Seeing that the thief was finally caught, Yin Yi Yu immediately calmed down. She turned to people and spoke loudly: "Friends, the main responsibility for today's event lies with the organizers of the Stone Game meeting. It's our fault that we didn't do our best. I apologize to you."
Having agreed, Yin Yi Yu bowed, expressing her regret.
Then she straightened up and continued saying, "I'll make it up to you. All previous promised discounts of 10 and 20 percent and other gifts are still valid. In addition, everyone here will receive thousands of joys on our mansion's VIP card. Using this card, you can come and rest there anytime during the year.
On hearing Yin Yi Yu's offer of compensation, the anger of the people in the square almost vanished. Attendees one by one began to laugh and shout, "Bravo!", "Well said!"
They did not suffer any damage in the beginning, except for the fact that they had to watch the whole scene for a while. But they weren't affected, and when they were compensated, they were more than satisfied at all.
In addition, because of the number of people, all the seats were taken. So the Yin Yi Yu family had to stand behind her. The fact that they didn't go down to people demanded compensation, too. In the end, it was the family's mistake to come down and apologize to calm the dissatisfied people. The Yin family shouldn't have faced such an insult. Otherwise, the older generation of the family would want to die after this.
"Let's continue the bidding now!"
Yin Yi Yu raised her hand to signal that the bidding is starting again.
"All present!"
Yin Yi Yu looked again at Xiao Fan, who was forced to pull things out of the bag for inspection. She bowed once again and said nothing with regret: "Today's events are my fault, here and now I want to apologize to everyone"!
"I'm sorry", Yin Yi Yu said in a very solemn way.
"I'm sorry," said several leaders of the Stone Game Assembly, bending down one by one in a bow.
When they saw Yin Yi Yu and the Stone leaders bowing to each other and apologizing, they were bored. One man even sniffed his nose loudly.
For them, the events that had just happened were a kind of mockery and insult. They wanted fun, but began to suspect that they had chosen a completely inappropriate place.
"I didn't even think everyone could forgive me so quickly, but I have one more little thing I want to give you. Everyone please calm down for a moment, forgive my mistake."
As soon as Yin Yi Yu raised her hand, her secretary immediately gave her a bundle, from where she got the silver shining business cards. Then she asked her secretary to give them to Xiao Fan and others in turn.
"This is the silver business card of our Yin family. Everyone knows what it means. From now on and for the next three years, if you are in a desperate situation or have some difficult need, you can use this business card to seek help from the Yin family.
"Only I will ask that your future requests do not harm the interests of our family in any way. We promise that we will try our best to help you fulfill your request." Although Yin Yi Yu pronounced it in cold blood, her tone was full of confidence and pride.
When she saw these silver business cards, envy froze on the faces of all the people standing nearby. The Yin family is one of the five richest families in China and the world. It's impossible to imagine how many resources they have.
Yin silver business cards are equivalent to a credit of trust, moreover, until now Yin silver business cards have always helped to fulfill a variety of requests, with the exception of a few people whose difficulties were too great or affected the interests of the Yin family.
In today's high society in China, the Yin business cards are the object of universal desire and also a symbol of social status.
If you have a silver card, then when difficulties arise, the Yin family will always offer a helping hand. This is the most expensive. People's just experienced frustration was worth it.
"Well, well, well, Mrs. Yin, you are so polite."
Everybody who came in with these cards changed their anger to wild delight. Except for three people along with Xiao Fan.
Yin Yi Fan smiled a little and laughed a little, watching how people with special care accept the business cards and hide them close to the body.
That's all!
Seeing how Xiao Fan's company did not reach out to get a silver business card from the secretary, Yin Yi Yun immediately raised her eyebrows, asking: "Don't you need it?"
"We don't need it, you can take it back, thank you very much"! - Xiao Fang said quietly.
"Xiao Fan, are you not happy that I gave so little?" - Yin Yi Yu asked, "Or are you still mad at me?"
"None of it," Xiao Fan shook his head a little and said: "I just don't think I want this thing, that's all."
"I guess you're still mad at me!" - said Yin Yi Yu nodding her head, "Okay, then tell me what you want. For you, I'll do everything I can."
"You've got it wrong!" - Xiao Fang was still shaking his head and smiling a little and said: "I'm not angry at all, but I really don't need this thing, it's useless to me."
"You don't want it? It's useless?" - Yin Yi Yu barely contained herself from laughing. Then she said, "You'd better take it. Even though we've known each other for a long time, you may not know my family very well, you don't even know how important this map is."
"Did you know that a lot of people were eager to get our family card, they went through all the ways but couldn't get it. And today a great case fell right into your hands, you should appreciate it."
"Sorry, I really don't need it!" - said Xiao Fang, still shaking his head.
"You're the same as five years ago!" - Said Yin Yi Yu, staring into Xiao Fan's eyes.
Xiao Fan smiled a little, but never answered.
"Okay, but if you want to get our silver card later, it won't be that easy, I hope you won't regret it," said Yin Yi Yu indifferently, looking Xiao Fan in the eyes.
"I won't", said Xiao Fan calmly.
"Take it away", Yin Yi Yu told her secretary by turning her head.
"As soon as I have time, I invite you to have tea," said Yin Yi Yu, turning her head to Xiao Fan again.
"We'll see about the circumstances," said Xiao Fan.
"Okay", Yin Yi Yu said indifferently, "I still have things to do, I'm not bothering you anymore with my services".
"Okay, bye."
Yin Yi Yu turned around and left with other people.
"Leaving, we've already won the tender, pay for the things we take and leave!" - Xiao Fang took a quick look at Yin Yi Yu, sighed a little, shook his head, and turned to leave too.
The petty and skinny old monk and Zhang Feijian kept up with him.