| salted caramel and banana

It doesn't matter who hurt you or broke you down, what matters is the one who made you smile again.

- Unknown


- L I L A -

Yasmine jumped up the stairs, and sprinted towards me, her eyes wide as she screamed, forcibly sending me backwards when she hugged me.

We fell back onto the carpet, a broad smile adorning her face. "What was that for?" I laughed, knowing very well why she suddenly hugged me.

"You're dating Matthew!" she squealed, pushing herself of the ground, and lending me a hand. "I knew this was going to happen sooner or later, and now I'm 20$ richer!"

I surveyed her with cautious eyes, a slight smile etched on my face. "You bet on us?" I questioned, swiping my phone from the floor. "How were you even sure that we were going to start dating?"

She raised her eyebrows and provided me with a pointed look, my remark placing a slight quirk in my mouth. "Have you seen the way you two act around each other? Matthew doesn't stop smiling and you don't stop blushing."

Helena popped her head round the door, staring at me with amused green eyes. "There's a picture of you two on Instagram," she laughed, biting into her apple. "Everyone knew you guys were going to start dating eventually."

Yasmine plopped down onto my bed, running her hand through her curly dark hair, bringing out her phone and opening up Instagram. She rotated her phone further, allowing my eyes to scan the picture.

Matthew had lifted me in the air, a grin plastered on his face as my arms were around his neck. I registered it was from the night before, when we were slow dancing at Lorenzo's restaurant.

I released a breathy laugh, double tapping her screen with my index finger, and unplugging my phone from the charger before I picked up my wallet. "We're going to go now, are you coming with?" I directed my question to Helena, nodding when she shook her head.

"I'm going to help Dad decorate the Christmas tree."

She turned on her heel and bounded down the stairs, leaving us to follow in her pursuit before Yasmine and I stepped out of the house, a sad smile appearing on her face once we entered the car.

I examined her with a worried expression, seeing her fumble with her fingers. "Are you okay?" I interrupted the silence, starting up the engine and pulling out of the driveway.

She sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "I broke up with Greg."

My jaw unhinged and I glanced at her with uninhibited surprise. "What?" I responded, nonplussed with her confession. "Why? I thought you really liked him."

She leaned her head against the window, closing her eyes. "We were at a party on Thursday, and he kissed another girl," she mumbled weakly, her brown eyes glossing over with unshed tears. "He felt really bad after, and has been texting me nonstop over the last two days. I broke up with him after school yesterday."

At a red light, I reached over and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Yasmine."

She wiped under her eyes and turned to me with a frown. "I don't know whether I made the right decision," she admitted, sighing. "We were dating for 4 months and now it's just ended. What would you do?"

Quickly chancing a glance at her, my eyebrows creased at its own accord. "What do you mean?"

"What would you do if Matthew kissed another girl?" she clarified, exhaling deeply in an exhausted manner.

Remembering when Vanessa kissed Matthew, I understood what Yasmine was feeling, but had to remind myself that my situation was different. Matthew didn't want to kiss Vanessa, and he wasn't under the influence of alcohol. "I would try to hear him out," I answered, putting myself in Yasmine's shoes. "And if I felt we were better off not together, I wouldn't get back with him."

Yasmine stared at me with a weary expression, a fragile frown etched on her mouth. "I feel like the minute I see him, I'm going to give in. I don't want him to think what he did was okay."

"What he did isn't okay," I ingeminated, seeing the traffic light flash green. "Give it a few days before you talk to him; would you like me to be there?"

She instantly nodded, a tinge of appreciation appearing in her eyes. "I'm so glad you're my friend."


After Yasmine and I had finished shopping, I dropped her off at her house, making my way towards Matthew's. My hands were shaking and butterflies emerged in the pits of my stomach, hurling me into a state of nervousness. Yesterday didn't sink in until I was stood in front of him, seeing his lazy smile and unruly tufts of dark brown hair.

He dropped his white cane on the floor beside his feet, holding out his hand in front of him. He waited until my hand was in his to pull me flush against him. He grinned softly and brought his thumb up to trace my bottom lip, soon replacing it with his mouth. His arm snaked around my waist, his other hand cradling my jaw and fitting my lips to his with enough pressure to make me dizzy. "I've been wanting to do that all day," he panted gently, leaning his forehead against mine. "Hi."

Gathering my senses, I opened my eyes and stared into his cloudy ones. "Hey," I breathed, sliding my hands around the curve of his neck and caressing his cheek with my thumb.

He then laced our fingers together, leading me inside, and shutting the door with the back of his foot. Toby was fast asleep as Matthew took a seat on the couch, his hand searching for the remote before he switched the TV off, smiling sheepishly at me. "I like listening to the shows when I don't have anything to do," he explained, playing with my fingertips. "Most of the time, I have audio description on."

Nodding, I pulled out a tub of Ben & Jerry's. "I bought the ice cream," I grinned, taking out his favourite flavour.

He smiled boyishly and gestured to the kitchen. "Could you get some spoons? It's in the drawer under the microwave."

Nodding, I pushed myself off the couch, and retrieved the spoons, placing one in Matthew's hand. Mumbling a 'thank you', he leaned forward slightly and pecked my lips.

Digging into my ice cream, I chewed on the chocolate chip, staring at Matthew with a soft smile. He licked the spoon, turning to me. "Lila," he chuckled, crossing one leg underneath his body. "Have I got something on my face?"

"Wh-what?" I responded incredulously, noting that this was the second time he knew I was staring at him. "It's like you have a sixth sense."

Wedging the spoon in his ice cream tub, he placed it on the floor, smirking as he rolled his eyes playfully. "No," he shook his head, shrugging. "I just know you look at me a lot. I mean, you did say I was good looking."

Feeling warmth flood my cheeks, I huffed out a sigh, watching his smirk widen. "And now, you're probably blushing, like you always do."

A sense of déjà vu hit me as I stared at his face. "Shut up, Matthew."

He threw his head back, laughing loudly. "See, I know you pretty well."

I was silent for a moment before I moved towards him and planted a kiss on his lips. His facial expression sobered almost instantly as he pulled me back to him, unfolding his legs. He threaded his hand through my hair, surprisingly lifting me onto his lap.

The butterflies swarmed my stomach, Matthew laughing mid-kiss. "Your stomach's grumbling," he giggled, his hands moving to my waist. "Do you want some food?"

"Shh." I replied, caressing his cheeks with my hands before I dipped my head, kissing him again. He happily obliged, returning the kiss.

All of a sudden, my phone rang in my pocket, Matthew pulling away from me with a sigh. Seeing the caller ID, I wondered why he was calling me, picking up. "What?" I was slightly breathless, Matthew's thumb rubbing circles on my hip.

"I need your help."

"Uh," Refraining from saying his name, I came up with an excuse. "I'm kind of busy right now."

Matthew chuckled and placed butterfly kisses on my jaw.

"Please," he begged, desperation lacing his tone. "My car needs a jumpstart, and my parents are at work."

Resting my forehead on Matthew's, he leaned up and pecked my lips innocently. "Okay, I'll be there in like an hour, two tops."

Hanging up, I shoved my phone back in my pocket, seeing a frown pull at Matthew's lips. "That was Isaac, wasn't it?" he asked, removing his hands from my waist as an awkward silence drifted upon us.

He took my silence as confirmation, standing up and wrapping an arm around my waist before he placed me on my feet, ruffling his hair with a loose hand. "You're friends with him?"

"No," I answered, frowning. "He said his car broke down, he just wants my help."

"He can call an automobile service, Lila. You don't owe him any favours."

Noticing how upset he was, I stepped towards him and hugged him. "I'm not going to go," I announced, pulling back and seeing his insecure expression. Cradling his jaw, I stared into his eyes. "You're my boyfriend, Matthew. You're my main priority right now, not him."

He closed his eyes and took breaths in and out, linking his arms at my torso. "I just don't want to lose you, Lila." He declared, his heartbeat quickening once I rested my ear flat against his chest. "Especially not to Isaac, I'm not going to be able to handle the heartbreak if I do."

The vulnerability rolled off him in waves as he ran his hand through my hair. "You're not going to lose me, Matthew." I reassured, mumbling against his flannel-clad chest. "You mean a whole lot more to me."

Adorning his face was a small smile, the sincerity in my voice causing a blush to cover his cheeks. He tilted his head down and delicately pressed his lips to my forehead. He groaned quietly under his breath, and kissed the bridge of my nose next. "Just don't break my heart."

He hugged me to his chest, sighing. My arms were around his waist as we remained in that position for a while. It was only until my phone vibrated again, that we broke apart, Matthew's jaw tightening when I let it ring.

"Aren't you going to answer that?"

Cutting the call off, I switched my phone off and dropped it into my back pocket. "No," I answered, my fingertips lightly tracing the shape of his jaw. "Because I'm spending time with you."

I understood Matthew's weariness about Isaac, seeing as he was the guy Vanessa cheated on him with, and if I put Isaac first, our relationship would practically be doomed from the start.

Reaching for his hand, I squeezed it in reassurance, and brought it up to my mouth, placing a kiss on his slightly calloused palm. "I only want you."


Taking my head in his hands, he lifted his chin and kissed my forehead, smiling softly. "Call me when you get home, okay?" he mumbled into my hair, untangling his arms from around my body.


As I plopped down onto the driver's seat, I watched Matthew retreat back into his house, shutting the door before I started up my car and began the short journey home.

But, once my phone screen lit up, I quickly glanced at it in the passenger seat, slowing down and scooping it into my hand.

Checking the time, I winced slightly and pulled over, a tired sigh slipping past my lips. "This guy." I muttered under my breath, refraining from rolling my eyes at his next text.

Seeing his name pop up on my screen, I picked up the call, holding it to my ear whilst chewing on my bottom lip.

"Lila, please." I listened to his voice to find any traces of tipsiness. Coming to the conclusion that he was completely sober, I allowed him to continue. "Look, I just want to talk to you, nothing is going to happen."

"I'll be there in five."

Pulling up to his drive, his blue eyes almost replicated ones of a husky, his legs straightening out as he stood from the steps. He awkwardly shoved his hands in the pockets of his shorts, looking at me with sunken eyes as I was situated in front of him.

"I'm happy that you're happy." He murmured, his gaze wavering before he tore his eyes away from me, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip.

The corners of my mouth lifted up into a small smile, my eyes focused solely on Isaac. "Where are you going with this Isaac?" I inquired, my voice soft and quiet.

"I know I don't deserve you, Lila," he started, his eyebrows flickering for a moment. "And I know that if we're ever going to be friends, I need to say this."

"Isaac." I replied, my heart constricting at the crack in his voice. "Please don't get emotional."

He rocked on the balls of his feet, squarely meeting my gaze. "This is my way of getting over you, Lila. Just listen." Taking my silence as a cue to continue, he sniffed. "I know you'll never love me like I love you, and I'm coming to terms with that. I have made a lot of mistakes with Matthew - I know that, I regret a lot of things, but the one thing I regret with you, is not telling you how I felt about you earlier."

"Isaac." I repeated, frowning clearly.

He held up his hand and shook his head. "I'm a horrible person." His eyes misted over with unshed tears, his blonde hair messily perched on his head. "And I wouldn't want you to be with a person like me. Matthew's everything I'm not; he's kind, he's caring, he's everything you deserve."

He moved towards me and took my hand, placing it flat against his heart. "I love you with all my heart."

My heart sunk at his broken expression, his bottom lip trembling as he released a shaky breath. "Isaac, please."

"I want to be your friend, Lila. Nothing more, nothing less. Just allow me to have closure."

"Isaac, I don't want you to feel like this. I don't want to be the reason you're hurting." I pleaded, looking up at him with wide eyes, my wrist falling from his grasp.

"You don't love me, Lila," he humourlessly chuckled, swiftly wiping his eyes. "I think for a while, you are going to be the reason of my pain." His eyes softened at my expression, his hand pressing against my cheek.

I frowned at his wistful smile, opening my mouth to speak. "God, Matthew's so lucky," he whispered, his eyes closing for a moment. "You're so beautiful."

When he began to lean forward, my heart pounded against my chest, my eyes widening immensely. I made a move to push him away from me, my breaths quickening.

His pulled me to his chest, ducking his head and hugging me tightly. I instantly calmed, my arms limp at my sides. "Lila, hug me back."

Gingerly, my arms wrapped around his body, my nose against his shoulder as his head was tucked in the crooked of my neck. "I'm sorry, Isaac." I apologised, lifting my head up to face him.

He smiled silently, and exhaled a deep breath, removing his arms from around me. "I'm sorry, too."

All I could've ever wished for was for everything to work out okay.