Force," said the man as he performed a light blow to Sora.

Returning the greeting, Sora looked at the man for a second suspiciously before inviting him in.

"Have a seat anywhere you'd like in the living room, Sir Kikuoka. I will go get us some warm tea."

Leaving Kikuoka alone in the living room, Sora went to get some tea made from a hundred year old herb.

Grabbing two normal teacups and a teapot, Sora grabbed some sugar as well before heading over back to Kikuoka.

Sora knew Kikuoka must be here to send him off to another school specially made for SAO victims since most of the victims were still in high school.

After bringing back some tea for them both, Sora looked at Kikuoka with a sly hidden smirk. Besides the invitation to the school, Sora can see a scheming light within Kikuoka's eyes.

Besides the scheming light, Sora also took notice of anxiety and worry on Kikuoka's face.

"What have you come here for Kikuoka-san," asked Sora as he served Kikuoka some tea before offering him a teacup.

"You have to go to the new school that is opening up specially for the SAO Victims. The school will open next week, so I hope to see you there," said Kikuokass as he took the teacup in his hands and took a sip.

Nodding, Sora took a sip of his tea.

"I'll be there. Will that be it, Kikuoka-san?"

Kikuoka flinched before shaking his head, "I'm afraid not. Countless people I have visited have said that you were the reason everyone had managed to clear SAO. That's an amazing feat, especially when I was told that you had personally trained hundreds of players to an amazing degree."

Kikuoka looked at Sora for a moment with a small smile before standing up with a look of shock and joy.

"And almost all of them were young children! To be able to raise young children and make them so powerful… that's something commendable."

Not showing any emotion on his face, Sora continued to drink his coffee as he looked at Kikuoka with an uninterested look on his face. Sora already know what he had done, what was the point in telling him again what it was he had done?

Not amused much by Kikuoaka's method of flattery, Sora placed the teacup on the table.


"I suppose you must be here for a reason other than telling me to head to this new school," said Sora with a tired look on his face. Sora laid his arms to his side on the the couch in a tyrannical manner before gazing at Kikuoka with a tired look.

Kikuoka maintained the same smile on his face as if everything was alright, receiving a nod from Sora as a praise. There weren't many people like Kikuoka who wouldn't show much change in emotion on their faces, only those truly trained to deal with sly people or those experienced in wars of words and fists could develop.

Kikuoka held a teacup in one hand before using his other hand to dig for something inside his pockets. His hand slowly withdrew itself from inside his pocket before laying a slim square box on the table.

"I would have arrived earlier if I had enough evidence that you were the real reason that the SAO Victims had been freed. However, all I can do is just increase the intelligence department's workload," muttered Kikuoka with a sigh.

"Hm." Sora didn't pay much attention to what Kikuoka had said before focusing on the clear slim square box on the table. "What is this, a game? Are you asking me to enter a game? Let me guess, you have suspicions that a player from SAO is connected to some sort of event or tragedy occurring within this game."

Kikuoka's eyes widened a bit with shock before smiling with interest, "That's exactly what I've been thinking of. How did you come to that conclusion?"

"Well I doubt you would have come all this way to not only just tell me to start going to school, but to start playing a game again. Especially a VR one. It's also because I have my suspicions that this might be related to a certain guild with three missing members that was eradicated," muttered Sora in amusement before lifting the little slime square box.

"That's quite the inference… The world must look interesting through your eyes," said Kikuoka with a light smile on his face.

Standing up, Kikuoka stretched his hand over to Sora, "I hope you accept and help me out with this matter in this other game. When you're ready, give me a call and I'll get everything ready to transfer your SAO character into this other game.

I will also offer proper compensation for this trouble I'm putting you through."

Sora glanced at Kikuoka's outstretched hand before sighing and standing up, "I will surely think this over. I'll call you when I accept."

"Good." Kikuoka took out his business card before putting it in Sora's hand. "I hope you accept quickly. The longer you take, the more lives will be lost."

"Alright," muttered Sora as he accepted the card and looked at it for a brief second before putting it away inside an inner pocket on his clothes.

Kikuoka bowed his head and left, leaving Sora standing there with an annoyed look on his face.

"I'm going to take this job… the chance of me meeting some girls is at an all time high."

There was also the fact that Sora was literally on the verge of breaking through. He just needed one more tiny push, a push so tiny that Sora was literally a foot inside the next Ki realm.

The Nature Qi Sora has within his body facilitate breaking through and attaining enlightenments.

Sora scratched his chin, and just as he was closing the door, a young woman appeared in front of his door.

Kikuoka, who had just left Sora's place, had a wide smile on his face.

'That boy is very interesting. Strong, intuitive, smart, wise, skilled, talented… this kid is just a diamond mine!' thought Kikuoka with a happy smile on his face. 'I should have Sora test Project Alicization. He's the most perfect candidate for this project.

There's also that other boy who was just in second place in the rankings who's also good. Both are excellent people to help with Project Alicization.

I will have them try it out soon...'

KIkuoka smiled and almost skipped down the street happily as he thought about the future of Project Alicization.