Chapter 41.

"First bidder, two million eight hundred thousand, bid winner number thirty-two, our congratulations."

"Second bidder, five million three hundred thousand, winner number twenty-two, congratulations!"

"The third contestant, one million two hundred and twenty thousand, the winner's number eighty-nine, congratulations!"


"Fifty-eighth participant, four million, number one hundred and thirty-two, congratulations!"


"Sixty-eight contestants, six million, number one hundred and thirty-two, congratulations!"

After hearing these two voices, the skinny old man shook his head at the same moment. Xiao Fang couldn't hold back his smile either.

It's out!

Still, the bidders didn't stop arguing about what the light was on.

"Oh, yeah... The price was so high... Did you fall off the oak tree?"

"I said four lemons, and they didn't put it up!"

"So what kind of creature intervened? If I find out who it is, I won't let it go!"

At the same time.

To the left of those three who were with Xiao Fang, there was a rumble of voices full of anger. He interrupted a speech from the podium where the bidding was announced. Everyone turned around and looked around, asking, "My wallet, my wallet... "Who? Who stole my wallet?"

Immediately after those words, a gallery started on the second floor of the mansion.

"Who the fuck stole my wallet? Show yourselves!"

The victim was a big baby. He was towering over people's heads and looking at the perp with a scary look.

"What is it?"

Yin Yi Yu immediately frowned, took the rest of the Stone Association managers with the guards, hurried down from the podium and stopped for a while to address people.

"Organizers, what do you do? How did the thief get in here? Everybody chewed, wasn't it before? А?" - The big guy was pissed off to the limit. He didn't take his eyes off Yin Yi Yu and the others coming down the podium.

"I'm sorry, it's our fault, but please don't worry. You and I will come to a reasonable and satisfactory agreement," Yin Yi Yu said indifferently, looking at the big guy with a perfectly calm look.

"It's good to do this, or else..." - ...the child drowsy by squeezing her fists for no reason...

"Come to stay on the second floor. "No one should leave this place yet. The opening of the bidding is temporarily delayed. And we need the security tapes. This thief must be taken for sure!" - calmly gave the order to Yin Yi Yu.


After receiving the order, some of the superintendents and guards standing by Yin Yi Yu rushed to execute it. The exits of the hall were blocked. A preliminary investigation has begun. It was necessary to establish whether the thief could keep the stolen thing with him or hid his wallet in a secluded corner.

But people started screaming. Some of them didn't hide their resentment anymore.

"Hey! We're not thieves! By what right do you restrict our freedom?"

"Well, listen, you better not disturb me. If there's anything wrong, you'll answer for yourself!"

"I'll see if you're tired of living... "Come on, risk doing something to us!"

Yin Yi Yu took the megaphone, and the hall was blown up:

"Gentlemen, stay calm. We categorically do not tolerate aggressive attacks. Just keep quiet for a few minutes, that's all. As a compensation, we can cede ten or twenty percent of the offer price and make an extra gift. So if you'll excuse us."

On hearing what Yin Yi Yu said, people immediately froze in silence. Waiting for the results, the guests started whispering.

For a few minutes, they drove around with their eyes.

The security guard in charge of the search separated himself from the others. Approaching Yin Yi Yu, he shook his head, saying that there was no wallet in the whole room, so the thief must have taken it with him.

Almost at the same time, one guard, whose facial expressions could not be recognized, a bullet flew into the room to quietly inform Yin Yi Yu something. The girl instantly changed her face.

Then it was visible only how Yin Yi Yu immediately turned her head, cast a fierce look at one of the stewards behind her, and transferred his gaze on the other steward, giving him a brief order, then quickly approached the wizard and spoke as tactfully as possible:

"Sorry, because our employees were fired, one of the second floor security cameras wasn't working. You and those around you didn't make it to the frame, so we need your help now."

"Please remember, before you lost your wallet, what kind of people were standing next to you?" - continued Yin Yi Yu.

"As soon as you point them out, we can narrow it down and I think we'll find the person who stole your wallet faster."

"Probably just how do I remember exactly who was standing next to you if I didn't notice?" -" replied the big guy, thinking a little.

"It doesn't matter. If you remember, say so!"

"I remember him, him, him, and these others were standing next to me too!" - The giant waved in the direction of the trinity led by Xiao Fang and a few other people, unrelated...

Except for Xiao Fan, those who were pointed at, one by one, changed their faces.

Everyone in the huge hall suspected the other of stealing, mortally afraid that the face would give him away. And all the more so in this high society environment.

"Sorry, sorry to disturb you!"

Several guards took a step forward without delay and addressed Xiao Fan and others standing nearby with the greatest courtesy.

"Now, please get what you've got."


Those who had nothing to do with Xiao Fan's trio continued to grumble disapprovingly. Their foreheads were swollen and their faces were filled with indescribable anger.

However, each of them did not feel at ease either. They were perfectly aware of the inner cuisine and the possibilities of the Stone Game Association, so that no one dared to speak on the spot openly condemning what was happening. If you quarrel with the leadership of the Association, do not expect anything good, you will not be called next year.

And besides, there's so many people watching around... If you refuse, they'll consider you negligent at the moment and then stick a shameful label for thief.

So it remains only with a gloomy face to suppress the anger in yourself and under the gaze of others to get everything that lies with you.

Zhang Feyang and the skinny old man were not happy either, but they understood: if you do not show what you have on you, they will consider a thief. The logic is simple. If you don't want to get hurt instead of a criminal, you'll have to submit to a test. That's why they were very reluctant to get those two everything they had with them, even though their faces were blacker than a cloud.

Only Xiao Fang is left. He stood there without moving.

In fact, he used to hide things in his ring instead of carrying them with him. Now Xiao Fan did not have a ring, and the thought of carrying something important, he did not have. So at that moment, he was completely clean.

"Your stuff..." - With his eyebrows moved, Xiao Fanya was dumped by a security guard, a second earlier estimating that the guy wasn't running anywhere.

"I have nothing." - shoved Xiao Fan's head.

"Nothing?" - the guard suddenly froze, but then he doubted.

"It's unlikely that someone carries anything?"

"You don't believe it, so don't." - quietly cut off Xiao Fang.

"Xiao Fan, you must get something out!" - threw Yin Yu on the move, angry looking at him.

"I've got nothing on me, really!" - Xiao Fang responded with extraordinary calm, still shaking his head.

"I think it's clear to everyone what kind of 'thing' is in front of him that he doesn't want to pull out?" - Suddenly, a cold smile was heard in the crowd.

That was Zhang Qingyun.

The edge of Xiao Fan's eye caught Zhang in the crowd, seeing for a moment the evil eye of the enemy, and then said exactly the same unusually calm tone:

"Yin Yi Yu, believe it or not, I really have nothing with me!"