five » I’m trying to kiss you



In which Sebastian forgets for just one night.


SEBASTIAN GAVE ME A WEAK SMILE as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, a small cough falling from his lips. It seemed that his cold was getting worse and as I ran a hand through my hair, I frowned. He was sprawled across his sofa, shirtless with only shorts covering his body, and despite his sick state, he still looked amazing.

"Good morning."

Crouching in front of him, I placed the back of my hand to his forehead. "Have you eaten yet?"

Sebastian shook his head, sniffing. "You go to work, I'll order something."

I quickly checked the time. I had just more than an hour to get to work, and suddenly I was grateful that I decided to wake up extra early. Shaking my head, I stood up. "I have time to make you something."

"Mira." He groaned, shutting his eyes. "You don't need to look after me. I'll be fine, just go get ready for work."

"Stop protesting, Sebastian. You're sick and I know you don't have enough energy to get up and order yourself food."

After Sebastian realised that it was no good arguing with me, I made my way to his kitchen and scanned all the ingredients he had. Deciding to make a chicken noodle soup, I busied myself in the kitchen doing what I loved most as Sebastian made a call to his dad so he could fill in for him.

Pouring some soup into a bowl, I brought it to Sebastian, seeing him stretch out his limbs. "That smells so good." Sebastian murmured, sitting up as I placed his bowl in front of him.

He gave me a thankful smile, reaching for the bowl before he recoiled at how hot it was. Smiling sheepishly, I placed the cloth I used to carry the bowl on the table.

I tried not to stare at his abs as he slowly stretched, a muffled groan sounding through the air. Releasing a small chuckle, I smiled when he opened his eyes and gave me a curious look.


I shook my head. "Nothing. I'm going to go now. Will I see you later?"

Sebastian nodded as he blew on his spoonful of soup. "I'll call you." When I gathered my things and headed towards the door, Sebastian's voice stopped me. "Thank you for the soup. I really appreciate it."

When I headed downstairs, George seemed like he was patiently waiting for someone, and that was confirmed when he gave me a smile and opened the door for me. "I'm your driver for today."

George was a tall man with olive skin and had little signs that gave away his age. Deciding to spark up a conversation once he began driving me to the restaurant, he gave me a slightly surprised look that I was taking an interest in him.

"Sebastian said you have a daughter, what's her name?"

A smile broke out on his face as his green eyes briefly met mine through the mirror. "Ayanna." At a red light, he reached into his wallet and pulled out a picture of her.

I took it between my fingertips, staring down at the young girl who seemed no younger than 5 years old. She had George's green eyes, but her face was paler than his.

"She's beautiful," I commented as I passed the picture back.

George had a look of pride on his face as he started the car up again. "She has a ballet recital in a few weeks." He laughed momentarily. "Sebastian is the reason she started ballet."

"Really?" I questioned. "How?"

Admiration flitted past his features. "When Ayanna was born, she was really sick and Sebastian was at the hospital at the time, and came to talk to me. I had recently lost my job and was struggling to provide for my girlfriend and her, and that's when Sebastian offered me a job as his driver. Before I got my first paycheck, he took care of everything and has been in our lives ever since. He's actually her godfather and paid for her classes when I was paying for my wedding."

I couldn't help the wide grin that climbed its way onto my face at the thought of Sebastian's big heart. He seemed to have it all; the kindness and the good looks. Well, the money as well, but his wealth didn't change my opinion of him. From what George told me, I could see that he used his money for good.

Once the car stopped, I gave him a warm smile. "Have a good day, George."

"You too, Ms Casey."

I laughed momentarily as I climbed out of the car before bending to meet his eyes. "You can call me Mira."

He rendered me with a nod and another smile before I closed the car door. The restaurant stood in front of me, and I grinned, eager to start my shift.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

As soon as I opened the door to my apartment, I was met with the sight of Ada, and two people I didn't think I would see any time soon. I grinned once my eyes met those of my old roommate, Nate. His girlfriend was seated beside him, and I regarded her with the same facial expression. "Hello, strangers." I set my keys down, and gladly accepted the hug Nate gave me.

Kayla gave me a warm smile from where she was. When I noticed that they were all dressed up, a look of mock hurt overtook my features.

"You were going to go clubbing without me?"

Ada rolled her eyes, clearly catching onto my act. "We were waiting for you, now go get ready because I will literally fall asleep if I have to sit here and watch that," she pointed to the TV, which displayed a wildlife documentary. "For another half hour."

I dropped my bag down and smiled in her direction. "I'll try to be quick."

Within an hour, I was dressed in an outfit that I hoped would gain me some attention. After Nate had moved in with Kayla, we stopped our friendship with benefits, and I was certainly feeling the results now.

Truthfully, my mind was solely focused on Sebastian, but if he only saw me as a friend, there was nothing I could do. I didn't want to seem desperate by trying to get closer to him and I needed the cuddle pact.

"Oh," Ada gained my attention, throwing me a coquettish grin. "Sebastian is coming out with us tonight."

I stopped walking behind them to the door and gave her a questioning glance. "What, why?"

"He's getting us into the club, and besides, he said you'd want to be with him tonight, anyways."

Well, he wasn't wrong.

I gulped and nodded with a small smile I had trouble containing. "Okay."

Once I saw Sebastian, I was suddenly hit with a need to get some alcohol in my system. The last time we were in a club together, it had ended with a hot kiss, and me leaving the club with him since cameras were hounding me.

I hoped there wouldn't be a repeat of that as he caught my gaze since he was standing at the club entrance, next to the bouncer. His eyes scanned my outfit and he slowly licked his lips.

Frankly, he looked absolutely mouthwatering and I found myself just appreciating his look. Under the club light, his brown eyes looked vibrant and I could tell that my chicken soup had helped him immensely.

"What happened to your cold?"

He led all four of us into the club, and I realised my friends separated from us as Sebastian hooked onto my hand, keeping me with him. "It was a food allergy, I feel much better now, though." He shouted over the club music, taking me to the bar.

"What do you want to drink?"

"I'll have a tequila shot."

Sebastian paid for our drinks and we were there for two minutes, about to spark a conversation when a guy approached me. He asked to dance and I found myself looking to Sebastian as if I needed his permission.

It only took me a moment to realise what my intentions for coming out tonight were, and since I knew Sebastian, without a doubt, would not entertain them, I placed my drink down smiling at the good looking guy. "Sure!"

He took my hand and glanced at Sebastian. "You mind, man?"

Sebastian stared at the man blankly. "Go ahead." He answered, tipping his head back as he downed the rest of his drink before going onto mine.

My mind wasn't really with the guy I was dancing with since I couldn't take my eyes off Sebastian. He had ordered another drink and seemed to ignore the people who attempted to flirt with him.

Once the song changed to another one, I didn't bother saying a word to the man, departing with a barely-there smile. I headed straight back for Sebastian, grasping his hand when he placed his shot glass down.

"I want to dance with you before you get too drunk," I spoke into his ear so I didn't have to shout, a grin gracing my features when he slid off the stool, following me into the crowd.

This time, I was actually interested and pressed my body into his when his hands tightly gripped my hips. My back was against his chest and I felt my head drop back onto his shoulder. Despite being that close to him for the cuddle pact, something about the way our bodies were touching felt different to me. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I actually had a crush on him.

He was incredibly gorgeous and I learnt that he had an amazing personality, which was the root cause of me having feelings for him.

What happened next surprised me and my gasp was lost in the air as his lips pressed against my neck. I was thrown into a daze when his hand curled around the column of my neck, tilting my head so he could slant his lips over mine.

My heart began to race and without Sebastian's hold on me, I would've stumbled in shock. It took slight pressure from him to bring me back before I began responding.

He's drunk.

Given that we were both drunk, I was soberer than he was and at the thought that he wouldn't be kissing me if he was sober, I pulled away slightly. And when he tried to bring my lips to his again, I finally opened my eyes, meeting his dark sienna eyes.

"The cameras." I blurted out, seeing him blink a few times before it seemed that he had gathered his senses again.

All was forgotten when we began dancing again as I closed my eyes, repeating his words from the day before.

What are friends for?

Once we were maxed out, I felt Sebastian's hand slip into mine as he took me to a secluded area of the club, most likely being the VIP area.

There was a lack of people here, and I found my heart beating faster when he coaxed me into his lap. "What are you doing?"

His hand moved to my cheek as he closed the distance between us. "I'm trying to kiss you."

I hooked my hand around his wrist, pulling his hand away as I gave him a confused look. "Why? Kissing leads to things you don't want."

Sighing, Sebastian pulled back and ordered drinks for us. Minutes later, I was desperate for them, trying to calm my nerves since I was still situated on his lap. He hadn't pushed me off, and by the way his arm was around my waist, I knew I couldn't move even if I wanted to.

Tossing three shots back to back, I found Sebastian watching me when I tilted my head to face him. His eyes gleamed and a smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. "You know my lips aren't willing to kiss themselves."


"Kiss me." He demanded, his gaze not wavering from mine when he repeated himself. "Kiss me, Mira."

A beat of silence passed before his lips swallowed down any protests that were about to fall from my mouth. He kissed me squarely, his fingertips weaving into my hair as he lightly tugged at it, making me gasp moments before his tongue met mine. All I could taste was the first drink he ordered and in the second my eyes opened, I almost didn't register his untouched drinks.

Thinking that this would probably be the last time I would be able to kiss him, my hands were pressed against his chest, but not to push him away. Gripping his shirt, I wiggled closer to him.

When he groaned into my mouth, I was brought back to my senses when I felt something hard against my thigh.

Kissing Sebastian was one thing, but having sex with him was a definite no. Sex with someone I had a crush on would lead to me developing more serious feelings and if that happened, I would have to stop the cuddle pact because I wouldn't be able to handle being so close to him. And if the cuddle pact stopped, I wouldn't be able to sleep.

See, one kiss could lead to something catastrophic.

But drunk Mira didn't think like sober Mira did and the rest of the night was a blur, ending in torn clothes and cuddling that I wasn't sure ended in just cuddling.