Judge P

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"On one side we have Kunieda Aoi (from Beelzebub), a skilled swordsman!

On the other corner, we have Kugatachi Kaname (History's Strongest Disciple), a skilled staff user!

Since an unexpected variable had disrupted our plans, this will be the only fight we will have until the international competitions!"

Silence rained in the coax, every fighter afraid to lay their eyes on Sora. He had singlehanded defeated a good 90% of them without hurting them badly. They wished to believe it was a fluke, but to have it done over and over, that couldn't be called a fluke anymore.

They now knew Sora was an actual skilled warrior, way more than the two women that were about to fight.

Everyone stepped back and watched Aoi and Kaname face each other. Holding tightly onto their weapons, Aoi and Kaname walked towards each other slowly.

They approached each other slowly, knowing that both of them were on equal ground. They didn't have anything on each other besides experience, which Aoi had.

She had fought against many powerful demons alongside friends and even in SAO. Compared to Kaname who only had experience against fighting some weak martial artists, it was clear that the winner was Aoi.

In just a few moves, Aoi won.

"AND THE WINNER IS AOI!" said the announcer.

After some little cheering and Aoi being taken away to have her wish granted, everyone but Sora and Kaname began leaving.

"You two, and Aoi, will be heading to Korea if you wish to go and see the main base of the GOH fight. There's also the chance of you three being included in the National Championship for an extra wish," said the announcer before leaving Sora and Kaname behind.

Sora just glanced at Kaname before leaving, no interest in staying at the coax any longer. He planned to go see the korean semifinals and see if he can join in the korean National Competition.

It would be fun and he had no plans for the near future.

The next day, Sora was sent a ticket for the cruise ship that will send him to Korea.

His new giant house had already been finished and he had Yui stay with his women before leaving for Korea.

When Sora got to the cruise ship, he found Aoi and Kaname. They were both already on the cruise ship, ready to head off to Korea where the main GOH competition will take place at.

When they got to Korea, they headed straight to the hotel they were told to reside in.

After settling in, they went to the coax where the Korean God of High School competition was being held.

The minute Sora walked in, he felt various energies and powerful auras in the coax. Though not as powerful as him, the auras had special characteristics to them.

'The Monkey King?' Sora glanced at a direction and found a young man sleeping in the sidelines.

Sora had met the Monkey King Sun Wukong of DxD before, so he knew what his aura felt like. Knowing that there were gods in this world also made Sora excited for the future.

That will also explain the impending doom of the world in the future. He would at times also feel the spirit, or soul?, of Earth call out to him as if Gaia was trying to contact him to save her World.

At first Sora thought he was just thinking up the contact as one of his wives trying to get in contact with him, so he didn't think too much into it.

Now that he saw Sun Wukong, Sora knew that the impending doom on Earth will happen through factors like gods.

Sora sat in the rows of seats and watched from afar the fights. He especially liked the fight between the fighters Mira Yoo and Miseoh Mah.

Both beauties.

Time flew and Sora caught sight of a few interesting things.

Many people working in the background and many conspiracies as well. Especially the Mubong Park fellow.

Sora could feel the strings of destiny in the man leading to the death of millions and the temporary destruction of the Earth.

However, as of now, the man hasn't shown his true self. Sora stood his ground and made no move against the man for the moment, watching his every move.

Sora saw many beauties participating in the fight and it really ignited his conquistador spirit.

So like any predator, Sora began hunting for his prey in batches.

Weeks passed by and the National Competitions had arrived. Sora, Aoi, and Kaname were put in a group together to fight against the Korean teams.

Saving people from behind the scenes, Sora prevented the deaths of many people. Including the commissioners and a man named Sim Bongsa. He also went out of his way to help some people in the hospitals who were going to die.

It wasn't much, but Sora prevented the deaths of over 1,737 people in Korea.

Sora had solidified his 'partnership' with Aoi and Kaname, so they worked well together.

They trained each other so that they became stronger, slowly increasing their strength at a stable pace.

Whilst the three of them were heading to the coax where the Korean National Competition will be held, Sora bumped into Mira Yoo.

Telling Aoi and Kaname to keep on walking, Sora stood back Mira Yoo.

"Are you okay?" Sora stretched out his hand to lift Mira back up.

She took his hand and got up, but she looked at Sora with wide eyes. It wasn't because of his charm or anything, but rather because she didn't sense him and bumped into him.

She had never met anyone whom she couldn't sense and dodge appropriately.

"Yes! As strong as an Ox," said Mira as she flexed her slim muscles.

Sora chuckled and said, "Well then, nice to meet you woman as strong as an Ox. My name is Sora."

"I'm Mira Yoo," said Mira with a small smile on her face.

"I hope to face off against you in the competition," said Sora as he waved goodbye to the girl.

After Sora left Mira behind, Sora caught up with Aoi and Kaname, who were both discussing their first match against the Jeju Team. A team of individuals that are bad news and have quite obviously killed the previous actual Jeju Team.

Sora decided to go first, to not let Aoi and Kaname be gravely hurt and put in danger by the imposters.

Getting into the arena, the first person Sora had to go up against was a tall dark skinned man with an egg shaped head.

Marin Lee.

Sora looked at the man for a second before laughing.

"It's not nice to laugh," said the man as he appeared right before Sora with his fist in the air and punching at Sora.

"That's one ugly disguise," said Sora with dark eyes before having at the man at fast speeds unrecognizable to any.


The interface bracelet on Marin's arm instantly changed, changing his HP to 0 in an instant.

His two teammates looked visibly shaken as they glanced at their teammate that was taken down in an instant.

Sora kicked the man off the ring and turned to look at the other two teammates with a smirk.

Goading them to get on the ring, the next fighter stepped in with angry eyes.

Glancing at the new fighter, Sora waited until after the guy was ready and finished the bad guy 'monologue' routine before jumping at him and knocking him out with a simple hit.

Sora did the same with the next fighter, easily getting rid of the fake Jeju Team and winning the round. Everyone cheered but Aoi and Kaname looked at Sora with wry smiles, wishing they could have gone up there and fight as well.

Though they didn't know that Sora had probably saved them from life threatening injuries and quite possibly death itself. Even when they didn't know, they could see the worry in his eyes for them.

Something Sora purposefully let the two women see in case they were to think he was trying to undermine them.

"You'll both get your chance in the next rounds. I won't be participating anymore, there won't be any more dangerous foes we will have to fight for now," said Sora as he walked away with his hands in his pockets.

"You can both do rock-paper-scissors to decide who goes first in the next round," said Sora as he walked away.

Whilst walking away, Sora felt a cold gaze on his back. He turned to look at who it was and just found a blue haired boy with red eyes glaring at him with a smile. Sora did nothing and just continued to walk away.

'What a weirdo,' thought Sora.

"You're pretty strong."

Sora smiled and turned around to look at Mira.

"It's the only show the viewers will get until someone dangerous appears," said Sora as he stopped walking and got close to Mira.

Mira maintained a neutral face and said, "I hope I can get you to fight me."

"I will personally make sure to fight you," said Sora as he lowered his head with a smile. "Before fighting you with my full strength, I will give you some swordsmanship lessons."

"You wield the sword?" Mira looked at Sora with a bit of surprise, not feeling an ounce of a sword wielder aura, or any other type of weapon for that matter.

"I do," said Sora with a smile. "I know many things you don't know, which I hope to be able to tell you about so that your sword skills can be better and further polished."

Mira frowned at Sora's words and was about to say something before being stopped by Sora.

"You trained in the Moon Light Sword Style, but there is one move you hadn't been taught," said Sora, rather mysterious about the way he spoke. "There are also many things you don't understand about your sword style.

Well, that will be all, I will see you around, Mira."

Sora left, leaving behind a loss in thought Mira as she thought deeply about what Sora had just told her about. It wasn't long before she remembered where she was headed to and left, joining up with the Monkey King and Daewi.

Once Sora walked out of the coax, he was approached by a blue haired woman.

"I must be famous," chuckled Sora, stopping in his tracks and looked at the blue haired woman.

She is a tall, slim woman, wearing a slim suit and a skirt that showed off her nice and long legs as well as her well endowed 'assets'. The suit is all black with a matching skirt and heels with an open white high collar. Her blue hair is tied up into a bun with long bangs that are swept to one side.

Sora admired the beauty of the woman before waiting for her to speak up.

"Your temporary residence has been moved to another area where you can comfortably rest," said Judge P as she looked up at Sora with a serious face.

'Looks like they want to keep an eye on me,' Sora thought before chuckling. "Where will I be sleeping then?"

"Please follow me to your new temporary residence," said Judge P as she turned around and walked away, her butt moving along with her long legs.

"Are you dating anyone?" asked Sora as he walked side by side with Judge P. He looked at her with smiling eyes, waiting for her response.

Judge P remained silent and just let Sora follow her to his new residence.

"You're such a beautiful woman. Calm and collected... quiet… a steady and beautiful voice, and you have beautiful long legs," said Sora as he looked at her legs with a smile.

Judge P looked at Sora for a moment before turning away and revealing a faint smile on her face that is easy to miss. It didn't last long before her apathetic demeanor returned.

"How about I show you a fun time," said Sora, whispering into Judge P's ear.

Judge P stopped in her tracks and turned to look at Sora with a glare before glancing around. After glancing around, just when she was going to say something to Sora, her lips were sealed by his.

Her eyes widened and her body stiffened at the sudden kissing she was experiencing. She looked into Sora's eyes with shock before melting into his arms like butter as the kiss felt better and better.