| espresso and milkshakes

I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it.

- Audrey Hepburn


- M A T T H E W -

My fingertips came into contact with the cupcake wrapper, the scent of the vanilla frosting watering my mouth. Peeling it back, I took a bite, allowing the frosting to rest on my tongue.

Since we moved houses, I wanted to get out of the house while my mom was painting my room, taking my white cane with me. I would've invited my friend, Isaac, but I didn't really want to bump into a certain someone whilst he was with me.

"Is this going to become a regular occurrence?" a familiar voice asked, standing at the side of the table.

"Aww, and here I thought you'd be happy to see me," I teased, tilting my head to where I heard her voice. "Good morning, Lila." I sported a cheeky grin, placing the cupcake back onto the smooth table. Just the person I wanted to see.

"Good morning, Matthew." She greeted.

I heard the subtle noise of her shoes rubbing against the floor and I assumed she was wearing her converses, just like at school. "I'm guessing I'm the only one from school who comes here?"

"Well, no one comes when it's my shift." I knew there wasn't any hostility in her tone, the hint of her perfume noticeable under the smell of the baked goods and coffee.

Hearing the soft chatter of everyone else, I moistened my bottom lip, the grin on my face not slipping. "Mostly because it's 11AM and not everyone has recovered from yesterday's party."

"You went to Byron's party?" she questioned, seeming closer, which she probably was because her perfume subtly became easier to smell.

I shook my head, pressing my tongue on the inside of my mouth. "Parties aren't really my scene; did you go?

She scoffed audibly. "Me and alcohol don't get on very well, and besides, I don't think it would've been a good idea since I work on Saturday mornings."

Turning back to my table, I bit into the cupcake again, leaning back in my seat. "That's very wise of you," I commented, wiping the frosting off my upper lip. "I know I'm quite stupid when it comes to alcohol, which means I refrain from drinking it on a daily basis."

To my surprise, she giggled, causing an involuntary smile to reappear on my face.

"I can't imagine you drunk."

I winced, knowing she could see the blush that painted my cheeks due to the memory I was remembering. God, the things alcohol makes you do. "I hope you never see me drunk, I gig-" stopping myself short, I shook my head.

There was a moment of silence before she huffed out a short laugh. "You giggle?" she asked, "I really want to see you drunk now, I've never heard any guy giggle."

Rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly, I ran my teeth over my bottom lip. "I doubt you're ever going to see me drunk," I chuckled, "I'm blind, me stumbling and bumping into walls isn't really a good idea - unless you'd be there to help me." I gave a lopsided grin, knowing what would ice the cake.

Holding my glasses in my hand, I winked, hoping that she was blushing. At least I'd have an effect on her.

"I-I've got to serve the other customers before my shift finishes." She informed me, laying a hand on my shoulder. "Are you going to go home?"

Clutching my cane tighter, I shook my head. "Nope, but what sort of milkshakes do you have?"

"Well," she said, taking her hand off my shoulder. "We have banana, chocolate banana milkshake, strawberry milkshake, Oreo milkshake, pretty much every one you can think of that isn't weird."

"Can I get a chocolate banana milkshake?"

"Sure, I'll get it in minute."

Hearing her footsteps, I sighed and held the leg of the table, the metal chilling my palm. Letting my thoughts roam, I moved my cheek to rest on my fist, putting my glasses back on and closing my eyes.

"Here you go."

She placed it right beside where my hands were, my fingers curling around the glass and then feeling around for the straw. Ripping the top open, I slid it in, smiling at what ran through my mind.

It was like she knew that I wanted to be independent and do things myself. Whenever I went to eat out, the place did all the simple things I wanted to do myself, which angered me. I could do normal stuff just like people with sight, I mean, I was blind ever since I was a baby.

I knew every time I came here (which would be often) that I couldn't always get something to eat since it wasn't healthy to eat a lot of cakes or other baked goods, but I would simply come for the company.

Reading more of the book until I finished my chocolate banana milkshake, I drowned out the background noises of the people who were coming and going, their footsteps, their laughter, and the general noise, feeling secure with my glasses on.

Placing my hands flat on the table, I pushed myself up, leaning down to pick up my cane, and held my book in my other hand. Heading towards where the doors were - I memorised it - I stopped when it vibrated, indicating that there was an object in front of me.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" a feminine voice spoke out, the soft scraping of a chair against the floor was soon heard, my path being cleared.

"It's alright." I smiled, pushing the door open and stepping out into the street. I felt the sun's heat brush my skin, the foreign sound of the city's traffic surrounding me.

Where I used to live, it was quiet, but this was refreshing. I liked not being able to hear my thoughts because my mind wandered a lot, and when it did, it'd take a while to get my attention again. I was the sort of person who would be listening but not listening at the same time, if that made sense.

"Hi!" Lila said, her breaths being emitted at a faster rate, which told me that she must've been running. I smiled at that.

"Hi, I'm guessing you're going home?"

She hummed in confirmation, her shoulder brushing my bicep. I had realised that I was taller than her, but then again, I was quite tall in general. "I only work part time."

There was a moment of silence. "What're you doing now?" her voice was clear, my heart skipping a beat when her hand accidentally brushed mine. Get a hold of yourself, Matthew.

"I was going to go home, but do you have any suggestion on where to go?"

"Of course!" she replied, "since you moved here recently, I can show you one of my favourite places to go to, if you want to, that is."


I continued to walk with her, the silence a comfortable one. There was a change in the texture of the ground, the ground feeling different under my shoes. I assumed we were on grass, my eyebrows creasing slightly.

"Are we at a park?" I asked, reaching behind my neck to fix the collar of my shirt. The tips of my fingers skimmed the material of my black jeans, Lila clearing her throat.

"Yeah," she confirmed, "there's something I want you to experience."

I soon heard the soft rushing of water, Lila directing me to where she wanted me to stand. "Have you got a cent? I only have one."

I parted my lips, reaching into my back pocket and pulling out a cent. I held it up, a small smile adorning my face.


I clutched it in my hand, drawing my eyebrows close when she threw an arm over my shoulder, which may have been uncomfortable for her since she was shorter than me. "Y-you've got to come to my height a bit for this to work, Matthew."

"Right." I chuckled, bending my legs so that we were face to face; or cheek to cheek rather. I felt a drop of water hit my skin. A fountain?

"Now," she began, "have you ever heard of the phrase 'a penny for your thoughts'?"

"Lila," I snorted, shifting my feet slightly to accommodate the position I was in. "If you wanted to know what I was thinking, all you had to do was ask."

She clicked her tongue. "Just listen to the water, make a wish whilst rolling the coin in your hand then throw it into the water."

"Make a wish?"

"Yeah, it can be whatever you want."

Closing my eyes, I listened to the water, focusing on the drops and imagining what small ripples it would create. Submerging my fingertips in the water, I bit my bottom lip, saying my wish in my head whilst feeling the cold coin roll in my hand.

I wish for luck to be on my side this time, just this once.

Taking my hand out, I shook it forcefully, smiling softly. "Did you make a wish?" I tilted my head to where I heard her last, the water soothing my thoughts

"Yep," she replied, "but I'm not going to tell you."

"Is this something to do with the fact that if you tell me it won't come true?"

"Yes. I really want this wish to come true."

After she withdrew her arm from around my body, I straightened out my legs, hearing the sound of her coin hit the bottom of the fountain with a soft clang. "Do you do this often?"

"On occasion."

Focusing on the running water, I tried to imagine the clear liquid, feeling the last drops of water roll of my fingers. I breathed out of my nose softly, licking the corner of my lips. "Lila?" I called out, then gently biting the inside of my cheek. "Can I ask you a favour?"

"Go ahead."

"My mum's going to this art gallery later because one of her works are being put up and I'm going, but I'm meant to bring a plus one."

"And you want me to go with you." She interrupted, creating small butterflies that swarmed my stomach with little energy.

"W-well, just as friends. I mean, I don't really know any girls here except for you and Yasmine, and you're the only person I could think of."

"I'd love to."

"Great," I responded happily, taking my phone from my jacket pocket. "I-I'm going to need your number so I text you the details." My cheeks warmed slightly, Lila laughing beside me. I let the VoiceOver* tell me what I was doing, saving her number once she said it out loud, probably noticing that I was blushing.

"Aww," she cooed, rubbing my cheek with her thumb. "There's no need to blush."

I took hold of her wrist, my grin widening. "Like you don't blush," I joked, "you've probably blushed in my presence before and I wasn't able to see it."

She was silent for a while before I let out a laugh. "Are you blushing now?"

"Shut up, Matthew."


- L I L A -

"There you are, Matthew!" his mother, exclaimed as she approached us, smiling widely once she saw me standing beside her son.

"Here I am." Matthew replied.

He was dressed in a dark blue tux that looked sharp-looking, and well-fitted, joined with a slim black tie, the white dress shirt accentuating the muscles I didn't know he had.

No one could deny that Matthew was good looking, but he seemed even more handsome dressed like this.

"It's nice to see you again, Katherine." I stated, turning my attention to his parents in front of us who had a matching facial expression, which was of sly countenance.

"Likewise, Lila. I'm glad that you're accompanying Matthew tonight."

From my peripheral vision, I could see the small smile that crept onto his face. I turned my gaze to him fully, pressing my lips together before a man, who was probably his father, cleared his throat.

"Angus Lane, I'm Matthew's dad."

After a while of exchanging pleasantries, his parents left to go socialise with everyone else, Matthew holding a glass of sparkling lemonade. I stopped in front of a painting, intrigued by the beauty of it. At the bottom, I saw the initials K.L in cursive, my eyebrows raising slightly.

"Every piece of artwork has its own story to tell." Matthew spoke, his body close behind mine. One step backward from me would have my back touching his chest. His close proximity caused my heart to beat faster in my chest, my body stiffening slightly.

"What's the story behind your mother's?" I focused on the strokes of the paintbrush, the way it varied from strong to delicate.

"You'll have to ask her; do you know what she always tells me?"

I tilted my head over my shoulder, my breathing hitching when his minty breath that had the slight scent of lemonade fanned my forehead.

"If you want to fly like a butterfly, don't flap like a crow. She mainly used water colours and she said that the strokes have to be precise and exact."

Turning back around silently, I admired the artwork, ignoring his presence behind me. "It's very beautiful."

"Definitely. Art is very beautiful, in any shape or form. I can't admire this one, but I can admire music and art in its most complicated form; love."

He took a step back, the corner of his lips tugging upwards. "Do you prefer ketchup or mayonnaise?"

Remaining silent for a couple of seconds before I couldn't help but smile back, confused at the random change of subject. "Ketchup." I answered, exhaling a breath. "I can't stand mayonnaise."

"How do you feel about pick up lines?"

"Is this where you try a pick up line on me?" I asked, cringing at how flirty that sounded. Get a hold of yourself, Lila.

He laughed quietly, shrugging his shoulders. "I'll try one when I think of a good one."

"Why do I feel like it will be a good one?"

His smile widened into a boyish grin, his mouth emitting a short chuckle. "Because I'm just so damn amazing."


VoiceOver - speaks items on the screen, can be activated on settings.