Xiao Fang wasn't sleepy at all on a deep night. He was sitting in Zhang Feijian's rented apartment and was looking at his sleeping friend. When he finally turned around, he looked out the window, at the bright moonlight. Xiao Fan stretched his neck, he heard the crunch of bones, and his mouth corners rose, revealing a sinister smile.
In the World Sit everyone who knew Xiao Fan, knew that when Xiao Fan does this, it means only one thing: the flame of anger in his heart has reached an extreme degree.
And after this ritual, one could safely expect cruel murders, destruction and deadly battles, full of bloody and fierce retribution. This was the result of the insult to the name of the Demonic Emperor Xiao Fan.
And if anyone has seen Xiao Fan in this state, in spite of everything, he better do only one thing: shut up and run - run as soon as possible! Run as far as possible, without looking back, without hesitation and without trying to fight back. Because the price of resistance was the only one... Was death!
Xiao Fan got up and left a note to Zhang Feian, then carefully opened the door and quickly disappeared in the night.
A nightclub for party lovers
"Hey, lonely beauty!"
"Pretty lady, how about a drink?"
"Pretty lady, what do you want to drink? It's your treat!"
Deafening music, crowds of people, bright flashes of light... Typical nightclub scene.
Inside the dark corner, a skinny young man with a distinctly alcoholic intoxication and a young girl with a pretty face and curly hair in euphoria kissed passionately. At that moment the pale young man's hands had already penetrated under the girl's skirt and were shamelessly sleeping from side to side.
A few more girls and boys were sitting next to them and drinking. As soon as one of the guys noticed the actions of his slutty buddy, he said with a smile: "Sun Haizhou, can't you do the last days of two months of abstinence?"
"I'm going crazy!" - strained through the teeth of Sun Haizhou.
"Ha-ha-ha!" - the whole crowd immediately tanned.
"Shit!" - Sun Haizhou was different from the curly girl and looked at his company irritably.
"What's so funny? That little bastard Zhang, he's a nobody, and now I've been banned from fucking for two months! Don't let him get caught in front of me, or I'll play with his girlfriend again!"
"His girlfriend is already dead after your games, how are you going to play with her?" - said a short girl, smiling.
"I just want to fuck another girl, and I'll do it!" - Sun Haizhou took a glass of wine from the table and knocked it over, then banged an empty glass on the table and his eyes turned red.
"Just dare you tell that father again! "Dare you dare! "Once again, I'll go to their place, and my name is no longer Sun!"
"Ha-ha-ha!" - A group of guys and girls are laughing again...
"Ah, jerk Zhang, your friend was really good!" - Sun Haizhou licked his lips and his eyes were filled with blood.
"Enough, water and a quiet place! Heh-heh, and yes, at the time, I swear I wasn't going to kill her - on the contrary, I was trying to bring her back to life to play again. And as a result, my two friends Bai Yoo and Lin Yuichen killed her, damn it, now I'm really sorry about that!"
"Heh heh, young Master Sun is great!" - said with a smile, the fat little guy.
"But the coolest thing was letting that jerk look at it, Ha-ha-ha-ha!"
Sun Haizhou laughed again.
"To make him watch us fuck his girlfriend. It was really exciting! It was really awesome! "
"Damn it, everybody shut up! And you, go to the bathroom!" - said Sun Haizhou, then he pulled a pretty curly girl and took her to the toilet with a real knife and a gun.
"You can't do it today, young Master Sun!"
The curly girl behaved quite impertinently with Sun Haizhou. She smiled and got up.
"If so, don't call me Sunam if I come here to have fun again! My feet won't be here anymore!" - Sun Haizhou woke up, got up and showed himself between his legs.
"You keep saying that, but it ends in three minutes!" - a curly girl snorting at Sun Haizhou's crotch.
"Don't talk nonsense, girl, or I'll kill you!" - Sun Haizhou screamed and dragged the girl to the bathroom.
"Come on, young Mr. Sun, it's a safe day for Lily, you don't have to wear protection!" - a short girl shouted loudly from behind Sun Hizhou's back.
"When I come back, I'll rip your bread!" - the curly girl looked back at her friend who turned her in.
"Ha-ha-ha!" - everyone around again laughed.
As soon as Sun Haizhou and the girl came out, Xiao Fan, too, went up nearby and followed them. He took a cigarette and slowly entered the toilet.
Xiao Fan got basic information from Zhang Feyang about those three drunk young men. The other two drunken young men were sent to foreign countries to escape punishment. At present, only Sun Haizhou was still in the country.
Xiao Fang chased Sun Haizhou and his parents at their home for three days. And tonight, Xiao Fang finally decided to start his retaliation.
At that time, Xiao Fang's face and appearance changed completely. Although his current strength was reduced to a minimum, but the control over muscles and bones remained with him, so now Xiao Fan was fully prepared. He was already a different person.
When Xiao Fan looked at Sun Haizhou who entered the toilet, he smiled a little, but it wasn't a warm welcoming smile, but the smile that made the blood shrivel in his veins...
"Ah, ah, ah, ooh!"
The left and right cabins emitted screams of girls and heavy sighs of men, left Sun Haizhou and the girl, right another pair.
Xiao Fang, bored, quietly waiting for Sun Haizhou to finish.
It took only three minutes for Sun Haizhou to blush, suddenly took a sigh of the throat and, straining his whole body, soaked and piled on his partner.
"As always, it only took three minutes!" - The curly girl was very unhappy. She pushed Sun Haizhou away and looked at him with contempt. Then she took the paper towel out of her own bag and started wiping sweat and other body fluids off herself.
Soon the curly girl finished with this and dressed carefully, she no longer paid attention to Sun Haizhou and immediately left the toilet, leaving Sun Haizhou to sit on the toilet and breathe heavily.
Xiao Fan also got up, opened the toilet door and went to Sun Haizhou. In amazed eyes, Sun Haizhou Xiao Fan struck him in the throat with one hand and the other in the temple, without further explanation. Sun Haizhou fainted instantly.
"Heh!" - Xiao Fang smiled coldly.