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A/N: It's kind of funny how I upload now when I'm working than when I'm not working.




The building Sora and the rest were in began to collapse, after receiving a strong hit from outside.

Everyone was okay thanks to Daewi's quick thinking and using his borrowed power to protect everyone in a durable bubble.

When everyone turned to look at who attacked them, they were shocked to find white beings of various sizes look down in them from up in the sky.

In the middle of all the completely white beings was the purple haired girl from before.

Sora was astounded by the fact that almost all of the 'gods' in the sky were all peak demigods nearing the realm of god. If there were all in the God Realm, Sora would've received thousands of Godhood Halos for free!

'I can't let the others defeat them, I need the energy for my breakthrough,' thought Sora as he quickly left behind everyone and started killing 'gods'.

The instant one fist was thrown hundreds died.

When they all died, Sora used his Heaven's Void Technique to devote their essences. Whether it be blood, cultivation, bloodline, or even body cultivation, Sora devoured all of the essence.

He kept the essences stored within his Sea of Consciousness besides the cultivation ones which he quickly through into his own cultivation.

And like a speeding bullet piercing through the air, Sora's cultivation progress shot through the roof.

Thousands were dying quickly and the purple haired girl, Sujin Lee, found herself at a loss.

She glared at Sora, angry that he ruined her plans. Acting quickly, Sujin ran to Sora and tried fighting him.

However, the timing of her attack couldn't be at the worst time.

Sora was lost in a state of rapture as he killed every 'god' in his path and devoured them. Just when Sora was about to go wild, he felt his body shift and hear something click inside his body.

It was an amazing sensation.

It was like the time he first went into Super Saiyan God: Red. A nearly infinite power traveled throughout his entire being and filled him with ecstasy. His strength increased by hundreds of times because of all the regalia on his body and the Immortal Dao Inscriptions on his Eight Hidden Gates.

The Infinite Path was complete and Sora felt his energy reserves turn infinite as they replenished themselves in an instant.

Demigod Realm!

Sora snapped back to reality and his hand was on Sujin's forehead.

"Learn from your mistakes," said Sora as he revealed a condescending grin on his face.

With his new increase in strength and infinite energy, Sora could increase the strength of his Heaven's Void Technique, making able to steal the Godhood Halos of Gods through borrowed powers.

Sujin Lee's borrowed power was Pandora, the power of sealing and awakening.

Sora was aiming for those two powers, sealing and awakening. Sealing so that he may study sealing techniques even further abs awakening for his wives and friends, increasing their potential and strengths, might even grant them some extra power or even a Mortal Halo.

The instant Sora took the Godhood Halo of the god that was letting Sujin Lee use the power, Sora gave Sujin Lee a Pseudo Mortal Halo that replaced the borrowed power.

Sujin Lee was connected to her Power the entire time, she felt it disappear and appear back in her body. She was frightened the instant it disappeared and was relieved when it came back that she failed to notice it weaken in power.

It won't be until a few minutes later that she realizes what happened.

Sora tried using the Pandora Godhood Halo, but it wouldn't listen to his Will. He didn't know what it needed so that he could use it, he didn't want to go ahead and merge it to his body or completely refine it yet unless it blocks him from being able to open the Doors of Heaven.

Shaking his head, Sora went ahead and devoured the remaining gods before turning to look at Sujin Lee.

"I'll talk with you later," said Sora as he turned to look up at the huge whale flying in the sky.

'Hm… they might push me to be a God,' thought Sora as he looked at the sky with a smirk.

Though before Sora could become a God, he will need to get a Godhood Halo first.

"The Monkey King shall be detained and the Fake Monkey King shall be eliminated," said a man standing above in the sky with two others by his side.

3 Princes of Natak!

Sora could feel the true power of a god within the body of the three up in the sky. It made Sora's blood boil and his fighting instincts to flare up for battle.

His Primeval Emperor blood boiled with excitement much like his Saiyan blood used to.

Revealing a slight smirk on his face , Sora took one heavy step forward.


The instant Sora's foot touched ground, the Three Princes of Natak all plummeted to the ground with heavy pressure being applied onto them.

"I don't like looking up to speak with other people," said Sora as he looked at the Three Princes.

Walking over slowly to them, Sora revealed a smirk before drawing the White Dragon Sword from thin air.

If anyone knew that the White Dragon Sword was something that should only exist in the Underworld, they would all look in shock at the sword.

Sora has connected the Sword to his Will, when he wants to, he can summon the White Dragon Sword with ease. His infinite energy made it possible to physically manifest the White Dragon Sword in real life.

Stabbing the sword into the three bodies of the 3 Princes of Natak, Sora devoured their essences.

In mere moments, the three princes met their end at the hands of Sora as they turned into pure Barbadium, a metal of extreme durability that can hold souls.

With a look of interest, Sora quickly shoved it into his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal to create something useful with it later. Sora also had the Barbadium from the spear he devoured before, so he also threw that into the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal.

He has an infinite supply of barbadium, and any metal in existence and nonexistence, through his Eternal Pagoda. Not using any other metal is Sora's way of 'limiting' himself from growing too powerful, too powerful and not being able to enjoy the world.

Although this version of gaining strength is different to the current way Sora's gaining strength.

The way of gaining strength through metals is like Add-ons, it's just weapons, tools, armor, accessories… divine tools, heavenly items… celestial artifacts… all of them are add-ons that temporarily increase the strength when wearing them or having them in close proximity. On the other hand, cultivation and strength/energy/essence enhancing fruits/pills/elixirs are all permanent and stay within Sora's body until he dies.

After killing the three princes, Sora moved on to killing the millions of other 'gods' that came along with them before devouring their essences. Sora decided to leave the Sky Whale for last since it's size was enormous and it could quite literally throw him into the next realm, God.

However without the Godhood Halo, it will just end up as a waste of energy and Sora might even explode from the turbulent energy.

Just when Sora killed 70% of the 'gods', something weird was happening to the Sky Whale. It's eyes were glowing red and it felt like it had become a ticking time bomb.

Sora looked at the Sky Whale with fake horror before turning to everyone else, "Run! The Sky Whale is going to explode and wipe out Oraeguk from the Sage Realm!"

Not giving anyone time to think, Sora had Mori stuff everyone into his gourd before having him head to the portal Ungnyeo was opening. Mori took everyone!

The dragons, the minotaurs, the monkeys, every wildlife in Oraeguk, Mira, Sujin Lee, Daewi, every other human, before heading straight to where he and his team had appeared from.

"Go! I will see what I can do about this Sky Whale!" said Sora inside Mori's mind after he noticed the hesitation in Mori's eyes.

Mori grunted before turning away, "Survive!"

Mori finally listened to Sora and ran over to the portal before disappearing from the Sage Realm.

Once Mori was gone, Sora quickly snapped his fingers and set up an array around the Sky Whale.

Time-Space Displacement Array!

Sora quickly activated the array and within the array, a grey pillar shot up into the sky and froze everything within it, including the Sky Whale.

Anything that entered the array or tried to touch the array would be sent into the Time-Space Displacement Array, frozen in time until Sora removes the array himself.

"I only have an hour until someone tries to pull me out…" thought Sora as he looked around.

Using his fastest movement technique, Sora traveled all over Oraeguk to place down some rocks before heading back to the Sky Whale. Sora had placed a rock in each corner of Oraeguk, consuming 40 minutes since he had to place the rocks in a specific formation.

Once every seal was placed down, Sora headed back to the Time-Space Displacement Array.

He deactivated the Time-Space Displacement Array before appearing out of Oraeguk through use of a teleportation rune. It was only then Sora activated the Protection Array he had set up through placing down the hundred of average rocks.

The instant the Sky Whale touched the ground, Sora activated his Heaven's Void Technique and ran it at full speed before absorbing the chaotic and dense energy created from the explosion. The turbulent waves and shaky air was still happening from the cause of the Sky Whale detonating.

With all that powerful energy within his body, Sora quickly threw it all into his Sea of Consciousness as a small unassuming pill.

'Okay… time for the bloodlines,' thought Sora with a wide smirk on his face.

Quickly, Sora left the now empty Oraeguk in search of some mythical creatures and amazing beings.

It wasn't long until he first ran into the true Nine-Tailed Fox of this world.

Sora didn't bother speaking with the Nine-Tailed Fox before just taking a drop of his blood essence and fusing it into his body.

[ obtained.]

Smiling, Sora quickly went off to look for more beings like the Nine-Tailed Fox.

In his short travel that lasted 5 hours, Sora managed to find four other bloodlines.


Black Turtle! (The one from Japanese and Chinese Mythology.)



These were all amazing creatures that are hard to come by. Each of terrifying strength, something which surprised Sora since in this world they looked to be nothing more than cannon fodder. It saddened him, but he could do nothing about it.

Sora was about to continue when he realized that he no longer needed any bloodlines since they were all evened out by now. Any more and disorder, and chaos, will brew among his own bloodlines.

Now with the intention to leave this place, Sora felt as if something interesting will soon happen on Earth. Which will also put his family and friends in danger.

Knowing what it might be, Sora extending his arms and three shadows appeared before him.

Tattoo Beasts!

The two dragons and the ferret!

With Sora's increase in strength, both the dragons and the ferret shared the same strength as Sora.

Protect my family and friends!

Sora didn't have to say it out loud and only thought about it instead, making the two Long Dragons fly into the sky and the ferret turn into a small ball of fluff before shrinking and shrinking until it was completely gone.


Sora watched the dragons and the ferret disappear before focusing on going through one more area before returning back to Earth.